Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hi there everyone! Man, wow it sounds like you've had a pretty crazy week-- 3 or 4 tornadoes???!?!?! That's crazy! The last time I remember there being even a tornado warning was when I was a dinky little kid, thats insane! And it sounds like some of them were really close to our house! Man, wowsers. I'm really impressed as well with how Eli handled it all, it sounds like he's just going forward in leaps and bounds. He's graduating from 8th grade, oh my gosh! He's going to be in high school, that's so weird! Oh yeah, and I wanted to let the Bradleys and the Landermans know that I got there Easter package last week at zone conference. I cannot believe that Sara is graduating from high school, that's so ridiculous. Everyone's growing up! 

Well, Allyson's birthday party sounds like it was fun! Happy Birthday Ally!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was cool to hear about Elden and his wife, of course I remember him, he's a really cool guy. And the kittens!! Oh my goodness you have to send me pictures! Thanks a lot for your words of encouragement and support mom and dad. You always manage to tell me exactly what I need to hear. Thanks for the tip about the manuals dad. When I was with Elder Schanck he had to refer to that a lot for how to run the branch. The only sad thing is that the Romanian priesthood leadership has pretty limited access to the manuals because they're not translated into Romanian yet. 

So a little update on the branch here, yesterday we had branch conference, and President Lundberg's 1st counselor, President Doru presided and called two new counselors and a new exec sec to the branch presidency! The new 1st counselor is a convert of only about 8 months and the second is a convert since 2005 or so, but they both seem like really good men for the calling. When President Doru got up and announced all the new callings, I just got this feeling of hope and excitement. I almost wanted to stand up and start clapping and shouting! I really feel like things are going to start turning around in this branch. 

Now as far as missionary work goes, this week has been one of the most challenging so far. Elder Simmons and I have just been working our tails off. At the end of each day I was completely wiped out, and I'd get up in the morning feeling like I had slept for 5 minutes and then we'd get to work. We've been meeting a lot of people, getting tons of phone numbers and setting up tons of lessons, and literally every single person that we set up with from meeting them on the streets stood us up. They would either give us fake phone numbers, or just not show up to the lesson. We couldn't even meet with our gypsy family because they moved to Constanta! Now something I'm learning more and more about is how Heavenly Father waits until the 59th minute in the 11th hour, and sometimes waits until the  13th hour, and then he scoops you up in his arms and gives you a miracle. And our miracle we had yesterday is named Promise. 

His full name, translated into English is Promise of God. He is a student here in Brasov from Nigeria, and has been in the country about 7 months. He is one of the most spiritually in tune people I have ever met. We met him while having a lesson with an investigator who is also from Nigeria, named Alex, whom the Elders who were here before were teaching. So we were just talking with Alex and his roommate, getting to know him a little, talking about The Book of Mormon, when Promise came in the room and sat in on the lesson. At the end Promise told us that when he walked in the room, the Spirit told him that he needed to listen to us. And so he did. He told us that back in Nigeria he was a really religious person, he went to church every Sunday, he read from the Bible, and he allways tried to do God's will. Then when he came to Romania he lost that faith, and it's been really hard for him to get it back because he has no one to go to church with, or to talk about God with since he doesn't know Romanian. So then when he saw us, two young guys preaching the Word of God (as he told us) he was really happy and asked if he could come to church with us and have a copy of the Book of Mormon!!! 

So Sunday he came to church, and there is a member named Iuliana who served a mission in England and speaks perfect English who translated for him and for the second two hours of church we had a lesson with him. That was one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had, the lesson we had with Promise. He told us pretty much his whole life story, how his mom had a couple kids before him who had died as infants, and when he was born his mom named him Promise of God because she said that God had promised her that Promise would live, and he would grow up to live a happy successful life. So for Promise's whole life he told us that whenever he was doing Gods will, going to church, studying the Bible, and trying to be a good Christ-like example, everything went really well for him and he was really blessed. But whenever he had periods of time in his life where his faith would weaken and he would stop obeying God, everything went wrong. He told us that he loves God sooooo much, that he wants to dedicate his life to Christ, he wants to do what we do and share the Word with others, and to increase his faith. 

