Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hey All

Well, Happy 4th of July everyone! I can't remember if I said that last week or not. Here in Arad we went to the Walquist's apartment and had a hamburger BBQ with with potato salad, chips, veggies, ranch, and rootbeer made from extract, sugar and club soda. It was an all American lunch! Thankfully Elder Harrison and I were back to 100% by then. We got some type of flu bug. Fever, upset stomach, diarrea ( I have know idea how to spell that anymore) but it went away after a few days. It's been pretty hot all week long, averaging around 100 F, sometimes a little over, sometimes a little under. Our apartement has no air conditioning, just a stand up fan that we have blowing on us at night and during the day. I'm pretty sure I've been drinking an average of at least 3 liters of water every day! We're pretty much constantly swetting. All the time. Very few places in this country have good air conditioning. But, you get used to it. And besides that, I've been getting a killer missionary tan! 

This week we were able to meet up with C---, and Edi, the branch mission leader sat it on the lesson as well. It was our best lesson yet with C---. We're still working on helping him strengthen his faith and act on it. He's been reading from the Book of Mormon and praying every day, which is really good progress for him! We're also trying to encourage him to come to church and find a new job. Right now he works at a casino and it's not a very good environment for someone who's trying to change their life to live in accordance with the Gospel. We also had a really good restoration lesson with a man named Cociuba (co - choo - ba). He's a professor at one of the universities here in Arad and had been to English classes a couple years ago. He was very open and sincere and easy to talk to, and it was one of the best restoration lessons I've ever had. He understood everything really well. Most people get hung up on the concept of priesthood authority, but he seemed to understand it. He said he would read from the Book of Mormon and pray about it, and he also said that he would come to church. He couldn't make it yesterday, but hopefuly next week he'll make some time. 

Elder Harisson and I have been doing a lot of contacting this week, just trying to find people to teach, and it's starting to pay off. Yesterday he called up all the former investigators in our phone and set up 6 six different appointments for next week!!! That's pretty exciting! The sisters have also established a baptismal date with one of their investigators for the 21st, so we're all really excited about that as well. Also, Sunday evening we had a miracle happen on our way home. We were almost onto our street, when a young man across the street sitting next to an older man called us over, asking us to tell them about our religion. We talked to them for a good 10 or 15 minutes about the Book of Mormon, and about how the gospel of Jesus Christ has blessed us and our families. They both felt like it was no coincidence they had seen us that evening. The young man, Alin (ah - leen), said that lately he'd been feeling the need to go to church. The older man is from Torino, Italy and has been living in Romania since '93. He said that he has a brother in Italy who has been recently meeting with Mormon missionaries as well! We set up an appointment to go over to his place tomorrow evening! 

So, things are starting to pick up! Elder Harrison and I have been working really hard, and I feel like this had been one of my best transfers so far! Interviews with President Hill went really well as well! He's such a loving, happy person, and his wife too. I always go out of my interviews with him feeling really good. It's weird to think that I'll only have one more before my final exit interview before I go home. Oh yeah, I got my travel itinerary as well. Weird. Looks like I'm going to be traveling alone for most of it! From what I've heard most of my group will be flying into Paris and then into SLC. I've been trying not to think about going home as much as possible. 

Thanks for the information about the guitar teachers! I realized reading the bios that the second one, Tobin Roye, was one of my music theory teachers at Chico State! But from the descriptions, it sounds like the first one, David Elke would be better for preparing me for the auditions. I didn't get my package at interviews, which probably means that I won't get it until next transfer, but it's all good. 

Hope you all have a great week, and happy sailing! I love you all!

Elder Myers

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