Monday, October 25, 2010

Sending Shane Off

Shane was asked to report to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah on October 20th at 1:15 PM. We decided to drive him there and visit  Mort's family who live in the area. The Provo Temple is right across the street from the Missionary Training Center, and we decided to say our goodbyes there. The MTC was under construction, so there wasn't anywhere else to do it anyway. Before we even got through the temple gates we met another family sending their first son on a mission to El Salvador. We met another missionary going to Belgium and even one going to Romania. They were all doing the same thing we were--taking photos and saying goodbye while awaiting their check-in times. And so Shane began his transition to the MTC life. Mort gave Shane a father's blessing while we sat on a nearby bench as out of the way as possible. That made the tears flow. We kept reminding each other of the good things waiting for all of us once we get through this transition stage. We absolutely know that when we make sacrifices to serve others in any way, tender blessings of love, strength, and perspective come to us. All of us who love Shane can share in the adventure and the blessings! I look forward to that.

The sidewalks of the MTC were lined with missonaries wearing tags that read HOST. There must have been close to a hundred of them smiling and waving as we were directed to the next available drop off spot. It made me smile and feel excited for Shane to join that body of positive energy. We got out of the car to unload Shane's luggage and four or five missionaries approached Shane immediately to help with suitcases, welcome him, and ask questions. "Where will you be serving? Do you have your immunization record? Do you have any cell phones or keys still on you?" One humorous elder added, "Or any guns other other dangerous objects?" All answers were short, and their was no time for any of us to shed the tears that were welling up as we realized this was it! We were no longer at the precipice of this great adventure, but were jumping off. Forgive the metaphor, but those missionaries were like a body of ants that had found a precious lump of sugar and were carrying it back to their hill. Shane seemed to respond immediatley to the game plan. He followed them and didn't look back. It felt right. I think that's exacltly what he needed--no more limbo time--no lingering or wallowing--just a quick and cheerful envelopment in the Lord's work.


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