Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy June!

And Happy Birthday to Allyson!! I forgot to add that in last week. Sooooo that means she's.....26 right? Or 27? I feel horrible, I don't even know how old my sister is. I've never been good with birthdays or names or stuff like that. Either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Well, I'm glad to hear that everything went well this past week. Thanks for sending all the pictures! It was great seeing Uncle Chris looking so good. So Uncle Mo got bored trying to restore that old Camero Z-28 and decided to just go buy a Corvette huh? Holy smokes that thing looks fun! I'll definitely be making some visits there while I'm at BYU..... I'm also really glad that mom's leg is getting better, and I'm glad she enjoyed the photos! Actually the first thing I thought of when I saw the snap dragons is when I planted some around the tree in the front yard, so we were both totally on the same page.

This week for me has also gone by really fast.      
 Oh, first off before I forget to mention, Brian Passentino - Elder Passentino that is - emailed me with a referral from a couple in Argentina who live in Romania! That is so crazy! He sent me two different adresses, one for Bucuresti, and the other for Brasov.
But back to my week. On Tuesday we had our first two investigator lessons since being in Arad! one was with a former investigator, and the other was with a really nice man who let us in his apartment while we were block-knocking. We still have yet to meet with either of them for a second time, but it was sooooo refreshing to be teaching the Restored Gospel with someone who had never heard of it before!
Then on Thursday we went to a funeral for a less active member's grandmother. It was an interesting experience. A lot different from any of the funerals I had been to back home. It was held outside in the cemetary in front of a church, and they had everyone gathered around the open casket (but the body was covered) as two priests gave their sermon. Most of it was in Hungarian so we didn't really understand much, but the parts that were in Romanian were very uplifting and hopeful, talking about how the deceased had passed on to a better place, and how Christ overcame death for all of us. I'm pretty sure it was a Catholic service. The Hungarians here are usually Catholic, and plus the priest's robes didn't look Orthodox. Orthodox priests usually wear all black robes, and the Catholic priests that I've seen here wear mostly white with maybe some gold or other colors.After the sermon, the pall-bearers carried the casket to the grave sight and everyone followed, carrying these big wreaths of pine branches and roses which they laid on top of the grave after it was filled.
Then, a few hours later zone conference started! It went from 6-9 Thursday night, and then from 8am-4pm on Friday. It was great seeing other missionaries  i know and get to know some new ones, and the presentation Elder Nilsson and I gave went really well. Then Saturday was Elder Nilsson's 21st birthday! We had a small party as part of our lunch break after English class. The sisters made some cookies, and I made some brownies, and Elder Nilsson opened a birthday package his family mailed him.
Today for p-day the sisters set up for us to go play tennis with Marcel! And after tennis Marcel invited us over to his place for some ice cream. We sat out on the lawn that we had helped him plant (which is looking pretty good!) and Sora Schuld had us all talk about our favorite memory with Elder Nilsson. So far it's been a really good day!

That was the essence of this week. A little more about my return date, I'm pretty sure that the 24th is official because it was brought up in my last interview with President Hill. Either way, I'm pretty sure next transfer they'll be making up my travel plans. You'll probably get them towards the end of July or so. But enough of that, there's still two whole weeks left in this transfer! I can't believe Adam is coming home on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's soooo crazy. Say hi to him for me, and let him know that I'll be writing him back soon.

I hope all bodes well with mom's MRI scan, and tell everyone hi, and that I love them all and miss everyone from back home. I'm just trying to do my best and work hard. Zone conference gave me a lot of things to think about, most of them being ways I can improve. I always leave zone conference with a mixture of excitement and confidence, mixed with humility as a lot of my weaknesses  come to my attention. It seems like that's usually how large doses of the Holy Ghost make you feel. At least me, anyway. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! I wish you health and only good, as the Romanians say!

Elder Myers

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