Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hey All

Hi everyone! Wow, I didn't know the family reunion was coming up so soon!! Now that I think of it, it is that time of year....weird. Well, I've spent the last hour and a half on because I was locked out of my email account for some reason so I have to be breif (is that spelled right?)

In answer to the culture questions, we have a washing machine for our clothes but no dryer, so we hang our clothes up on a rack. And a lot of the missionary apartments have microwaves, but really we don't use it that often because there are hardly ever leftovers. 

So this week was pretty trying. Elder Cox and I have been working really hard and have gotten almost nothing. Literally, we had one lesson the whole week. Until Sunday. Sunday comes around and this guy in his late 20's shows up to church. His story is really similar to Ovidiu's in that he found our churche's website, liked what he saw and what he learned about our religion and life style, and came to church! He told us that he's looking for truth, and that while he was at church he felt really, really good. He was really impressed by our church's standards (word of wisdom stuff etc.) He speaks English pretty well, and wants a copy of the Book of Mormon in English so he can have the original translation. After church we sat down and had a lesson with him and he asked us what he would have to do to become a member, so we told him, took his number, and we're gonna meet up this week!! 

Then later that day we were completely led by the spirit to a park that we usually don't go to because the sister missionaries tract there a lot. But we felt like we should go there, so we did. We were in the park for no longer than 10 minutes when we ran into a less active member who we'd been trying to set up with for the past couple of weeks just sitting on one of the park benches! We sat down, had a lesson, and the Spirit was really strong. When we first started talking to him he seemed a little depressed and unsatisfied with life. But by the time the lesson ended, his entire countenance was changed and he just did a complete emotional 180!! That was a really big faith building experience for me.

Well I'm really sorry but I've gotta run. We've only got an hour and half left for p-day and we still have to go grocery shopping! Thanks for the pictures --  sounds like you all had a really good time at the reunion. Love you all!!

Love, Elder Myers

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