All through the lesson the Spirit was so strong, and you could tell it was teaching Promise the truth of the Book of Mormon, and of this church. By the end of the lesson he was testifying to us about the Book of Mormon!! He was teaching me about how important the Book of Mormon was because it is a guide for us and a support to help increase our faith!!! He said that it doesn't make sense how people speak against it, saying that the Bible is all there is and there can be nothing else!! And he accepted to continue to meet with us and to be baptized on June 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAATT???????1/!?!?!?!?!? That doesn't happen!!! Who in the world testifies of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon after they've only read a few verses in it? Who the heck quotes 2 Nephi 29 (a Bible! A Bible! We already have a Bible etc) (I think that's the right chapter) Before ever reading it? I have never witnessed anything so powerful in my life. The Spirit was directing, guiding and teaching this man, and he was so incredibly in tune with it that he knew exactly what he needed to do! He said that he was baptized as a small child and how he's been thinking that he needs to be baptized again because he didn't have any knowledge of the commitment he was making and he didn't understand what it meant to be baptized when he was that age. There you go, Moroni 8, and he's never even read that either.  Man, that was just absolutely  incredible!

So there was that amazing lesson, and then that evening while contacting we met a young mom by the park with her kid who said she spent the last 2-3 weeks studying the Bible to know the word of God. So we told her that we have more of the word of God to share with her, and her eyes just lit up and she agreed to meet with us! 

And then on the bus ride back to our apartment we saw this kid who we've seen on the bus like 3 other times before, and he looks almost exactly like Mike Mullarky. When we see him, I get this feeling like I should talk to him and Elder Simmons nudges me and says, Elder Myers you've got to go talk to that kid, so I went over and talked to him and his two buddies. Turns out that his name is Gabi, he plays the drums and his favorite band is the Ramones!! Then the kid next to him was Mihai, he plays the guitar and his favorite band is Guns 'n' Roses. Then the third kid's name was Razvan, he plays the base and his favorite band is The Red Hot Chili Peppers!!! And they're all in a band together, looking for a singer! How cool is that????!!!!! I could not believe what was going on! I told them that I was in a band in high school too, and blah blah blah, and I gave them pass along cards, told them how I know what it's like to be in their position and how the Book of Mormon helped me throughout high school. I took all their numbers, and asked them if we could meet up and jam some time, and also talk about the Book of Mormon. They were all really cool with it, and said yeah. So holy smokes, I can't wait for that either! 

So basically, I had a week full of hard, hard work with little to no results, then the last day was just like the blessings of heaven poured out on us and I could see a glimpse of how Heavenly Father has been preparing me for this mission for my whole life. 

So yeah, basically, that was amazing. On a little side note, about the package stuff,  the CD's should be fine. I'm pretty sure I would be able to transfer files onto an MP3 with my hard drive and any computer, and that hooks up to speakers really easily as well, but it's all the same to me. And then also I should be good on socks, the Bradley's sent a bunch in the package. And yeah, tell the Poppa's that money is probably the best thing. Well, I gotta run, have a great week everyone!

Love, Elder Myers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Elder Schanck and Elder Myers on Shane's last day in Bacau

Hey all!!! Thanks for the awesome pictures, Ember is just the cutest thing in the world, as always! So I had forgotten  that the book Wildwood Dancing takes place in Brasov! Heather told me the same thing in an email today! So yeah, this city is just ridiculously gorgeous, I don't think I'll ever totally get over that!

Shane is now here: Brasov  (Brah-shove), Romania

 This week we did a lot of contacting since the lessons that had been set up by the previous Elders all fell through! Elder Simmons probably won't ever admit it, but he's soo good with people! He loves talking to people and he's super enthusiastic at the Gospel and will talk to absolutely anyone! So we've had a lot of really cool contacting experiences I'll tell you about.

