Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Welcome To Pitesti !!

Elder Cox, Raul, Elder Myers
Raul is the 8 year old boy from Brasov who is soon to be baptized.

Pitesti (pronouced pee - tesht) = Bacau + some more active members + some hills.

That pretty much sums it up. It's a pretty small town with a pretty small struggling branch, and we currently have no investigators. Do you ever feel like God gives you the same test over and over again and you never really know if your passing it or not? That's kind of how I feel right now. Last transfer my companion and his former companion had a baptism, which was awesome. I got to meet the man a couple days ago, but he just moved to England to find a job and the other few investigators they had dropped them right before transfers. 

So, it's back to base one, starting from scratch. We're really hoping that the English classes have a good turnout so we might be able to pick up some investigators through that. Other than that, we try talking to people and most people know who we are and see us all the time because the town is so small, and most of them don't give us the time of day.

My companion, Elder Ekins, is a cool guy, easy to get along with and pretty relaxed. He's in his third transfer total, and his third transfer here. The other Elders are Elder Martin from my MTC group, and his companion Elder Staheli who is in his 2nd transfer. Elder Staheli is actually from Elder Cox's stake!! They're all realy cool guys and it seems like they've all gotten pretty close over the past couple transfers. It's kind of weird coming as the new guy, just trying to get a feel for things. They all seem to have their own way of doing things here. But I'm excited to be able to work with them all, it's going to be a fun transfer! 

This week has proven to have some cool experiences. On Saturday we talked to this group of kids who all had guitars and I set up a time to meet up and jam with them all. I'm going to play them the song I wrote in Romanian, and hopefully they'll be interested in coming to church, or to the English classes, or just learning more of what we're all about! I'm really excited for that. They also said that they take free guitar classes from this one place and I'm going to see if it would be possible for me to do some volunteer work helping teach guitar. Elder Ekins plays the piano and they give piano lessons there as well, so maybe he will be able to help with that.

This Sunday was District Conference........and we didn't get to go...:( What we did do was hold a sacrament meeting at the meeting house just as us four missionaries. It was a really cool experience! The first church meeting I've been to that was in English for a long time!! We all shared our testimonies of the gospel and of missionary work, and it was a really good bonding experience for the four of us. Every one of the Elders here has a rock solid testimony of the gospel and are only out to do good.

Those were pretty much the highlights of the week...oh yeah, on transfer day I got to see one of the members from Cluj!!! Her name is Simona, I don't know if I ever told you about her before, but she's my age and was just finishing up serving her second mini-mission last week, and her experience as a mini-missionary has really made her want to serve as a full time missionary when she turns 21. It was really cool to be able to talk to her and catch up, after over 2/3 of a year being out of Cluj! Gosh, I miss that city so much. I think back on my time there with the best of memories, experiences, and feelings.

Well, here's a few more pictures for you, hope you enjoy them! I'll be sending the SD card down this week and you can see the video of my song. And for the package, actually there's a couple things I would like, if I can remember them....ummm taco seasoning. It does not exist here. Ranch seasoning -- also does not exist here. I feel like there was something else but I can't remember right now. Oh well, just send whatever you think I like haha. It doesn't have to be much. Thank you so much, I love you all!!! Until next week then!

Cu drag,

Elder Myers

1 comment:

  1. I love you Shane. Maybe its someone else who hasn't passed their test and your world is just wrapped around theirs right now?
