Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hey All

 Us and the sisters. Sora Schuld on the right, Sora Remsburg on the left.They bought us some ridiculous ties from a second hand store at the beginning of the transfer.

Hi everyone! Man, that was a little intense reading that story about Mom's car incident/accident thingy. I'm really glad that you didn't get hurt too badly, Mom. I'm not going to lie though, thinking about what happened I have to laugh a little because that sounds exactly like something that I would do! I think you and I react to stress in very similar ways. And of course the men of the family, Erik and dad came to the rescue!

I hope you will be able to heal up enough to go to trek! I remember how much I LOVED trek! Besides going to Philmont and other Scouting hiking trips, trek had one of the biggest impacts on me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. After my first time going I was really disappointed that I would be too old or on my mission by the time the next one came around. I'm really excited for Eli going, he will love it!

This week has gone by pretty fast. From Tuesday night to Thursday morning I was in Timisoara on an exchange with Elder Martin. It was good to be able to spend a day with him since we served together in Pitesti. He's learned and grown significantly serving as branch president there. Of course this transfer he was released and his companion, Elder Schroedter is now the branch president. From everything I've heard from either members or missionaries who served around Elder Martin while he was branch president, he did a lot for that branch.

Thursday day we went with the sisters out to two inactive members who live about 30 minutes outside Arad. We don't get to go out to the countryside very often, so I always relish the chances I get. Romania is a beautiful country, and many parts of it remind me so much of northern California.

A flower bed in front of someone's house I saw while we were knocking doors in this nice neighborhood of vile (houses). There were a lot of snap dragons, or gura leului (the lion's mouth) as the they call it in Romanian, and some lupin-looking purple flowers. I thought mom would enjoy them. 

gura leului (the lion's mouth) as the they call it in Romanian
The flower Shane mentioned being "lupine-like" is actually a delphinium.

It was interesting visiting these members, and learning their motives for not coming to church. I've always found working with less active members to either be really really rewarding, or somewhat depressing. Either you see people re-find their faith and start experiencing the blessings of the fulness of the gospel again, or you witness a lot of bitterness, misunderstanding and unhappiness.

We had a grand total of three people at our beginners English class, but they're all really nice people, and one of them took a copy of the Book of Mormon saying she was very interested to read it. We're still having a hard time finding new investigators, but we're pluggin along, trying to do as much as we can. Zone conference is this week, so we've got a fair amount of prepartion to do for that.

Even today has been kind of crazy. This morning we went to a meeting with Brother Edi, the branch mission leader, Brother Ciprian, the Elders Quorum President, and President Banatean (buh - nuh - tse - ahn) --AKA PEC!! (which is rarely held in this branch) to talk about some of the problems in the branch. It was actually really cool being able to see the priesthood leaders of the branch working together to figure out what things they can do to help strengthen the members of this branch. They all have  good intentions and a lot of drive and desire to serve the members here. Hopefully together we'll be able to see some improvements. It's pretty incredible to think that these men who don't have much experience in church leadership or organization are able to come together and discuss the needs of the branch, and make a plan to help things progress. It's just one more proof to me that this is the Lord's church, and that His hand is in every little detail, and that without the help and guidance of the Holy Ghost, things would not be the same.

So, for the rest of the p-day we plan on going and playing tennis! Also, I had called Alex up to see how he's doing (he's still at his grandparents' in Oradea) and he said that he'll be in Arad for today and tomorrow. I don't know if he's here yet or not, but we're hoping to meet up with him for a little bit at some point.

Thanks for all the updates on everything! I'm also glad that Nana is feeling better. I hope dad and Eli made it alright up to Utah, that's so awesome they get to go to Whitney's wedding! (Sorry mom....). I've attached some more pictures from this last week. I love you all!

Elder Myers

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ce mai faceti?

Three Generations of Missionaries!
In the Missionary World the elder who trains you is your "Dad", so this is Shane's "Son," Elder Cox, and his "Grandson," Elder ?