 But first to answer some questions. About the music, I don't really have anything to play it from....I'm thinking about buying a CD player or a cheap MP3 player here, so it doesn't really matter how you send it to me, cd's, flashdrive, whatever is easiest. And yes they do have strawberries here, but we're not supposed to eat them--which kind of stinks. We're not supposed to eat any kind of fruit that doesn't have a skin. So, that's kind of a bummer, but oh well. It's been getting pretty warm here and I've already got a tan line on my neck from my shirt collar! 

So a little more about the branch situation and the missionaries. There are 4 missionaries here in total, me, Elder Simmons, Sora Bedebone, and Sora Wilson, who is from Australia. When Elder Simmons got transfered in no one ever told us who was going to be district leader or senior companion until Zone Conference-- which was on Tuesday in Arad. While there, the AP's told Elder Simmons that he would be the District Leader. As for a senior companion, we both barely know what we're doing so we're just treating it like a co-senior I guess haha!

 Church yesterday was pretty good, I met a lot of the members. The branch here has a chapel, I don't know if I told you that, but there are a ton of inactives. Only 20-30 people come to church regularly. We met with the branch president and he's pretty cool, he's a quieter guy but seems really nice. We also met his first counselor,. He's a nice guy. When he found out that we are from America he said  the branch would be looking to us for help in knowing how the church is supposed to be run. Yay! The cohesiveness of the branch in Brasov, Romania is now basically being help up by two 19 year old boys who have been in the country for 5 months!!! Can life get any more insane? I submit that it cannot! But in all seriousness, this is definitely teaching me how to rely on the Lord for EVERYTHING.

 Just this past week has been absolutely insane. One moment I feel totally fine, in control, happy to be doing missionary work, and then a few hours later I will feel completely helpless and have no clue what the heck I am doing. Of course we all know what FINE stands for right? Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional. Yep, I'd say that about sums it up haha! 

So one thing serving with Elder Simmons has helped me with a lot is putting myself out there and talking to people. You know me, I'm not too much of a people person, I hate small talk, I'm no good at starting up conversations, I never know what to say, and I'd much rather just give someone a pass along card that try to talk to them. But Elder Simmons will be like, allright Elder Myers, you get that guy, and then I'm gonna go talk to this person on that bench, and then he'll just go and I stumble around for words to say to the person walking towards me. Although it's really hard for me to get going, I've had some really cool experiences from talking to people this past week. Both times started out as an English contact (handing out flyers for our English classes) and telling them about the classes. Then they start asking more questions, and before I know it I'm having just a normal conversation which some how ends up with me sitting there bearing my testimony to them about the Book of Mormon.

Interesting that the sign is written in English--must geared to tourists.

 Oh yeah, and the best contact of the week was a couple days ago when we were in the main park here in Brasov. There were a ton of kids from the Romanian Scouting program, which I didn't even know existed, setting up for some  festival- type thing. Well, sitting around a group of benches were  kids playing guitar and singing! So I turned to Elder Simmons and told him, we're going over there. So we did. I got to play the guitar for a little bit, and while I did that Elder Simmons talked to some of the kids about English class and about why we're here. It was super refreshing for me, and exactly what I needed, being able to do something I knew I was good at, and that I was completely comfortable doing. So we got a phone number from one of the kids there so we can keep in contact. Hopefully some investigators will come out of that at some point down the road. 

A couple other really cool experiences we had, one was with this small family we contacted on the street. They told us we could come over to their apartment and talk about the Book of Mormon! So the next day we had a lesson with them that went really well. They're a pretty young family, the parents in late 20's, maybe early 30's with a 3 year old girl and a 4 month old baby. They were really nice, humble, teachable people. Most of the Romanians we teach tend to be more short attention spanned and hard to stay focused with. But these people listened intently, asked questions about things they didn't understand, shared their feelings about God, and said they'd read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and come to church! They didn't end up coming to church the next day though, because the mom had to work and the dad wanted them all to go together, so that was a bummer, but I'm really looking forward to our next lesson with them. 

