Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Pioneer Day!

Hey everyone, and also happy birthday to Eli!!!!!! La multi ani as they say here! Unfortunately I have to keep this really short cuz we got to internet late today. Thank you all so much for the advice and support, it's exactly what I needed.

So my new companion is Elder Cox from Colorado, and he's just full of boboc fire!!! I've been really impressed with him. Aside from giving him language tips here and there I hardly have to anything, he pretty much came pre-trained and pumped for the work! I'm just going to share with you a little miracle that happened this Sunday and then I'll have to go. 

So we were expecting Marcela to come to church but she never showed up. Instead, Ovidiu did. He's a non-member man in his 30's or or maybe 40's and was looking for a place to worship when somehow he found our church's website, got the time of service and the address and just showed up!!!!!! He even stayed for all 3 hours!!!! He's a really nice man, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and said he drinks coffee just every once in a while. Basically, he's totally prepared. Right now I'm just praying my guts out that this doesn't turn into another Mihaiel or Hans situation. He said that he wants to come to our church regularly and we gave him a Book of Mormon which he said he would read. The only down side is that he works all week except Sundays so it's going to be hard meeting up with him, but it will work out. The cool thing is yesterday I gave a talk about Faith, Works, and Grace, and how after we have done all that we can do, God steps in and does the rest. I know that to be true with all my heart. I love you all, gotta go!!!


Elder Myers

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