Thursday, January 20, 2011

Buna Ziua

Hey Everyone !!!                                                    

Thanks for the great emails mom, dad, Eli, Jessie, and Heather too. Man that's ridiculous that she still hasn't gotten anything from me! I've sent out two letters to her in the past 3 or 4 weeks, and I'm sending her a tape today as well. So I got Heather's Christmas package, but still not the one from you haha! Maybe it will come eventually...I'm not too worried about it though. Ok, so first off I knew that Nicho and Ruby were engaged, I actually just got a letter from Nicho telling me that they're planning on having the wedding in September. I wish the best of luck to them. 

So thanks for the companionship advice dad. I totally understand what you mean by the importance of working in unity. And I didn't mean to send the impression that I don't like Elder Clonts, he's a great guy and we get along really well. I will say that there have been a few little personality conflicts, but thanks to companionship inventories we've been able to talk about that, and we've been becoming good friends throughout this transfer. There's two more weeks left in the transfer and I definitely feel like as a companionship we've been making the most out of it. Elder Clonts said that this transfer, this last week in particular has been the most successful he's had in his whole mission (at least as far as numbers go). Our lessons with Mihaela continue to go wonderfully! She's progressing sooo well, it's absolutely a miracle. This past week she's committed to stop smoking, and since last Wed she has not smoked a single cigarette and says she no longer has any desire to smoke! Our last lesson we finished teaching the Plan of Salvation, and she understood everything really well, the Spirit was really strong, and I could just feel her faith and testimony grow! We ended up talking about baptism at the end of the lesson and Elder Clonts shared his baptismal experience, and her boyfriend Dorel shared his experience with being confirmed and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was really amazing and I could tell that it made her so happy to hear those testimonies and got her really excited to be baptized! I'm really hoping that I will stay in Cluj next transfer to continue to see her growth! So she is our most progressing investigator. We have a few more, there's Aurelia, Salvatore's girlfriend. I think I told you about them a while ago, they're Italian, Salvatore's a member, she is not, and they've been living together for a while. They're waiting for Salvatore's divorce to go through so she can get baptized, but recently they've been looking for two apartments so they can separate and she can get baptized! 

So mom when you asked about the everyday stuff like food, how the house is heated, etc., I laughed and couldn't believe that I haven't shared anything like that yet. I think for any normal person those would be the first things to be talked about, but I just go straight to the more spiritual deep stuff haha. So our apartment is water heated by radiators, its funny cuz in every room there's this big metal radiator that looks like it belongs in some huge truck or something haha. The food here's not too different I guess, they pretty much have most of the same cereals and stuff like that. For our meals we'll usually make some chicken schnitzel and fried vegetables with rice, or pasta, or sandwiches, stuff like that. I've actually been picking up a lot of cooking tips and ideas from Elder Clonts, he's a pretty good cook. The branch president's wife here is Polish, and we've eaten there a couple times and she's made really good Polish food, which has been like a lot of potatoes, with some chicken or roast or something like that. Simple, but really good. The bread here is sooo good! It's all made super fresh. The olives are really really good too! (That's more for Dad's benefit). They have these huge Costco-like stores where you can pretty much buy anything from food to clothes. Oh man and Romanians, LOVE their sausage! They have entire aisles filled with nothing but all these different kinds of sausages, it's crazy! I'll have to send you some pictures next week. It's funny what you said about taking pictures dad, cause that's exactly how I feel! Most the time I hold back from taking pictures or feel awkward taking them because I don't want to look like a tourist. I think I'll start taking more though. So yeah, oh yeah Romanians smoke a ton. Everybody smokes haha. And yeah, they also usually wear darker colors, brown, blues, browns, purples, or whites and greys. Lets just say you won't find any Allyson wardrobes in Romania! It's mostly the gypsies that wear crazy colored skirts and scarves and stuff like that.   

Well, so this weeks been good, I've always got tons of stuff that I want to say, but can never find enough time so say it all! I've got a bunch of letters to write, so to everyone who's waiting for one sorry!! It'll get there eventually haha! There's just never enough time in the day. I wake up in the morning, drag myself out of bed, then before I know it it's 10:00 pm and I've still got to write in my journal or do dishes, or write letters, or blah blah blah etc etc etc. I'm sure you remember what it's like dad. At the end of every day I'm beat, and ready to just sleep forever, but then my alarm rings at 6:30 and I do it all over again haha! It's good though, I'm glad to be so busy. I really like that quote you sent me mom, that's exactly what I've been trying to keep my mentality like. Oh yeah, thanks for that email Eli! I hope you have fun Martin Luther King Jr. day with Jancie! You've gotta tell me more about this girl. ;) Well I love you all and hope you enjoy this e-mail. Until next week, la revedere! 

Love, Elder Myers

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