Monday, March 12, 2012


Hey everyone! I'm sorry to hear about Terry Wyatt. I had forgotten he had been diagnosed with cancer, and it came as a little bit of a shock to me. I'm glad that everything went smoothly though with the funeral. Surprisingly enough, death has been something I've come to understand better since being a missionary. Not because I've experienced a lot of it out here, but because my understanding of the Gospel itself has increased so much. I was glad to here that Terry didn't have any fear or regret, but felt ready. That means that he has fulfilled is purpose here and God has a greater and better calling for him across the veil. I hope his family is doing well. Last week in President's weekly email he said that they had just lost a close family friend in the past week and he spent some time in the letter reflecting on how short life is and how important it is that we live up to our potential every day.

 I'm jealous of your music binging mom and dad! I thought it was cool that dad has taken to the Foo Fighters. Their music has always struck a chord with me that no other band has. Outside of their hard rock energy-crazy stuff their music carries profound meanings and messages. I just want to thank you, mom and dad for giving me the freedom to make my own choices in the music I listened to throughout high school, even though probably a lot of it wasn't the most Spirit-conducive kind of music. It really helped me broaden my horizons and see how God works in all people, regardless of their faith or ethnicity. Just like that quote you sent mom from Howard W. Hunter's talk. While it is true that Satan uses almost every human thing imaginable to work against God, the same is also true for Heavenly Father. The Light of Christ is in everyone and I know that even through all the darkness and confusion, there is always a sliver of the Light of the Gospel that shines through everything, you just have to look for it. I have been able to find it in all different kinds of music, and I feel like even the party-hardy-drug-abusing-immoral rock stars of today realize deep down inside that the inspiration they receive and the talents they have are a gift from a higher power. There is a sweetness to music when it express truths or yearning for truth that will touch anyone; no matter what kind of lifestyle they have.

Moving on, A--- had his interview on Saturday and passed!! He will be getting baptized at 6:00 on Saturday, March 17!! Also, this upcoming Sunday D--- should be receiving the Aaronic Priesthood; he just needs to have an interview with President Bâldea. As for everything else, the work is going really well in general. We just need to find new investigators! Once A---and then D--- get baptized, we will have a bunch of recent converts to teach, but hardly any investigators! We're hoping to start teaching their families though. A--- wife reads the Book of Mormon with him and every night they have family prayer. D---'s been saying that his wife is open to coming to church. He actually said that he would have us over sometime this week so we can meet her! Oh yeah, also last Thursday C--- baptized his mom V---!!!! It was a beautiful service, and afterwards there was a big "masă" (table or meal) for Ziua Femeilor, Women's Day! There were a lot of people there and the Spirit was so strong!!

This week has gone by pretty fast, and we're over halfway through the transfer! I'm pretty sure that this will be my last transfer here in Pitești. President doesn't keep people in the same area for more than 4 transfers.

 Man, all that hiking in Bidwell Park and on Table Mountain sounds sooo nice! That's cool that you've been talking to Heather a lot lately. I sent her a package 3 or 4 weeks ago with a letter in it.....hopefully it will get to her soon. I loved the quotes she had! The second one made me think of the scriptures that talk about how small children are alive in Christ, and how we all need to be the same way. Humble, meek and submissive to God's will and full of Christ's life-giving light. I'll be sure to look up that talk. I should be able to find it on We have an hour everyweek outside of email time to get on the church sites and look up talks or watch the Mormon Messages and stuff. Thanks for the wonderful emais, I love you all and hope you have a more stress-free week!

Elder Myers

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