Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Beginning of Something New

And so it is. You and I were both right mom, my time here in Brasov has come to an end. We just got the transfer board, and I will be serving as district leader in Pitesti! My companion will be Elder Ekins, who I know nothing about. He's one of the missionaries who came in a few transfers after me. Elder Martin, who was in my MTC district will also be in Pitesti so it will be fun serving with him again! Right now I'm going to take some time and make sure that I answer your questions.

About the Romanian culture and the way people talk and communicate with each other --  from what you described of Italian people, it's pretty much the same. They are a very verbally expressive and animated people, and talk with their hands a lot. They also will just talk over each other and somehow understand what the other person is saying. It hardly ever seems like anyone listens to each other here. A lot of the times you will see two Romanians talking, and to an American it would seem like they were upset at each other by the tone of their voice and their hand movements when actually they're just having a normal conversation. That's something that still tends to throw me off. I'll find myself getting frustrated or defensive while talking to someone because it seems to me like they are trying to argue or be rude when they're just talking to me.

 As for Raul's baptism, yes it's been put off for a few more weeks, sadly. The other day Raul asked about when his journal will be coming in, and I couldn't remember if I had told you to send one or not. If you have already sent it, then I might be getting it at transfers in which case I'll just have Elder Cox give it to him, but if you haven't sent it yet I have their mailing adress. He's really exited to get it. He said he wants to keep two different journals, one for school, and one for church!

Oh yeah, and then the song! It went really well, everyone really really liked it a lot. I have recording of it on my camera. You can't hear it very well, but It's better than nothing. I'll send you the SIM card sometime this week. Oh yeah, and before I forget I wrote a letter to Sarah Woods but I don't know her BYU adress so I just mailed the letter to you. Could you forward it to her? Also, I got an email from Taylor today saying that he's moved down to SoCal but he didn't give me any mailing address so if you could get that to me as well I would really appreciate it! 

Whew, ok I think I covered everything. Now, yes, I'm leaving Brasov. I can't really believe it. I've pretty much known that I'd be leaving this whole transfer, mainly because I've been here for so long, but now it's starting to sink in. Once more change comes around and shakes things up. I'm exited to be going to a new city, with a new companion, a new branch, a new zone, new everything, but there
 are a lot of things I'm going to miss about this city. I've experienced and grown so much here that just like Cluj and Bacau, I feel like this city has become a part of me. I'm going to miss serving around Elder Cox, and Sora Bedebone, and serving around sister missionaries in general. It's going to be weird being in an all elders district!

I know that the next couple days I'll be looking back on the past 3 1/2 transfers and asking myself if I did everything that I could, if I represented the Lord in the way that He would have wanted me to, if I helped strengthen the branch of God's Kingdom here in Brasov. I think of all the seeds I've planted, all the people that I've met and grown close to, all the trials I've experienced and I only hope that I've made a difference. I definitely feel that I did everything that I could, that I put my whole heart, might, mind and strength into this city. 

The only thing that makes me sad is that I feel like my best is such a week attempt at fulfilling what the Lord expects of me. I truly know that I am nothing, just as one of the sons of Mosiah confessed in the Book of Mormon. My experience here has humbled me so much and has helped me understand even more how great the worth of an eternal soul is in the eyes of God. 

A lot of the times I feel like Nephi when he closes the record of his ministry in saying that his tears water his pillow every night because of the wickedness and hard-heartedness of the people around him. I don't know if I didn't find very many people who were open to this gospel because of a lack of faith on my part, or because of hard- heartedness on the part of the people of Brasov. I do know that I put forth my effort, and that God has promised me that I will see the fruits of my labor, whether it be in this life or the next. 

So, I now move on to the next chapters in my Romanian saga. I don't really know much about Pitesti, other than that it is in the South part of the country, West of Bucuresti, pretty small, and full of blocks. Here we go! I'm exited to be able to see other missionaries at the Gara and catch up with them. It will be interesting to see how long I stay in Piteste. I'm going to give it.......3 transfers. We'll see! 

That's so exiting that you're called back into the Y.W. presidency mom! And you are now a member of One Accord, that sounds like a lot of fun! Thank you both, mom and dad, for your continual words of wisdom. Good luck with the whole textbook revision, dad. I can relate to how it feels, being laden with a large work load that your not really sure if you're going to see the end results of. I'm sure your insights will be invaluable. Until next week then, I love you all and hope all goes well in Durham, California!

Love, Elder Myers

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