Then Sunday morning on our way to church there was this guy on the bus speaking Romanian to his wife and little kids, but then answered his phone in perfect American English! Elder Simmons was like, hey you gotta talk to him! So I asked where he was from, and he said that he is from Atlanta Georgia and married a Romanian woman and they live part of the year in Romania, and part in America. He said they were baptist and they were also on their way to church. Well, as cool as that was, it doesn't stop there.

 So Sunday evening after church all our lessons we had planned fell through, and we didn't know what to do. So I picked a part of the city and we went there. Well, it turned out that the area I picked out was just a bunch of businesses so we couldn't get much done there. We decided to get on a bus and then get off when we felt like it.m We ended up going back into the park, did some contacting, nothing too spectacular. I was getting a headache and pretty much feeling like a failure and that I had no clue what I was doing, because I didn't. Then around 7:40 pm Elder Simmons went up to this lady sitting on a park bench to give her an English card. She looked like she had been crying and told us in perfect English that she didn't need classes. Then we both kind of recognized each other, and we realized that she was the American's wife whom we met on the bus!!!!!!!! So then Elder Simmons sits down next to her and starts sharing the gospel. We ended up teaching her basically every single lesson all in one, it was so awesome!!! She's super nice and open to talking to us about our beliefs and her beliefs. There were so many times during the lesson when I could tell that the Spirit was whispering to her. She eventually took the Book of Mormon and on our way home we saw her again on the bus stop and she had it open and was reading some verses. I don't know what's going to happen with her or that Book of Mormon, it's possible that she'll get home and her husband will throw it out but either way, we basically answered every soul searching life question she presented to us through the Book of Mormon. At the very least we gave her a lot to think about.

So that was our amazing week! I have no idea what this next one will have for us, but I'm looking forward to finding out! I love you all so much! Haha, and thanks for the advice dad. That made me think of just a few people that we've contacted. I hope you all have a great week! 

Love, Elder Myers

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So. This is what's up. Last week, things were going business as usual. Elder Schanck and I put in a ton of work and we actually had an awesome next week planned out. We had a second lesson with Alexu that went really really well! He brought two of his friends, Ionuts and Cosmin and they're both super super cool. And actually right now as I'm writing this I'm feeling like I already told you, so maybe that lesson was the week before. Oricum, if I already told you about it, oh well. The lesson went really well, they're a group of really friendly, smart kids who've got their heads on straight. They had a lot of really good questions and were super open with us too. And Alex said he would come to church on Sunday as well!! Oh yeah that's what it was. That lesson was the week before last, and this week he came to English and said he would come to church. ok. So he's progressing really well! We had a bunch of other potential investigators we found while going through the area book, so we had a good week coming up. 

Then came Saturday. Saturday afternoon I was on an exchange with Elder Harvey and we were at his apartment literally seconds away from saying a prayer before eating lunch when President Lundberg called him. Then Elder Harvey gave the phone to me, and told me that I was being re-assigned to Brasov and had two and a half hours to pack my bags and catch a 4:30 train into Bucharest, where I would meet my new companion and we would be taking a train Sunday afternoon to Brasov.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

So here I am, in Brasov!! The day before yesterday I woke up, never even thought about Brasov. I was looking forward to the exchange, and looking forward to the next week. And now I'm in Brasov. My new companion is Elder Simmons which is sooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!! He was in my MTC district, and is such a cool guy, I couldn't ask for a better companion for this situation. And here's the situation. So Sunday we went to church in Bucharest, which was pretty cool and after Sacrament meeting President Lundberg filled us in on what has been happening. He told us that the missionaries have had a bad reputation with the members here in Brasov due to past missionaries not keeping the mission rules. President told us that we were going to be under a lot of pressure to prove ourselves. Apparently there is also a lot of division in the branch .

