Thursday, August 25, 2011

Last Week!!!

Yep, today starts the last full week of transfers! Next Monday we find out who's getting trasnfered where. I've heard from my AP's that I'll probably leave, and from my Zone Leaders that I'll probably stay and I could see it going both ways so I don't really know what's going to happen. I feel like I'll probably stay (here in Brasov). 

Sooooooo wow, that's awesome to hear about Eli's first dance, him starting high school, and seminary! 6:15!!! Man I'm glad I graduated when I did haha. Sounds like planting the pomergranate trees is quite the new project. I'll be excited to come home and help with the harvest! 

So yeah about my district...sorry I'm so horrible without telling you about know me, I'm more of an events, places, feelings and sounds person. So Elder Cox is from Colorado, and he did a year at BYUI before he came out and wants to major in business. He's a really smart guy and full of surprises. He is all over puns; I think Dad and Jared would get along just fine with him. 

Sora Bedebone --I've actually served around her for over half my mission so far. She was born in LA, then moved to Las Vegas, and she's Samoan. So she now speaks three languages! Samoan was her first language, then English and now Romanian. She was in the MTC district after me so I knew her a little bit there, and she was in my district for one transfer in Cluj, and now two and a half transfers here in Brasov. 

Sora Jay is from Utah, and she is finishing her mission at the end of this transfer. She's super smart, majoring in statistics, and really good at Romanian. She also has 13 brothers and sisters!

Oh, and before I forget, yes I got my package with the music, thank you so much! And all the music is fine, except you put a Foo Fighters album on there. It's the one that has an acoustic CD and a harder CD and I think you meant to put on the acoustic one but you put on the more faster harder one. No worries though I can just take it off. Oh and for some reason none of the MOTAB works....It says it doesn't have a valid license or something like that...whatever, that's not a big deal either. I think I have some MOTAB on my hard drive that I can put on.
This weeks been really good! Still low on the number side, but the quality of the lessons and investigators we have definitely makes up for it. I'd much rather have 1 or 2 really solid investigators than have 8 investigators and only some of them keep their committments. Our two investigators are still Raul and his grandma Elena. We had really good lessons with both of them. Elena has been studying the scriptures through True to the Faith and really likes it a lot.

Saturday we had the branch activity "Pioneers of Brasov" aaaaaaaaaand it was pretty much a disaster. It had a fairly good turn out, and we even had 2 non-members come, but it was hard to get the members to  participate fully. It was kind of interesting because most of the things that stunt this branch's functionality and organization were immediately manifested in the activity. That night I went home feeling horrible and poured my heart out in prayer for the welfare of this branch. 

Then came church service the next day. My prayers, and I'm sure all of the missionaries' prayers in Brasov, were answered that day. It was literally one of the best church services I've ever seen and that this branch has ever had! Sora Jay gave an excellent talk about forgiveness, and Iuliana (who was just recently called to be RS Pres) talked about being humble, and the last speaker was a member of the district presidency who talked about temple marriage. All the talks were amazing and I felt the spirit soooo strong. Then the rest of church just went really smoothly. Exactly the way it should. There were 2 non-members there, one who's a former investigator who comes to English and the other a former investigator who's the son of one of the sisters' investigators. Priesthood went really well, the sisters said that RS was amazing! Everyone came out of the classes that day full of joy and love. It inspired me personally with a newfound hope for this branch.

That was deffinitely the top miracle of the week, and one of the biggest miracles I've seen yet. I don't know how it happened, but the feeling and atmosphere of this branch turned a complete 180 from Saturday night to Sunday morning.

Well that's about it, running short on time right now. I hope you've enjoyed it! Thank you all so much for your awesome loving words. I love you all!

Elder Myers

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