Monday, September 10, 2012


Drum roll please...................................................................! I will be staying in Arad! However, Elder Harrison will be serving as a zone leader in Bucuresti. My new companion's name is Elder Taylor, and I will be training him as a zone leader (meaning this will be his first transfer as a zone leader). He's been in the mission about the same amount of time as Elder Harrison, one transfer less, I think. I've only met him once or twice, so I don't really know much about him but he seemed like an awesome guy and a great missionary the times I did get to talk to him.

Sora Cook will be staying, and Sora Remsberg is getting transfered to Sibiu, which up until now has never had sister missionaries! That will be pretty exciting for her. This transfer there is a big group ahead of me who almost all of them except for one or two are going home this week, so we have 11 new incoming missionaries!! President Hill told me that he is transfering 1/4 of the whole mission to new areas! I'm really excited for this next transfer, and I have a feeling it will just fly by.

Touring an old water tower on p-day
Sora Remsburg,  Sora Cook, and Elder Harrison

Photos from inside a 100 year old water tank in Arad, Romania

Every Friday we have weekly planning where we plan for all of our investigators what we're going to teach them, when we're going to meet, ect. and this last Friday it hit me that I'm actually going into my last transfer. After this, that's it. Kind of a weird thought. I only have six weeks left in the mission! I don't really know how I feel about that. In a way, it's really satisfying though, knowing that I have to give everything I've got for only six more weeks, and then that's it. Earlier on in my mission the amount of time I had left seemed staggering, and sometimes I wondered if it would ever actually end but know that the end is within sight I almost feel like it came too soon. It's like you said mom, there are a lot of things about home that I miss and that I can't wait to go back to, but I have a feeling I will miss Romania more than anything I've had to do without the past two years.

Thanks for sending me Heather's address! I'll send her package as soon as possible. And just so you know, I've already gotten you a set of nesting dolls. They had some at the market place close to our apartment and they were super cheep. Their not the greatest quality, but their hand made and 100% authentic! I was thinking about mailing them to you in a package but I'm afraid of them getting broken or stolen. I know that in the Republic of Moldova they have really nice ones that are hand-made but they are a lot more expensive and I wouldn't have any way of getting one before I go home.

This past week has gone by pretty quickly. We were up in Oradea on Wednesday for a baptismal interview! His name is Christian, he's in his twenties, and he just got baptized last Friday! I conducted the baptismal interview, and his testimony and understanding of the gospel was so powerful! He really gets it. 

Unfortunately things are only continuing to go slowly with our investigators. We've run into R--- a couple times and he keeps telling us that we'll talk later on the phone. M--- keeps having to postpone our apointments for some reason or another; so we've actually been knocking on a fair amount of doors this week. The good part is that we've been meeting some really cool people! This Sunday we were out vila knocking, when a man answered his door and told us he was atheist. Whenever I meet an atheist I'm always curious to find out why they don't believe in God, and this man was open and friendly with us and after a few minutes of conversation let us in his house. 

He said he had a video he wanted to show us that explained why he didn't believe in God, and we agreed to watching it. At first I was a little worried about what I was getting into and the film started with some comedien making some pretty crude and vulgar jokes about God and religion, but that was just a little introduction. The meat of the film was actually really interesting and if anything, strengthened my faith in Christ even more. It took on a historical and scientific standpoint of claiming that Christianity was just copied from other ancient religions. It compared the main gods of the worlds biggest riligions both modern and Ancient, like Helos and Set the Egyptian Sun god and god of darkness, Greek and Hindu gods, and gods from many other cultures.

According to this film all of these major gods had many things in common, like being born on Dec 25 of a virgin with the sign of an eastern star, having 12 deciples, performing miracles, and being resurrected 3 days after their death. He related to the sun being symbolic of all these different "saviors" and the 12 constelations (like virgo, cancer, scorpio, etc) symbolizing the 12 deciples who "follow the sun." The whole take on the film was trying to debunk religion by making it look like it was all based off of astronomical patterns and movements of the sun, earth and constelations but what it did for me was make me realize how "even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator" (Alma 30:44). It was an incredible experience.

That's pretty much all the time I have right now, I wish I could tell you more because so much has happened this week! Enjoy your new art studio mom! That's a pretty big change. What brought it about? Did you get bored again dad? Anywho, I enjoyed the pictures and everything else, especially now that the BYU applicatoin is all done! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have an awesome week everyone!

Elder Myers

P.S. Here's some more photos. Today we toured a water tower that's pretty close to my apartment that's over 100 years old! The last one was taken while we were inside the actual water tank!

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