Ce mai faceti? That literally means, "What more are you doing?" or in other words, "How have you been?" Sounds like you have all been pretty darn busy! 

Thanks on the transcript update, I'll get that email sent right after this one. So, dad had some questions about stuff, ummm well, Elder Cox is hitting his year mark this transfer I think....So he's still got a year left to go. And as for all the zone leader stuff, your little experiences from when you were a zone leader made me laugh Dad! That's crazy that you had to memorize entire discussions. I can't imagine I would have really enjoyed that...One of your mission presidents was from Argentina, wow! 

So yeah, we do have a car here in Arad that we share with the Walquists (the senior couple). We'll use it for traveling to Oradea and Timisoara, or a couple times we've used it to go with a member to home teaching appointments, or other teaching appointments we have set up and don't have enough time to take public transportation. That rarely happens though. The car is a Skoda Fabio with an automatic transmission. I'm pretty sure that Skoda is owned by VW. Driving this car kind of reminds me of driving mom's Jetta. 

Skoda Fabio

It's not a bad car. The only down side to driving is that gas is EXPENSIVE!!! It costs anywhere between 5-6 RON per liter, which averages out to around $6 a gallon!! And I used to wonder why hardly anyone drives here...thankfully travel expenses come out of our zone funds, so when we drop 200 RON on a tank of gas, it doesn't come out of our personal MSF (Missionary Service Funds). 

Last week we did exchanges with Oradea, and this week will be with Timisoara. My exchange in Oradea was with Elder Cox (different Elder Cox from the one I trained, who is in Timisoara). It was a really good exchange, and over all an awesome experience! I had never served around this Elder Cox before, but I had seen him at zone conferences here and there so I never really got to know him until now. It's his first time being a District Leader right now, and he's doing an excellent job. I learned a lot from him on my exchange. 

Oh my gosh, I just have to say before I forget, the pictures of Allyson's sonogram are incredible!!! I remember with her last two pregnancy they had started doing those 3D photos, but it seems like they've gotten even better since then. You can make out all the little details of her face!! Man wouldn't that be incredible, to be say, 12 years old and be able to see a picture of you when you were the size of a softball? That is so awesome!

This week's been a little frustrating as far as investigators go. We haven't  been able to meet up with any of our potentials like M--- or M---, although we did run into C--- and his wife one day while walking through Centru! He introduced us to her and they were both really nice and friendly, and he said that he still wants to meet up and that he'd give us a call when he has some time off work.

 This Sunday went really well though! There were a lot of people who came. The sisters had a couple investigators come, and on our side M--- came and stayed for the second hour, and we had a couple less active members we've been trying to work with show up as well! M--- wanted a copy of the Liahona to give to a friend of his who's been asking him about our church. He's already doing missionary work, and he's not even an official investigator of ours! Then after church we went with two members to give the sacrament to two older ladies in the branch who are too sick to come. I remember back home doing that once or twice, and they were always very tender, spiritual moments. 

Nothing else too out of the ordinary has happened, we're just pluggin along, trying to get things moving here. Man, I can't believe Adam is coming home on the 5th! Wow, I still remember clearly  when he left and I still had a whole summer before leaving for my mission. Now all I have left is a summer. I figured it out that a full season is only about two transfers. Wierd. Time is such a relative thing, it almost might as well just not exist. I actually remember reading in the Book of Mormon I don't remember exactly where, where it said essentially that time is only a thing measured by man, and that to God there is no time. Try to wrap your head around that one.

 Well, I'm sorry I don't have any cool awesome or amazing stories, lately I've just been appreciating all the little things that happen every day, and it's hard to put all that into an email. I'm looking forward to this next week, and I hope all of you have safe travels to all of your crazy stuff you have going on, and know that I love you all and I'm always so grateful that I have people like you for my family.

