Monday, March 5, 2012

Marțișor Fericit!

Hey all! Marțișor is on March 8, and is the European version of Mother's Day, only it's a holiday for women in general. And this week the branch will be celebrating it by holding a baptism for V---, C---'s mom! C--- is the one who was baptized last transfer by the other elders. The day before yesterday was D---'s baptism!!!! It was a beautiful service, and D--- had such a happy, peaceful spirit emanating from him. I'll attach a couple pictures. If it looks like I'm stressed and worn out in the picture, that's because I was haha. That whole day was full of a bunch of drama including one of M---'s friends almost punching me because I was kicking him out of the church, to me forgetting my bag full of baptismal clothes at my apartment. Long story. But, the baptism itself went flawlessly and the Holy Ghost was strong. The next day at church D--- was confirmed, and also M---, one of the other elders' investigators who got baptised last transfer but couldn't make it to church the next day showed up and he was confirmed as well. 

As for our investigators, A--- is progressing really well, so is D---. We tried giving him a baptismal date, but he said he didn't feel ready. He said he sees himself getting baptized in May or June, April at the earliest. We told him that we want to establish a goal with him and he agreed to think and pray about a goal. Both him and A--- were at the baptism, as well as Elder Bateman's aunt, uncle, cousins and sisters. On Sunday, the chapel was the fullest I've seen it yet, and over half the people attending were non members! The testimonies that were shared were strong and powerful. 

So as to my secret to writing so much-- first of all, yes, sometimes it is hard to think of things to write, but there's always something new that happens, or something to share from what I learned in the past week. Missionary work is never boring, and if it ever gets boring, that means your doing something wrong. Also, President Hill has allowed us to have a maximum of 75-90 minutes for email, so that helps a lot. But even still, right now I'm running a little short on time because my email to President Hill was longer than usual. 

I'm not going to lie, it's a little refreshing to hear about the problems that have been coming up in the ward at home -- I guess there are challenges wherever you are. I'm glad to hear that Erik's doing good. I've been thinking about writing him lately. I feel kind of bad for not having written him a single time on my mission. I also haven't written Eli in a while...Sorry guys! And Kayla's due in April!! That's so exiting! Man, posting up weekly photos of her pregnant belly is totally something she would do, haha! I'm glad to here that everything is going well back home. It has been warming up a bit here, and almost all the snow is melted! Spring is starting!! Well that's it from me for now, Happy birthday Dad!! I love you all!

Elder Myers

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