Monday, June 20, 2011

I Feel My Savior's Love...

...through my family and friends. The love he freely gives me. Thank you so much for your beautiful letter mom. Reading the thoughts and feelings of the amazing woman who raised me as though I were reading a novel inspired of the Spirit and written personally for me brought silent tears to my eyes, and lifted and inspired me. This week has proven to be one of miracles, but more of the small and simple type rather than that of Moses parting the Red Sea or the sons of Mosiah converting entire cities to the truthfulness of the gospel. It has been the product of continuously pushing onwards through struggle, doubt, frustration, confusion, uncertainty and exhaustion. To start off, I left out the part about Elder Vekony where he gave me a very specific commitment as my zone leader. He told me to study the doctrine of love, and to read D&C 18, both of which I am doing. When I read D&C 18 I was given a powerful revelation that brought me to tears and gave me encouragement to press forward. That section lists requirements for Oliver Cowdery in his assignment along with Joseph Smith and the third member of the First Presidency (don't remember his name) to seek out and find those chosen people who would later be called to be the first apostles in the restored church. It gives guidance and counsel for Oliver Cowdery in what he should look for, and how he should prepare himself to be worthy of the task. In my patriarchal blessing it states specifically that as I strive to be obedient and work diligently my teachings and invitations will be accepted by those who will eventually be called to positions in the church reserved for only the most faithful holders of the priesthood. Needless to say, D&C 18 is now a passage of scripture I hold very close and dear to my heart. 

And Mom, as to you being prompted to say to me to focus on the Savior's love for everyone, that is a clarification and a confirmation as to where my focus needs to be. Since Elder Vekony assigned me to study the doctrine of love, I have began to do that and I've found it hard to know where to start and hard to completely understand. When I think back on things I've seen this week: two kids about 11-12 years old - one a boy, the other a girl - seeing the boy chase the girl into a busy street while swinging his fists at her, then watching the girl collapse onto the sidewalk in tears; the same two kids with some others around their age at a bus stop, holding plastic bags of paint and staring at me with a blank and deranged expressions on their faces and speaking senseless incomprehensible words as they inhale the fumes from the bags; another little boy not even 11 putting a cigarette up to his mouth as he walks down a busy street; and every day seeing the result of a crippled and struggling country; it's hard to see any love in these people. 

I tell you these things not to bring you down in any way, but to help you see the contrasts that I experience every day. Life is real, raw, and Satan is powerful. However, the ways I've seen and felt the Savior's love this week have left me unable to find words to explain. One night, being guided by the Spirit and knowing not what we would do, we entered a block and the first door we knocked on opened up. We didn't have to say more than two sentences before the lady who answered let us in. After a few inspired questions, this lady shared with us her understanding of God and the Savior. Her husband died years ago and she's moved on with life, being a Christ-like example. She's been to many different churches, allways asking God if she should stay there; she takes care of her neighbor who is 87 years old, washes her, changes her clothes, feeds her; her sister died as well 10 years ago and she appeared to her in a dream, telling her to be baptized. All of this, and she's been thinking of attending one of our services to see how it is. Now she will definitely come. 

Another day, we met up with the rocker kids, had an awesome jam session. The one who plays guitar has been playing for 2 years and is already way better than me! After trying to bring up a gospel discussion, and having it awkwardly fail I once again felt the familiar whisperings of the Spirit telling me to play my song "One More Time" and to share my experiences in highschool of how I gained my own testimony. "One More Time" is the song I played for you that one day mom, when I was going through a really rough time and it made us both cry. That was a very special moment I'll never forget. This song also touched these three teenage kids, and the next day they attended Sacrament meeting at 10:00 in the morning. 

Yet another day, we taught a less active family about repentance and how the Savior is always waiting for us with arms extended to turn around and accept him into our lives. Teaching the doctrine of repentance and the process that entails gave me a better understanding of the Savior's love for all of us. The Holy Ghost was there as we taught through its guidance and direction and a peace and understanding was brought to me at that time that I have been coming to love and appreciate more and more each day.

As I have been writing this email right now and recounting these miracles, its helping me see all the ways I've received heaven's help and strength, and I know that Christ's promise is true when he told his disciples "I will be in your midst, I will be on your left, and I will be on your right." At this very moment I'm seeing all the ways the Savior has shown is love for me in the past several days and only now I am understanding what that really means and now I feel like I can learn from that love and give it to those who are in my midst, on my left, and on my right. So that I can be God's tool in helping people come unto Christ and receive answers to their prayers. 

Thank you so much and know that I love each and every one of you. And dad even though mom wrote an amazing letter, that doesn't mean that I appreciate the words of advice and encouragement any less. You are all such a huge blessing to me and I thank my Heavenly Father for letting me be a part of this family. 

Love, Elder Myers