Elder Myers

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Shane's district celebrated Sora Henrie's birthday in Arad
Sora Schuld, Elder Nilsson, Elder Myers

Well, it was really really good to be able to talk to all of you on Mother's Day! It was like a breath of fresh new air and a taste of what's to come after 5 months, but I didn't leave the conversation wishing I had more time or wishing I was just back home. If anything it only made me realize even more how fast these next months will pass, and that my time of serving the Lord 24/7 is limited. That's actually a sad thought. I have a feeling that my last weeks in Romania, when they come, will be bittersweet. I've come to love this country and it's people with all my heart.

 I'm excited to find out who the referral is from Brian! So he's got 84 days left, that's sounds like only about 2 transfers! That's pretty exciting. Adam's going to be getting home in a few weeks too I think. 

So really quick, here are  some specifics I would like you to search for in guitar lessons.  I want to focus on learning how to read sheet and lead music for mainly jazz guitar. If you just tell the teachers that, they should know what I need. I can't remember if there was another question you wanted answered...I'm going to call President Hill and get permission to email the lady at Durham High about the transcripts as soon as I can. Thanks you so much again for doing all of this for me...I really really appreciate it. I know that doing college stuff isn't the funnest thing to do. 

Today I mainly want to tell you about my day yesterday; everything that happened before I talked to you. I was a spiritually enriching and strengthening day that taught me a lot about serving others. On Saturday evening us missionaries and other members of the branch started a special fast with E--- (the branch mission leader) for his wife, who has been meeting with the sister missionaries for the past couple weeks and is searching for answers about the church and the Book of Mormon, and also about God in general. E--- asked us if we would all fast with him for his wife to receive a testimony of Jesus Christ and his Atonement and to develop a closer relationship with God. All afternoon on Sunday E--- took us with him to go visit his grandmother and Sister Florita (floor - eets - ah) who is sick with cancer and has not been able to come to church because of the effects of the chemotherapy, and then we also stopped by the Sofroni family for their daughter's birthday. It was very touching to see E--- serving and caring for the sick and afflicted, and the elderly members of his family. 

Elder Nilsson and Elder Myers with the Sofroni ( show - fro - knee ) family in Arad, Romania

We had the opportunity of giving the sacrament to his grandma and Sister Florita, and Sister Florita asked for a blessing of health. I did the anointing and E--- did the sealing and gave a powerful blessing that promised strength and endurance to overcome her sickness. The Holy Ghost was there with us and with those that we visited, enveloping us with His peace and comfort. It was especially touching being at Sister Florita's house. I felt as if I could almost see the angels surrounding her and constantly ministering to her. She is an incredibly strong woman with a powerful faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a humbling experience being with her for that hour. We closed our fast at 6:00, so pretty much right before I talked to all of you. E--- was just glowing the whole day. I wish you could have been there to experience it as well. That day was a powerful testimony to me of the power of fasting, and the whole time I was reminded of the part in King Benjamin's address (I think) when he talks about fasting (or maybe it's somewhere else in the Book of Mormon, I don't remember exactly) and he talks about how your fast is not complete if you do not also serve those who are suffering and in need. 

That's about it, tonight we're driving down to Oradea to do exchanges there. I will probably be staying there until Wednesday and working with Elder Cox (different Elder Cox from the one that I served with in Brasov). He is now the new district leader in Oradea. We're already into our 2nd week of the transfer, and things are just moving right along! We found out that zone conference will be here in Arad on the 31st and the 1st so me and Elder Nilsson will have to start preparing for that this week. Once again, it was great seeing you all, and I hope you have a wonderful week! 

Elder Myers

P.S. Pictures!

1. three generations of missionaries!
2. Last transfer's district. It was Sora Henrie's birthday! She's the one sitting in front of the cake, and the other sister missionary is Sora Schuld. 
3. Us with the Sofroni (show - fro - knee) family

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Hey all!!

I enjoyed reading your emails and seeing all the photos!! I loved the ones of Carissa and Taylor. That's so cool that Sean had come up! I was recently thinking about him and wondering if he was back from his mission or not. I couldn't remember exactly when he left.