 So here we are. We know nothing about this city whatsoever. This morning we didn't even know where the church was. There are sisters serving here, Sora Wilson and Sora Bedebone (whom I served with in Cluj!!!). They told us to meet up with them at the church, so we had to take a taxi there. Haha luckily the taxi driver knew where the church was!! He must have recognized us as missionaries, knew what church we were from, and so when I was trying to read the address of the back of one of my pamphlets he told us he knew where the church was! 

All I really have to say is we've got our work cut out for us! The only thing the former companionship left us was a short letter giving small descriptions of some of their investigators, and a ridiculously messy apartment. We will be spending most of today cleaning. Oh yeah and in the middle of all this crazy-ness we are catching another train at 9:00 tonight to Arad for zone conference which will be Wednesday and Thursday! Absolutely insane.

 Right now, one of the things that is keeping me sane is that just about everywhere I look my breath gets taken away because this city is sooooo amazingly beautiful! It is literally in the middle of the mountains, and every direction you look, you see towering, green forested mountainsides. The air is fresh, everything is green, and I'm so happy to be back in the West, where people will actually say "hi" to you! The people's accent is easier to understand, and I feel a little more at home here. It reminds me of Cluj. Which, even though I was there only a transfer and a half ago, it feels like forever. Speaking of which, today I got an email from Elder Vogelsberg!! Well, Tyler that is now. He is back home in Texas, last transfer was his very last one!! He gave me his email so if you could forward this to him I would really appreciate it. It was so awesome hearing from him!! 

Well, that's about that. I'm sorry I didn't send any pictures. I forgot to bring my chord that connects my camera to the computer. I promise I'll send more next week! . Do I need anything in a Birthday package? Actually, could you send me up some cd's with music? I'm really wishing I had gone through my music and picked out stuff that would be missionary appropriate. I'm thinking some Kenneth Cope and Nickel Creek would be nice, pretty much anything that's spirit-inviting and that you think I would like. I think Allyson would have some good music suggestions as well. 

Oh, and in answer to the three questions, EVERYBODY smokes here, from an old man in his 70's who looks like he could croak any day, and a group of 12 year old kids hanging out after school. I'm not even sure if there's a legal smoking age. It's probably 18, but either way it doesn't seem like many people care. They can pretty much smoke wherever they want except on buses, in businesses, and pretty much all restaurants. Some restaurants have non-smoking sections, but not too many as far as I've seen. And the drinking age here is 18. I'm pretty sure it's that way all across Europe. 

It sounds like you all had a really good weekend! The memorial service for Uncle Brian sounded absolutely beautiful. I could just picture it all out in my mind and it seemed very peaceful to me. Thanks for sending me another one of Adam's letters! It's so awesome to read his experiences and compare our two missions. It all seems a lot different! I really feel like Romania is an extremely unique country, culture, and mission!  

I love you all so much and you should all look forward to some beautiful scenes of Brasov! 

Elder Myers

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hey All!

Shane at Brother Iancu's farm just outside Bacau, Romania

Hey everyone, so first off I want to throw this out there, I realize that Dad will be working and there's a good chance that no one will even read this in time, but Elder Schanck told me it would be ok if I tried Skyping today, and made sure I used a computer with a working microphone. He said he felt really bad that none of you were able to hear me, especially since he was on a computer that had a working microphone. He said if I had gone over and asked him he would have gotten off sooner. I had just assumed that he would get off when he was done. Anyway, it was all just a miscommunication, so I will be calling you again at 8:00/8:30pm my time, which should be 10:00/10:30am your time back in California. Again, I realize that you will probably read this too late, but I figure it's worth a try. If not, I'm still really gratefull that I could at least see and hear you, even if you coudn't hear me, and I really enjoyed todays emails! That conference sounds like it was really awesome mom!! I'm really glad you were able to go to that. I've never heard of advanced readers copies or whatever that was, sounds interesting.

