Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Week in Bacau!

Hey everyone! I loved your email, Mom, that's really great that Eli seems to be making good progress and wants to be more academicaly involved. Or maybe his wanting to take classes are more for social reasons, but either way it sounds like things are going well for him. Don't worry about getting him to write me, I understand. That really means a lot to me though that he printed off a picture of me and my companions and that he talks about me to his friends! 

I loved that picture of Chad. It looks beautiful where he's serving, and he looks like he's really enjoying it. Hahaha that is sooo like Chad to not say anything to his mom about him losing weight. It's crazy how much weight some of the missionaries here have lost from looking at their MTC pictures! Nothing like a super active lifestyle to keep you in shape, and walking around everywhere will deffinitely do that for you. So yeah, sorry the picture of Vasile didn't go through...I'll try to send it again. The other pictures were just of the countryside around Cluj and Sibiu. A lot of Romanian countryside reminds me of northern California, it's beautiful! I can't wait till it's all green and lush! This week has been cold again. So much for spring right? haha. I'ts been cold, cloudy and a little rainy ever since I got into Bacau, so I can relate a little with the weather you've been having. Gotta love those spring storms! That's crazy that church got canceled! 

A little bit about Bacau: Its small. One of the smaller cities open right now. So yeah, my companion Elder Schank is the branch president. Yesterday was his first Sunday conducting. It was also Branch Conference and one of the members from the district presidency (which is pretty much the same as the stake presidency) came and spoke about the iron rod. His talk was realy good, he's a very lively orator. Then there's the zone leaders, Elder Toronto and Elder Harvey, they're both pretty cool. Elder Harvey writes random little poems and plays the piano really well, and Elder Toronto plays the guitar, and they're both really goofy. I love getting to know other missionaries' personalities, and just seeing how they all fit together as a district is really interesting. There's also a senior couple here, the Marcov's, who are from Utah and are in they're second or first transfer. 

The branch is really small. I mean reaaaalll small. There were 7 or 8 members at church yesterday, and Elder Schank said that was a pretty good turnout! The villa where we hold service is pretty nice though, it actually kinda looks and feels like a chruch. I'll take some pictures and show you. As far as investigators go, when I first came in we had zero, and now we have one. He called us about English classes and said that he had talked to missionaries before in Spain (he's done a lot of traveling) and wanted to learn more. We've had a couple lessons with him and he's accepting everything really well. He read the restoration and gospel brochures and was just like yeah, yeah that's great, if Jesus called Joseph Smith to be a pr0phet, then he was a prophet!  We gave him the Book of Mormon, and he said he'd read it every day and pray about it. So that's it for investigators haha! Quite a stark contrast from Cluj! I'm excited though, to be in a city that has a reputation for being slow as far as missionary work goes. All of us missionaries here have a good feeling about this transfer and I'm confident that we can help make good things happen in this branch. You asked about how missionary work goes having a branch president as a companion, and yeah, a good portion of time has been taken up by taking care of branch business stuff, so there's been a lot of time spent at the church, but we still have plenty of time to do contacting.

Thanks for sending the package mom, I haven't gotten it yet, but I probably will sometime next month. I can't believe this month is already over half way through! Where did it go??? Oh and whenever you send another package, could you put some old spice deoderant in with everything else? They don't exactly have the best deoderant over here.... Anyways, for todays P-day we're mostly doing shopping and just random stuff here and there.The zone leaders are playing basketball but Elder Schank and I aren't to big on basketball, so we're just gonna go do our own thing for most of today haha.

 Oh and I loved the quote for this week mom, as usuall, but that one really tied into some of the things I've been noticing and thinking about lately. Never fails. Every week I get exactly what I need from you and dad! I also got an email from Grandpa Gary and Grandma Linea that was really nice. They're such amazing people! Oh and this is for them, dragoste means love in romanian! Well, that's about it for this week, I hope things sunny-up a bit this week for you guys! I love you all so much!!

Elder Myers

Quote of the Week:

"Learn to write your hurts in the sand and carve your blessings in stone."


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