Shane's friends, Taylor and Carissa Bradley, just days before Carissa left for her mission in Brazil.
The Myers family bids Carissa farewell.

Thanks for all the college info! I've spent some more time on BYU's website and pretty much found out most of what you told me, except for the details about the school of music itself. I've been thinking about the auditions and I'm not really sure how prepared I will be for the auditions. I've thought about seeing if I can take some private lessons from someone in the couple months that I'll be home before the semester starts. I'm fairly confident that I will be accepted into BYU as well, but I have been thinking about back up options. I don't know how much more you looked into CSULA as far as prices go, things like that, but I would probably just continue in the music program at Chico State or like you said, just finish all my generals at Butte and work....I don't know. I know the application deadline for CSULA is June 4th or something like that. Don't worry about that though. If I don't get into BYU I'll still have some time when I get home to figure out what my next step will be.

 As far as college credits go, I honestly have no idea how many I took. I could look it up on the website because I remember all the courses I took, I just don't remember how many credits it was. I'm pretty sure I had at least 24 credits because I took two full-time semesters and 12 credits/semester is the minimum for being a full time student. And also for the AP scores, BYU counts scores of 3 and more, and I got 3's and 4's on all of my AP tests. Also, about my SAT scores, I don't remember what I got but there is a folder in my bedroom desk where I put all my important documents and it should be in there. It should be in the left hand side big drawer. If not then the right side. Haha, I'm kind of surprised that I still remember that.

Whew, ok, well in answer to other questions, the zone p-days are planned and coordinated by me and Elder Nilsson, and as for choosing what to do, we just called everyone in the zone and asked what ideas they had. There were a few people who had been to Lipova before, so they suggested that. We're probably going to have another zone p-day this next transfer as well. Speaking of which, Elder Nilsson and I are staying together in Arad! Which is good because I still have a lot of things to learn about being an effective zone leader.

Sora Schuld is staying, and Sora Henrie is going down to Bucuresti and Sora Remsberg is replacing her here in Arad. I've never met Sora Remsberg, but Elder Nilsson does and Sora Shuld said they were companions in the MTC, so she's super excited about that! I'm really really excited to be staying in Arad. We still have a lot of work to do. We haven't been able to meet up with C---again, he didn't come to English or church and he doesn't pick up when we call him. Not really sure whats up there. It's possible he's just really busy with work. A--- left Arad yesterday and he will be heading back home to LA within the next couple of weeks. Right now he's staying with his grandparents in Oradea. Some exciting news though!! M--- (brother Sofroni's friend, the one I met in Bacau) came to church!! So did Mc---, the guy whose lawn we planted back when the McFaddens were still here. The fast and testimony meeting was soo good and some of the testimonies shared made Mc-- cry! M--- seemed to enjoy it as well and even stayed all 3 hours. We also had two less active youth come to church, P--- and C---. There were a lot of people at church, and the Spirit was strong.

Ok, one more thing before I forget. Mother's Day. So it's this Sunday, and I get to Skype with all of you!!!!!! Here's the thing, I don't know what time your church is so I'm not really sure when you want me calling. However, since this is transfer week and everything's kind of hectic, President Hill has allowed us an extra 20 minutes of internet time on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday so we can work out all our Mothers Day plans. Also he said that the call doesn't have to be on Sunday. It can also be on Saturday or Monday, for example. I think Elder Nilsson is planning on Skyping his family Sunday night (our time). His family has church at 9:00am Utah time, so he's going to talk to them after their church. I'm flexible. Basically, tell me what time you want to Skype, and I can get it all arranged. I have a couple different options. The senior couple here the Walquists have Skype, the internet cafe here as Skype, or Marcel probably has skype and another guy named Gabi who is a friend of the church. So get back to me on this by Saturday and I'll get it all figured out. Thanks sooooo much, I'm really excited to see all of you!!

Elder Myers