Tuesday, January 4, 2011

La Multi Ani everyone!

I loved reading your emails mom and dad, it's always so great to hear about how things are going back in good ol' Cali. I just finished reading an amazing email from Heather today as well, she talked a little bit about her visit with you all, sounds like it was a  blast! I loved seeing those pictures of you all with her. It made me think of all the times we would go up there as a family and with the Bradleys. I'm glad that Heather was able to take part in that awesome family tradition! And let her know that she's got a letter on the way, and I will be sending another one in the next week as well. Hopefully it won't take too long to get to her. So Friday I got two Christmas packages, one from the Bradley's and one from the Landerman's, haha! So I still have to wait for the one from you and from Heather. It's a little dissappointing that mail takes so long, but such is life. The time has been flying by here!
So what do Romanians do for New Years? haha well there's no laws against fireworks, so they party all night and at midnight everyody I mean EVERYBODY fires off tons of fireworks all at once. I was asleep and got woken up in the middle of the night by tons of explosions, it sounded like a war going on outside! As for the missionaries we weren't allowed to be outside proselyting, so New Years Day we cleaned our apartment, and went to the Lameraux's (the senior couple) apartment with a couple members and we all played some games and ate more food, which was pretty fun! Sounds like you all had a pretty low-key new years too.
Man that's crazy to hear about Tanner! My prayers go out to him. What a miracle that he's recovering so quickly, and that he had such a mild reaction to his blood sugar level! And I hope that nobody's gotten too sick with winter colds and whatnot. I had a cold for a couple days last week, and we had to go home early so I could recuperate. But it passed in a couple days, and I'm as good as new now! This week has been pretty good, we've been teaching this lady Mihaela (I can't remember if I told you about her or not). She's been divorced for a while and has an 11 yr old son Denis and they're good friends with a branch member Dorel, yeah the Mr. Bean guy ok yeah I think I did tell you about them haha. Anyways our lessons with her and Denis have been going pretty well. She continues to read the Book of Mormon with her son, and they pray together just about everyday. She's got a strong desire to find the truth. The Spirit is strong in all our lessons, and several times we've talked to her about baptism, and she wants to get baptized if she comes to know that everything is true.
There's also this guy named Vasile, he's really cool. When he was around 20 yrs old he came to a point in his life where he needed to find out if God was really there or not, or he thought he had to purpose in living, so he prayed to know if God exists and got a very strong answer. Within the month he was baptized into a Baptist church I think (the church was holding an open baptism function thing where they would just baptize anyone who wanted it lol). Since then he's come to find that manty churches lack all of the truth, and has been searching for the right one to join. Now, aobut 20 yrs later or so from that day, he's been taking lessons from missionaries for a while, and has a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon, and pretty much aleady knows all the doctrine. He's just waiting for a strong firm conviction to be baptized.
Dad remember last week you asking about the Romanians, and how they talk, if they talk with there hands. Haha yeah they do! It actually helps me a lot in understanding them, cuz I tend to talk with my hands a lot too. They also are very energetic talkers I guess you could say. Sometimes we'll be in a lesson and the two Romanians will be talking about something and it looks like they're angry or argueing, when they're just talking normally haha.
Well, I'm not really sure what we're going to be doing today, we have to do grocery shopping, but after that we've got nothing really planned haha....However in the evening we have FHE every monday with the Lopresti's, the Italian couple I told you about on Skype. I always love visiting with them! There continues to be snow outside which makes the cold worth it, haha! It does get pretty cold here. Its been down to -6 -8 Celcius in the day time, which is probably like in the low 20's farenheight.

 I love you all so much, and am so grateful for the blessing that my family is to me.
Love, Elder Myers

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