So yeah, Bacau is way different than Cluj haha. The branch has over 60 members and has been open since the early '90's but today there are 5 or 6 active members. There definitely is a much different spirit in a small branch like this. It's unlike anything else I've ever experienced. It's interesting because there's a certain closeness between the members, yet at the same time they all keep there distance and have their own seperate lives outside of church. But there is definitely a lot of love to be felt from the members. 

LDS  Church building, Bacau, Romania
This is where Shane attends church!

One of them, Brother Ishtok (I figured from now on whenever there is a 's' or 't' sydilla I will just write it phoenetically) who is in his late 30's or early 40's is spending this week at the Kiev Ukraine temple, and it's his first time going to the temple!! He left Sunday afternoon and traveled with a lot of other Romanian members going to the temple. He was soo excited to go, and he's such a good guy! Definitely a prospective branch president sometime in the future. The branch's priesthood is made up of him, Alin who is 32 or 33, Brother Iancu who is I think in his 50's? It's hard for me to tell Romanians' ages. He's married and has a 16 or 17 year old daughter named Alecsandra. Other than that, there are the missionaries.

 Then there are two sisters, Sister Dragomir who is about Fratele Iancu's age, and Sora Profira who's in her 40's I think. And that's the Bacau branch! Right now the zone leaders are working with an investigator who actually has a baptismal date, although it's somewhat tentative. His name is Daniel, he's 17, loves sports, and has been investigating the church for a couple years now. He's actually going to Utah either this month or next month, and will be staying with several different missionaries that had served in Bacau. He's also going to this huge EFY week in July that will be in Germany. He's really excited for that too. Ironically, he's the only youth in this city that's going, and he's not even a member! It will be a really good experience for him though. 

Mom, you asked about C-------, and right now nothing has come out of it -- yet. Actually, I just saw him on the computer when I walked into this internet cafe haha! I didn't talk to him or anything, it looked like he was with a bunch of friends. Technically we do have one investigator right now, his name is Alexu. I don't know if I told you about him, he's the kid that came up to us about a week ago and said we had given him a Book of Mormon. I had never seen him before, and Elder Schanck didn't recognize him either. But, we had a lesson with him, and we're trying to set up a second one. He told us that in the past he used to play basketball and ping pong with missionaries, so to be honest we're not really too sure how interested he is in the church. At least he's getting some good exposure, and hopefully the church holds a good reputation in his mind. One more person who at least knows that we're normal people wooot!! 

Oh yeah, random cool little note, for zone conference this transfer, we will be having a combined conference with the Chishinau (key-she-know) zone, which is in Moldova. Chishinau is the capital of Moldova, and that's where we're going for zone conference onthe 23 and 24! So that's going to be super cool. I'm going to try to get some Russian nesting dolls there for you mom in case I never get a chance to serve in Moldova. Moldova has a lot of Russian influence there, so half the people speak Russian, and half speak Romanian. 

Other than that, not too much new to speak of. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to one of you later today! If not, than it's all good. All right, well, I'm going to try attaching some pictures to this email, I hope they go through!! The first two are Elder Schanck then me when we made a visit with the Marcov's out to Brother Iancu's house. He lives out in the countryside and has a nice little peice of land where he has chickens, cats, a goat, and a couple gardens. The next one is the Vila where we have church, and the last one is of the Easter eggs one of the members made for us. Enjoy! I love you all, and I'll send more pictures next week!

Love, Elder Myers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hey Everyone!

Thanks a bunch for the Cafe Rio recipe! Man, looking at all those ingredients  I'm doubting whether I'll be able to make it. Romania doesn't really have crockpots, and I'm pretty sure some of those ingredients cant be found here either. But no worries, I'll figure something out! Maybe I'll just come up with some Cafe Bacau Burritos!

