Sunday, March 27, 2011

News From Shane's Friend in Japan!

Many of you know Shane's good friend, Adam Voss. He began his mission in April 2010, and is serving in the Nagoya, Japan mission. I thought it would be fun to post a letter from him here. He was not in the area affected by the tsunami and he is safe and well. I thought some of you might like to read his latest letter home.

Elder Voss  is in the back row on the far right.


   Hey everybody!
             This week has brought quite a few changes to the mission! We`ve been feeling tremors pretty much every day, and a few good size shakes...and then on Wednesday or Tuesday we were told that Tokyo and Sendai missions were being closed! (it sounds like from your e-mails that you already know a little it about that) All of the missionaries in Sendai were transferred up to the Sapporo mission, and the Tokyo missionaries were dispersed throughout Kobe, Fukuoka, and Nagoya. We had 43 new missionaries come into Nagoya :) Six of them came up into our zone.  It`s been pretty exciting! For this week actually they are trying to find an apartment for the Ina elders, so for now there are six missionaries here in Suwa...kinda cramped, but pretty fun! The two new Suwa missionaries are Elder Taylor and Elder Ludwig. Elder Taylor is from Utah, and Elder Ludwig is from Elk Grove California! :) I`ve been talking with Elder Ludwig and apparently he was there performing with us in the Sacramento temple celebration so long ago. He just arrived in Japan three weeks ago. It`s been somewhat of a trying experience at times to get used to having so many other missionaries around all the time, but everyone is united on the same purpose, and it`s been really great to get to know them. We are not sure how long they will staying here in the mission for, but President Baird said that we are planning on it being a long time.
             This week has been a bit of a challenge to meet with anyone...everyone is pretty insanely busy what with the earthquakes and changing situations everywhere. Everyone around here is having a pretty hard time finding gasoline and groceries because after the disasters everyone is buying everything up. We were able to meet with one of our investigators went pretty well! We went to his apartment and he wasn`t home, but then as we were riding down the hill away from his place, he came walking up to us :) We taught him more about the restoration, really focusing on the love that Jesus Christ for us in giving us the gift of this gospel. He still feels like he can`t believe that Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ could exist, but I feel that his interest in learning more is growing. We introduced more about the Book of Mormon and gave him a copy with a reading assignment...he said that he would read before our next appointment, so we will see where that goes :) Ganzo, remained busy this week. We tried to get in contact with him many times, but could never really get through...and during the weekend he went to Nagoya again. We aren`t really sure what the plan will be with him yet...but we`re praying for him, and hoping to get back in contact really soon. We weren`t able to meet with Vanessa either, but were able to talk with her on the phone a little...and she seems like she is doing well :)
             Kind of a funny moment for the week...I was mistaken for a Japanese person, twice! I guess the food has been changing me in ways I didn`t realize...? No, actually it was over the phone. We were called by a lot of members and other people this week, and twice when I picked up they were like " this Elder Ogaki or Elder Voss?" was pretty great. Actually, speaking of members...they have been an amazing help this week! When all of the new elders moved in, we were kind of in trouble because we didn`t have nearly enough futons or food...and like right when were sitting there wondering what to do, our branch president called. He basically organized like three families to bring us a ton of futons and food that night, right after the missionaries arrived. Not only that, but when we arrived at church on Sunday, the members had brought an absolutely ridiculous amount of food there for much that we had loaded ourselves up, and then they had to drive the remainder over to us! The people here are so so amazing! They have had a difficult week as well, but as soon as they heard we needed help they jumped into action. We have felt so blessed to be in such a wonderful area :)
           Another cool moment of the week...was church itself. It was kind of intense, but a really great experience!  I had a talk in Sacrament Meeting, and the Relief Society and Young Men`s presidents had asked Elder Ogaki and I to teach for five minutes each in their classes. I was feeling pretty nervous in the morning, but when we sat down in Sacrament meeting and started singing the opening hymn it just all started fading away. Usually it`s a big struggle for me to not get too preoccupied with thinking about the language instead of focusing on what I need to, but yesterday was wonderful. I could feel the spirit so strongly there throughout all our meetings, and just the happiness that this gospel brings. This gospel is true! I love it so much :) My time is about up, but thank you so much for all your e-mails and support! Don`t worry about us here, we are safe :) Have a wonderful week, I love you!
                                                                                                                                                                                                              -Elder Voss

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