Tuesday, July 19, 2011


View from Shane's first apartment in Brasov

View from Shane's new apartment in Brasov

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes, so today we just got the new transfer boards and it is absolutely insane! Sooooo Here's everything that's going down. Sora Jay and Sora Bedebone are both staying in Brasov. I will also be staying here, becoming district leader and training a boboc!!!!!!! Pretty much everyone is getting moved around a ton. A couple cities have gone from 4 man disticts to 2 man districts, and both Bucharest districts (Buch is divided into two distrits) are getting new companionships moved in. Elder Simmons and his boboc will be one of the new companionships there!! Yep he's training too!! He's pretty much starting from complete scratch. He'll have to find a new apartment, the phone he will have is from a completely different city, he'll have no area book with previous records, he and his boboc will be starting with absolutely nothing! My MTC companion, Elder Bruner, is now the Branch President in Bacau! In total there are 15 missionaries going home, and 13 new ones coming in.

Also, in Craiova, which is probably the youngest city in the mission in terms of how long it's had missionaries serving there, used to be a Group, but this week they were just organized as a Branch! So basically this transfer is going to go down in the history of the Bucharest, Romania Mission. This  transfer will be absolutely insane. I have no idea what I'm going to do with a boboc! I feel like I'm still a boboc! I mean I know I've progressed a lot, and just since I've been in Brasov I've learned a ton and probably have made more progress than I've realized, but still, I feel like I got in the country yesterday. Well, either way, the Lord says I'm ready for this so I'm going to make the best of it, have a blast, and learn as much as I can from my new companion. I'm going to miss Elder Simmons a lot though. He's been an absolutely amazing companion, and he's going to do amazing things in Bucharest. 

This week has been really slow on missionary work as usual. We got stood up probably at least 20 times, but I've had some really unique and incredible experiences. Right now, one of the biggest highlights is yesterday on the bus, I saw Mihai!! I sat down and talked to him, asked how things were going. He told me about how things were going with the band which by the way I would not be surprised if they're not touring all over Europe and even in the States within the next few years. I also asked him if he'd been reading the Book of Mormon, and he has!!!!! He said he got about 30 pages into it, and actually wants to start it over because there were things he didn't really understand very well but wants to understand it. I told him that if he ever has any questions about it we can meet up, read it with him, talk about it, and answer his questions.

We've also had some cool finds in this gorgeous neighborhood (or villa) up above a park in centru. All the houses are situated on the hill side with cobblestone streets, breathtaking views of the city, and beautiful gardens. But a few days ago we had a lesson with a retired man named Adrian. He is one of the nicest, mild-mannered, most humble people I've ever met. He actually asked us questions about our lives, took an interest in what we had to say, listened to us teach the Restoration, and put in his opinions and beliefs where appropriate. He owns this huge 3 story house with this beautiful terraced hillside garden with stone steps leading up into a small orchard at the top of the hill, and a small fish pond in the side yard. And pretty much all of it he did himself. Anyways, he promised us that he would read the Book of Mormon. He PROMISED!!! Romanians never promise you anything because they're always afraid of breaking their promise and losing your respect. This man is absolutely stake president material. The only bummer is he said he works out of town a lot and wouldn't be able to meet again until September.... but, anywho that's a huge seed planted.

Villa in Brasov where Shane and his companion met Adrian

We also had the opportunity of giving a couple blessings to members who've been either going through a rough patch or have been sick. Actually, we've given someone a blessing pretty much every week I think. One of them I gave was the first time giving it in Romanian, that was a really cool experience. We also went over to Sora Miron's house again to help some more with her house....or at least what's left of it. 

This transfer has been another one really low on the number side but the more I look I find a lot of rich blessings and extraordinary spiritual experiences that have made a really big impact on me and have absolutely nothing to do with how many lessons I taught. I'm really looking forward to this next transfer and can only imagine everything that it has in store for me!

 Thanks for the pictures of Ember and Tristan, and all the fun stories. That's awesome they're both starting to talk a little bit! Once Ember starts really talking I'll bet she'll never stop! Thanks again also to all those who wrote me birthday notes. 

 I'm so grateful that I have a family that is so loving. I love you all so much! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Myers

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