 I'm glad you enjoyed hearing about Easter, it was quite the memorable experience! I think dad was asking about the Orthodox church, and the influence it has on the country. To put it simply, Orthodoxism defines Romania in many different ways. It's basically the national religion, Orthodox priests are all paid by the government, construction of churches is government funded, and a certain percentage of taxes go straight to the Orthodox church. Most people whom I've met so far that are Orthodox are very set in their ways. "Sunt Ortodox! Asa m-am nascut, si asa o sa mor!" "I'm Orthodox! That's how I was born, and that's how I'll die!" That is the most common response you get when trying to talk to someone who is Orthodox about the church. I imagine it was really similar for you in Italy dad, with everyone being Catholic. And as for church attendence in the Orthodox faith, most people go to church on Christmas and Easter and that's about it. But your average Romanian is most likely going to be Orthodox. Every day whenever you walk by an Orthodox church you will see people crossing themselves as they walk by, and there are Orthodox churches everywhere! It's pretty much impossible to walk much more than a mile without seeing one. 

So I'm really sorry I haven't been sending any pictures. It's kind of a hit/miss where I'll be going for internet.The place i'm at right now has zero virus protection, so I'm not going to be plugging anything of mine into it, and the other place that has virus protection is farther away, so we don't go there as often. But I will try to send some a soon as I can! So, mothers day coming up! fortunately, the internet cafes here have Skype, so I can talk to you on that! You said you will be in SLC for Sunday morning, so I will call between 5 and 6 pm my time (probably closer to 5) which should be between 10 and 11 for you all. I'm super excited to talk to everyone! To be completely honest, the past few weeks I'd forget that is coming up until I read your emails haha! "Forget yourself and go to work" right? That's what I've been trying to do. I guess it's going pretty good so far! Thanks for the scriptures you sent dad, those are some inspirational words. Of course, I don't really know what isn't inspirational that comes from the scriptures! 

This week nothing to much new has happened. Transfers came and went, Elder Suppes is now zone leader with Elder Harvey here in Bacau. He's a really cool guy, used to be AP and I have a lot of respect for him as a missionary. Things are starting to pick up a little bit though. We had a less active come to church who Elder Schanck and I have been working with, and the zone leaders had two investigators they met in the park come to church! Friday night was a little miracle for us. We had finished our weekly planning which takes a good chunk of the day out, and It was about 6:30 pm when we headed out to find a former investigator. Because of the totally random Romanian numbering system for the apartment blocks it took as till 8:30 to find his block, and he wasn't even home! So, we just turned back and started heading home. Well, on our way home this teenage guy calls out to us from behind. We turn around and he comes up to us saying that we had given him a Book of Mormon. Now, I had never seen this guy in my life, and neither had Elder Schanck. But, he insisted that we gave him one and then he gave us his phone number and said that he wanted to meet with us! I called him back today, and we would have met him today if it wasn't p-day, so we'll be seeing him tomorrow!

 The work is slowly starting to pick up here and I have a feeling only good things can come next. We've had a few people stop us on the streets and talk to us, mainly about English, but hey, a connection is a connection! Last night We talked to this group of kids who were just hanging out in front of a block. We originally invited them to our English classes, then one guy who showed up with his girlfriend while we were talking started asking us why we were here, what church we were with, what we believe in, etc. It was pretty cool, we told him the basics about the Book of Mormon and what we believe in. As for the kids I met in the park, that hasn't really gone very far yet. Most of them are more interested in hearing me play the guitar than they are in the church. But there's still one kid named C------- that I have hope for. He's a bit of a quieter kid, and he doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't like going out to the clubs, and is just a super chill easy going guy. You don't find that often here. So here we go! 

Alright well the owner of the internet place just told me my time was up so I gotta go. I love you all and I'll see you on Sunday on skype !!!

Love, Elder Myers