Monday, April 11, 2011


I don't even know what to say right now, I just got done reading all the emails from you all, Mom, Dad, Heather, and one from Aunt Coralie, and I can't even express the incredible peace, joy, comfort, and strength I've received from reading them all! I love you all sooooo much!!! I feel sooo blessed to have such amazing wonderful people in my life, I cant even find enough words to express what I'm feeling right now. Thank you. Thank you so much for the advice, support, wisdom, love si asa mai departe! Hahaha man, I've been late on writing my letter to Heather because she keeps sending me these incredible letters, and I keep having more things to talk about in my letter, and I barely find time to write them as it is between all the craziness that's been going on. So, first off, wow, I had no idea that my last email would have such an impact! Here I was sitting at this computer in a dusty cold internet cafe in Bacau Romania unloading the contents of my heart that had accumulated over the past week, and then today it all just comes back in 50 billion fold! And thank you so much for sending that letter from Adam, I loved reading it! I wonder, if its possible, do you think you could forward his weekly emails to me? That would be awesome! Man, it seems like he's grown and changed a lot! Thats right and Avery came home! I got a Dear Elder from Janelle a couple weeks ago and she told me that he was coming home soon. That's so crazy! 

Oh, and I was wondering if you could email me my music in an attachment or something. There's beginning to be a demand among missionaries to hear it haha. This mission has a lot of musical talent! There was one missionary who was in a band, and before he left on his mission they had gotten an offer for a record deal from Universal Studios! Then there's missionaries who are really good at the piano, one missionary who is really good at composing and wants to write movie sountracks and stuff like that for his career. It's super cool! It makes me sad that missionaries in the past probably abused their privileges of having musical instruments and hence made President Lundberg enforce a no musical instrument rule. We're getting a new Mission President in June, and I really hope that us missionaries who are here now will gain the trust and respect of the new mission president so that stuff like that doesn't happen again. 

As for writing music and finding the time for it, I've been thinking about that one haha. There really isn't much time at all. Unless you count the minutes when we are walking to church or going here or there and there's no one to contact. Actually, this week I wrote a haiku while walking the streets of Bacaue. Here's how it goes. Hopefully I'm remembering it right....

Sowers of the Word
An empty field full of souls
The harvest will come

Anyways, it's not much, but it gave me a certain amount of satisfaction to excercise my artistic muscles haha. So this week hasn't been too much different. The weather's been psychotic, super windy all the time and within one day it rained, hailed, gusted, cleared up and got sunny, then overcast again. Ridiculous!! I've had a few cool experiences though. We had a lesson with this college aged kid named Octaven, who we contacted just on the street. It was actually pretty cool, a couple weeks ago Elder Schanck and I had finished up doing some Branch treaba at the church and were heading to the park to contact. Just outside the park, I saw this kid walking towards us, and I was just like, lets contact this guy. So I did. He was super nice, I gave him a BoM and a Restoration brochure. Then this week we had a lesson with him. It went really well, he even prayed at the end! He's Orthodox, but is open to different religions and committed to reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. It was so good to actually teach a lesson and I felt the Spirit really strong the whole time. Even if the lesson was a bit choppy cuz both me and Elder Schanck have been out of teaching practice for a while, and I'm actually the better Romanian speaker between us, and I was kinda jumbling through hoping I was making sense. But it went well. 

Then a couple days ago we were walking down to the South part of town, trying to find this guy named Mihael we had met in the park. It was ridiculously windy, and I was making/receiving bajillions of phone calls with this guy trying to figure out how the heck to get there and I could barely understand what he was saying because he was talking really fast and it was really windy. Needless to say, my patience was running thin. I may or may not have gone on a good 30 second rant in mixed English and Romanian at my companion while making wild hand/limb gestures. By this time we were on the outskirts of town in this random little neighborhood next to an energy plant and industrial buildings. It was actually really beautiful out there, we were practically in the countryside. And after I had finished venting, this older looking fellow called up to us and asked us about our church. He invited us down onto his property, brought out a bench, and we sat down and talked for a good 40 minutes or so. He brought us out some bread with this liver paste he had made which was .......interesting. It didn't taste too bad, but it did not look pleasant and neither was the texture. I wish I could have taken a picture of this stuff to show you. But anyways, he was a little drunk so we couldn't really teach him much doctrine-wise so we just listened to him tell us about his life. It was really interesting, and he was a really nice guy. He even told us not to teach him anything because he'd been drinking. He said we could talk more after he came to church! Sadly, he didn't come to church, but we've got his number so we're for sure going to be seeing him again!

Then last of all, I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting, and it went really well! I couldn't believe I gave a good 15 almost 20 minute talk all in Romanian! I'm feeling myself get more and more comfortable with this language, but I'm nowhere near perfect at it. But everyone said I did a good job, and I felt like I was able to express myself almost as well as if I were speaking English. So, these have all definitely been experiences in which I've seen God's hand extended to lift me up as I'm in the process of climbing up this steep, slippery rocky mountainside. I'm not really sure when I'll reach the top, but that's not really the point is it? I'll get there when I get there, if I ever get there in this life, and now's the time to make the best of what I've got. I'm so incredibly thankful for this gospel and how it is changing my life. And I'm so incredibly thankful for all of you and everything you give me. I love you all so much!!!

Love, Elder Myers

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