Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vine Moș Crăciun!

That means "here comes Santa Claus!" My favorite holiday of the year is less than a week away! This Christmas is going to be a pretty exciting one for the Pitești branch. We're moving buildings this week and will be holding our Christmas service there this Sunday! That means that this week us missionaries will probably be helping with the move. Yay for service opportunities!!!!!!! Outside of teaching English it is sooooooo rare that we have opportunities to do any kind of volunteer service. People here just won't accept your help. You can't even help an old babă carry her groceries to the bus stop. It's kind of sad, I think it's one of the side-effects that communism and stems from a general lack of trust in people. In Romania most of the time of someone offers you their help it's because they want you to pay them afterwards. 

Anyways, wow what an intense week! I was shocked to here about Richard. I'm gald that you all think that 25 stitches and a broken eyebrow isn't too bad! I guess now that I think of it 3 guys against one, they definitely could have done a lot more damage if they had wanted too. I'm glad that he's recovering well. I'm sure Richard put up a good fight, he's not someone to give in. 

I've started reading the Bible from start to finish and I'm almost through the five books of Moses and reading about the way God dealt with the children of Israel seemed brutal and heartless at times but I've been coming to understand this truth -- God is love. Anything that God does is a manifestation of His love, even if that means consuming some of His own covenanted people with fire from heaven. What we have to remember is the scripture in Hebrews (I think, I can't remember exactly where it is) where Paul teaches us how God chastises those that He loves so that they can be humble, because without humility we can't come closer to God. 

And also the scripture in 1 Nephi, when Nephi is commanded by the Holy Ghost to kill Laban, but he hesitates, not wanting to take another man's life, and God reveals to him through the Holy Ghost that it is better for one man to perish, than for an entire nation to dwindle in unbelief. God truly is loving and merciful. Only those who don't open their eyes to an eternal perspective perceive God as an unfair and cruel being. 

In other news, there's not much to report of this week. We were able to visit with Dorin, and he's feeling much better. Georgetta, a lady from English class who stays for all the spiritual thoughts and took a Book of Mormon home and started reading it came to church yesterday! It seemed like she really liked it. When we see her on Tuesday we will try to set up a time when we can have a discussion with her. 

On Wednesday night, we switched companions for an exchange, me with Elder Staheli, and Elder Ekins with Elder Martin, and then on Thursday I ended up getting a fever which climbed up to 103 by the end of the day. I had Marius come over since he lives close to Elder Staheli's apartment and that's where we were staying and had him and Elder Staheli give me a blessing. Then until this morning I was pretty much bed ridden most of the time. By Friday my fever went down to around 100-101 and a couple times my temperature actually went down to normal, but would then climb back up the next day. By Sunday I was feeling well enough to go to church, but then spent the rest of the day inside. And now today I'm feeling much better. I wasn't the only one who was sick either. Everyone except for Elder Staheli got sick. None of them got as bad as I was though thankfully. Marius was concerned about me being sick, and called on the phone several times over the weekend to check on me. He's an extremely loving man with one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen. 

So that's pretty much it. Thanks for the words of wisdom given from the missionaries you ran into. That's something that I try to keep in mind as much as I can. And here's the deal with the Skyping. The church building has wireless internet, we just don't know the password. Right now we're working on getting that. So the plan is I will be on Skype Monday evening, probably anywhere between 6:00-8:00pm which is 8:00-10:00am for you guys I'm pretty sure. If anything changes then I'll just call you and let you know on like Christmas Eve or Day. I can't wait!!! On Friday we have our Zone Christmas party in București and I'm super stoked for that too!! Sadly it hasn't snowed yet, but there's still time! Hope you all have a beautiful week, have fun with Nana and Papa Graham, and Heather too. Send my love to everyone around you. I love you!

Love, Elder Myers

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