Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy June

Hey all!! It was awesome hearing about everything that's been going on! That blog sounds really cool mom! Could you send me some of your little entries some time maybe? That would be really cool to read! And absolutely feel free to use any of my music that you want for your blog site. I'm sure none of the other guys would mind at all!   

Thanks for the birthday present too!! that's really really nice of you, I really appreciate it. It's crazy to think that I will be having my birthday in this next transfer! By the way, Transfer day is this Wednesday and today we found out where everyone's going. Elder Simmons and I will be staying together here in Brasov, Sora Bedebone will also be staying, and Sora Wilson is going to Galati and Sora Jay is coming here. I don't really know much about Sora Jay, but I've heard a lot of good things about her.

Elder Myers and Elder Simmons on P-day, Brasov, Romania

Sora (sister) Wilson and Sister Bedebone, Brasov, Romania

So not too much is changing with the district here in Brasov. In three weeks, however, President Lundberg goes home and the new mission president, President Hill comes in. That will be crazy! Also, after this transfer the mission will be really really young. All the old missionaries in their 16th and some in their 17 transfers (they were allowed to extend) will be leaving after this transfer and a really big group of bobocs will be coming in! So there's going to be a lot of young missionaries, from my group and the group above me that will probably be training, or becoming district leaders, or zone leaders, or branch presidents! That's going to be so crazy! 

Other random stuff, yeah I heard about the E Coli breakout. President Lundberg talked about it in his weekly email and just cautioned us to be really careful about the food we eat -- making sure it's all washed really well, and cooked thoroughly and all that. Funny enough, Elder Simmons and I broke our fast yesterday by eating 14 eggs with onion, pepper, garlic and ham (that may or may not have been all the food we had left in the fridge haha).  That's the most eggs I've ever eaten at once, and I don't think I'll eat any more eggs for quite some time.

 On a much more exciting note, you asked if anyone in Cluj has gotten baptized, and.....YES!!!!! A couple weeks ago, Aurelia, the girlfriend of the Italian member we had FHE with every week was baptized a couple weeks ago!!!!! I was soooo excited when I read that! I can't tell you how many missionaries who have served in Cluj must be so over joyed at her getting baptized! She's going to be such an awesome member, man she had such a strong testimony even before she was baptized! Hopefully she and Salvatore will be able to get married soon and then sealed in the temple!! Oh my gosh I can't wait for them to experience that together! 

Missionary work this week was pretty similar to last week. For all the lessons we had set up,(we would have had around 20 lessons this week) sooo many people didn't show up. Like, practically everybody. Nobody came to church either. We had a couple lessons with Promise that went really well, we watched Uchdorf's talk On the 
Road to Damascus and that was a really spiritually powerful lesson. He has started reading the Book of Mormon, and we've also taught him the plan of salvation and he had really good questions about the Spirit world, doing missionary work for them, etc. He's grasping everything really well and definitely on his way to baptism!  We also had a lesson with those kids in a band I met on the bus! They're soooo cool!!! Really open kids! We met up with them in this park, and just started talking about whatever. School, music, their band, what they want to do and just started to develop a friendship with them, and that led into a lesson about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith! They all took copies of the book, and they want to meet again. At the end, I told them again how one of them looked exactly like a friend of mine, and they said that they thought the same thing about us! It was really cool, and I could tell that they actually took to heart what we were saying because they respected us. They got to see us as real people, not just two guys dressed awkwardly. 

behind the Brasov sign

looking down on city of Brasov, Romania

We also met up with a Seventh Day Adventist girl we met a couple weeks ago. We had a really cool lesson with her, and she's such a cool girl! She's constantly smiling, dresses modestly, is really nice, and loves talking to people about God! She's absolutely prepared for the gospel. We gave her a Book of Mormon, and she said she'd read and pray about it and come to church! So we're just waiting to see what happens there!

 We also started teaching a guy named H---- who was referred to us by a member He's an orphan, has had a really hard life, is right now going through a divorce and living in a dinky little apartment in Brasov and works at a factory here. He's a really nice, humble guy who's just looking for happiness and peace in life. He was really willing to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about it, mainly because he's absolutely open to anything that will help him at this point in his life. We have a lot of hope for him and can't wait till we get a second lesson with him. 

So here's some pictures from last p-day. We went up to the Brasov sign and took pictures up there. It was such a beautiful view if the city! And it was so nice to be up in the mountains. Made me think back on Philmont. You may be wondering why Elder Simmons has a bandage on his finger. Well, it's kind of a long story and I don't have much time right now, but let's just say it was a cooking accident. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!!

Love, Elder Myers

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! Can't believe he's all grown up. Seems like just yesterday I was telling him he owed me a dollar! Dixon is only 2 1/2 years away. I imagine it will creep up quickly. Hugs to your family!!!
