Monday, December 26, 2011


Hey all! So I know that we'll be talking in just a few hours, but I've got this time to say something, I might as well right? Everyone else in the district talked to their families last night, so I'm the last one. Sounds like your Christmas morning was really nice! Mine was pretty good, the other elders spent the night at our apartment, and President Hill gave us permission to sleep in till 8:00! So we got up, made a Christmas breakfast of pancakes and German pancakes, opened presents, and then went to church.

Church was only an hour, and then the rest of the day was spent relaxing. Most of it was spent at the church where everyone was skyping with their families. We have a wireless connection there and Ani, one of the members here has a laptop she let us use. Actually, that's what I will be doing today. President Hill also gave us permission to watch a movie for Christmas, and so we're watching ours today at the end of our p-day and then after that I'll get on skype to talk to you guys!!! So I'll be on probably at like 6:00-6:30 tonight (my time). 

By the way, thank you tons for the peppermint bark, and the scarf that Ally made me is sooo awesome!!! I love it! It's incredibly thick, soft and warm. Perfect for a cold, humid Romanian winter. Well, I don't want to say too much, we gotta have stuff to talk about tonight! But, we also had a zone Christmas party on Friday that was really fun. I was able to see Sora Bedebone, Elder Simmons, Elder Johnson, and some other missionaries from my MTC group and people that I've served around. The Marcovs were there, they are the senior couple that were in Bacau when I served there. They've now been moved to Ploiesti which is really close to Pitesti and Bucuresti. 

Not much to say in the way of investigators. Everyone's busy until after the holidays pretty much. This is the last full week of the transfer! On Saturday we will find out who stays and who goes. Elder Martin and Elder Ekins will probably be leaving, since they've both been here for 4 transfers. That's 6 months! I would send you pictures with this email, but the library where we usually go for internet is closed today and the internet cafe we are at right now doesn't have very good computers. I'm not sure how good the virus protection is on them, if they even have any and I don't want to risk getting any viruses in any of my stuff. I'll send you lots of pictures next week for sure!! 

I love you all and can't wait to see you all tonight!

Love, Elder Myers

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