Monday, January 24, 2011

Another Snowy Week !

Hello all!! So, as the title refers, this week has been pretty cold and really snowy. It pretty much snowed for 3 days straight! Such a drastic change from last week, which was sunny and warm (which means it was probably around 45 F haha!) Oh my goodness 70 degree weather sounds so nice!! Its funny though, the cold actually hasn't really been bothering me as much as I thought it would. Part of that reason is all the snow we've been having. I can always handle cold as long as there's snow around to enjoy. Whenever someone finds out I'm from California they're like oh man, it must be warm over there! Hey I wanted to ask a couple things, first I wanted to know if you could send me a bank statement - I can't check my balance here. I want to buy a portable hard drive so I can just put all my pictures from you and my camera on it, and there's also this guy here in Cluj who does handmade leather book binding, how cool is that? He's the only one in the country that does it too. and its super cheep, his most expensive binding is about 70$! And also, where did the name Myers originate from? A lot of people who hear my name ask me if I'm German haha. 
So transfers are next Wednesday, Feb 2, and I find out where I'll be going next Monday in the weekly email we get from President Lundberg. Last week he had said that he wants to leave most people where they are, so we'll see what ends up happening! Man that's so awesome to hear about the recent converts, the've already given talks in church? Man, Bishop Bradley's really on it! 
So, our lessons with Mihaela continue to go well, we're starting to get her son Denis more involved. Yesterday we had a lesson with them about the 5 steps of the gospel, and Denis understood everything really well! He's been reading a little bit out the book or mormom too and praying as well. There such an awesome little family! Aurelia and Salvatore are still trying to find two apartments, no luck yet, but we keep visiting them and praying for them. Oh yeah, I'll be sure to pass on the message to Salvatore dad! He's actually the only one who's Italian, Aurelia is Romanian which I didn't realize at first, so we teach them in Romanian. It's funny cuz Aurelia will correct Salvatore on his Romanian all the time. And a lot of the time he'll just speak in Italian to Elder Clonts (Elder Clonts lived in Verona, Italy for 2 1/2 years i don't remember if I told you that before).
This last week we dug through a bunch of former investiagor teaching records and had some lessons with them, and we've also been getting several lessons with referrals from members. (Mostly from Aurelia and Salvatore) But one of the formers we had a lesson with was pretty cool, she was taught first back in '06 and now she's 22, married to an American, and has a little baby named Jeremiah. She speaks perfect English, and she lived in South Carolina (I think that's where her husband's from) and so she speaks with this heavy southern accent. It's super trippy to hear her talk haha becuase underneath this thick southern American accent she still has a little bit of a Romanian accent, I've never heard anything like it! She's super cool though, and hopefully she will start to progress! 
There's this other guy named Ionut (with a t sydilla, so its pronounced yo-noots). He's about 30 years old or so, probably younger, it's hard to tell Romanian's ages for some reason. He's super cool also. He's a really intelligent person and allways has really deep questions for us. He's really interested in the Book of Mormon, and we've been trying to get him to pray about it.
Ok well I'm pretty much out of time, I have to write my weekly email to the president. But thank you so much for your awesome e-mails.  I love you all so much, and hope you have a wonder full week!
Love, Elder Myers 

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