Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hey Everyone!

Thanks a bunch for the Cafe Rio recipe! Man, looking at all those ingredients  I'm doubting whether I'll be able to make it. Romania doesn't really have crockpots, and I'm pretty sure some of those ingredients cant be found here either. But no worries, I'll figure something out! Maybe I'll just come up with some Cafe Bacau Burritos!

 I'm glad you enjoyed hearing about Easter, it was quite the memorable experience! I think dad was asking about the Orthodox church, and the influence it has on the country. To put it simply, Orthodoxism defines Romania in many different ways. It's basically the national religion, Orthodox priests are all paid by the government, construction of churches is government funded, and a certain percentage of taxes go straight to the Orthodox church. Most people whom I've met so far that are Orthodox are very set in their ways. "Sunt Ortodox! Asa m-am nascut, si asa o sa mor!" "I'm Orthodox! That's how I was born, and that's how I'll die!" That is the most common response you get when trying to talk to someone who is Orthodox about the church. I imagine it was really similar for you in Italy dad, with everyone being Catholic. And as for church attendence in the Orthodox faith, most people go to church on Christmas and Easter and that's about it. But your average Romanian is most likely going to be Orthodox. Every day whenever you walk by an Orthodox church you will see people crossing themselves as they walk by, and there are Orthodox churches everywhere! It's pretty much impossible to walk much more than a mile without seeing one. 

So I'm really sorry I haven't been sending any pictures. It's kind of a hit/miss where I'll be going for internet.The place i'm at right now has zero virus protection, so I'm not going to be plugging anything of mine into it, and the other place that has virus protection is farther away, so we don't go there as often. But I will try to send some a soon as I can! So, mothers day coming up! fortunately, the internet cafes here have Skype, so I can talk to you on that! You said you will be in SLC for Sunday morning, so I will call between 5 and 6 pm my time (probably closer to 5) which should be between 10 and 11 for you all. I'm super excited to talk to everyone! To be completely honest, the past few weeks I'd forget that is coming up until I read your emails haha! "Forget yourself and go to work" right? That's what I've been trying to do. I guess it's going pretty good so far! Thanks for the scriptures you sent dad, those are some inspirational words. Of course, I don't really know what isn't inspirational that comes from the scriptures! 

This week nothing to much new has happened. Transfers came and went, Elder Suppes is now zone leader with Elder Harvey here in Bacau. He's a really cool guy, used to be AP and I have a lot of respect for him as a missionary. Things are starting to pick up a little bit though. We had a less active come to church who Elder Schanck and I have been working with, and the zone leaders had two investigators they met in the park come to church! Friday night was a little miracle for us. We had finished our weekly planning which takes a good chunk of the day out, and It was about 6:30 pm when we headed out to find a former investigator. Because of the totally random Romanian numbering system for the apartment blocks it took as till 8:30 to find his block, and he wasn't even home! So, we just turned back and started heading home. Well, on our way home this teenage guy calls out to us from behind. We turn around and he comes up to us saying that we had given him a Book of Mormon. Now, I had never seen this guy in my life, and neither had Elder Schanck. But, he insisted that we gave him one and then he gave us his phone number and said that he wanted to meet with us! I called him back today, and we would have met him today if it wasn't p-day, so we'll be seeing him tomorrow!

 The work is slowly starting to pick up here and I have a feeling only good things can come next. We've had a few people stop us on the streets and talk to us, mainly about English, but hey, a connection is a connection! Last night We talked to this group of kids who were just hanging out in front of a block. We originally invited them to our English classes, then one guy who showed up with his girlfriend while we were talking started asking us why we were here, what church we were with, what we believe in, etc. It was pretty cool, we told him the basics about the Book of Mormon and what we believe in. As for the kids I met in the park, that hasn't really gone very far yet. Most of them are more interested in hearing me play the guitar than they are in the church. But there's still one kid named C------- that I have hope for. He's a bit of a quieter kid, and he doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't like going out to the clubs, and is just a super chill easy going guy. You don't find that often here. So here we go! 

Alright well the owner of the internet place just told me my time was up so I gotta go. I love you all and I'll see you on Sunday on skype !!!

Love, Elder Myers

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