Monday, November 14, 2011

Doamne Ajuta

"Doamne ajuta" is a salutation that Romanians use a lot. It means "the
Lord helps" or "May the Lord help you." I've always liked the fact that
however lightly and nonchalantly it is taken, faith in God and Jesus
Christ are very much a central part of Romanian culture. Even if most of the
people don't really go to church or live their religion, the idea that
there is a God who created us and that there is a Savior who suffered for
our sins is still a big part of the Romanian world. I feel like it really
is such a unique culture, and there are many things that I love about it.
There are many things about it that drive me crazy, but I've always been
one to try to focus more on the positive side of things.

It's been a real challenge being a missionary for God's Restored Church and not becoming
negative or cynical. How blessed am I that I have such amazing parents
and an amazing mission president who are inspired to always know just how
to help me. In today's weekly email, President Hill talked about measuring
success and how it is not measured just by how many baptisms you have or
investigators you have. He referred to the parable of the sower in Matt. 13
which I have studied and thought a lot about on my mission and encouraged
us to see how it doesn't matter whether or not the people accept our
message, what matters is whether or not we are conveying that message
clearly and powerfully through the Holy Ghost. Which ties back perfectly
into the things that both of you said about being a part of setting the
foundation, and preaching the gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit
of Promise. 

The fact that one of the Holy Ghost's names is the Spirit
of Promise, has a very big importance, especially in missionary work.
Through sacred covenants made at baptism and in the temple we are making
promises to God, and God is making promises to us. And those promises are
sealed by the Holy Ghost who bears record of all truth and of the Father
and the Son. The Spirit is essential in what we do as missionaries. Through the promptings of
the Spirit we make promises to those that we teach that they will recieve
an answer from God that the Book of Mormon is true, and that they will
receive blessings for keeping the commandments.

 There have been times when
people have told me that I can't promise them that God will answer their
prayers. Who am I to say what God will or won't do? That is when I 
wish I could make them understand the calling that I have, and the
truth that has been witnessed to me by the Holy Spirit of Promise -- that I
am representing the Saviour in a very literal way. Not to boast of myself
or of my calling. I will be the first to confess that I am not a perfect
missionary or the perfect example of the Savior by a long shot. I'm just 
like everyone else, I have weaknesses and I have strengths,
sometimes I make good decisions, often times I make bad decisions. I have
always felt, and always will feel like I will never be able to fill the
shoes I have been called to wear, but that's the whole point isn't it? 

In Heather's last email to me she talked about Paul confessing his own
weaknesses and saying that the Lord's grace is sufficient for all of us. As
long as we do our part, of course. In Ether 12 (one of my favorite chapters
in the BoM) Moroni teaches us how God gives us weaknesses so that we can be
humble. Humility, is really such a great gift. It allows us to become more
like the Savior because when we see our weaknesses, we can then understand
other people's weaknesses and we have an opportunity to put
ourselves in their shoes.

 So yes here am, brick by brick, contributing
to the foundation of God's Church in Romania. Ever since I came here I
realized that there is a good chance I will not see many results from my
labor for a long time, but I take comfort in the promises that were made to
me in my patriarchal blessing, and I continue to do my best every day. I'm just so incredibly grateful
that Heavenly Father is a merciful God, and understands when I fall and
make mistakes, because let me tell you, I fall a lot, and I make a lot of
mistakes, but I always do my best in any situation.

Well I wish I had more time to tell you more details about what actually
happened this week, but the clock is ticking and I have to go. I love you
all so much, and wow I can't believe that Aunt Eva wants to make that
contribution to me! Tell her that I am so incredibly grateful for her
selflessness and charity. I hope you have a wonderful week, good luck with
the writing mom! Even if you don't make the quotas don't stop writing, your
going to write a really, really good novel. 

Elder Myers

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