Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hey All

Well, heading into the last week of the transfer! I'm a little nervous about what's going to happen next transfer, but I know that whatever it is, it will be good. My guess is that Elder Nilsson will be the only one who leaves and I'll get a new companion, but we'll see. It was really fun hearing all about Adam's homecoming and your trips down to the Bay Area, and all the pictures were great! 

June 5th one of Shane's best friends, Adam Voss, came home from his mission to Japan.

Oh my gosh, of course Tommy is dating an LDS girl, and OF COURSE she has a friend serving in Romania haha! Such a small world...I'm not sure who it is though. I didn't recognize the name at all, but I can look at the mission roster we have back home. Also, I got an email from Heather today, and she said that she'll be staying with all of you for her 7 week break! Jealous!! That's really nice of you to let her stay there. Of course, I can't say I would expect anything less. :) Man, 7 weeks, that's a whole transfer and a week! Of course these days 2 transfers barely feels like one. Especially when you stay together with the same companion for two. I'm almost in my 14th transfer!!! I can't even explain what that means. It's soooo wierd. I know I've probably said that many times before, but each transfer goes by faster, and I'm realizing more and more how little time I have left. I've been trying harder and harder to just focus everything on my calling because once I start thinking about time.....it's hard to stop. I realize all the ways that I've grown and progressed, and then a realize everything that I still need to improve on. Hopefuly by the end of my last transfer I'll finally really know how to do missionary work. Is that how you felt dad? 
This has been a good week, we were able to meet up with a former investigator  V--- for the second time. He's been an investigator for 4 or 5 years, and from the teaching record, it seems like he's always had the same problems and hasn't yet been able to overcome them. However, from our last lesson I feel like now is a critical time for him in that he already knows everything he has to do, and he understands why he needs to do it he just acks the faith to truly repent and change his life. He told us that he recognizes that, and he wants to have a stronger faith, so that's what we're working on with him. Building his faith. I feel like if he puts the effort in and has the right desires he could completely turn his life around. He's already so close. He seems like a really good man, just caught up in the world like everyone else. 

Also, M--- came to church yesterday for the 6th time in a row!!! I talked with him a little after church to try to establish a time when we can have a formal lesson with him and he was more than willing to set a time up. Also, P--- the 14 year old less active guy we've been working with came to church as well and stayed for the first two hours. In one of our last lessons we set a goal with him to prepare himself to go to the temple with his mom in the fall. The branch president has also been trying to set up an interview with him for the Aaronic Priesthood. P--- is a really good kid, but as a teenager going to church isn't his favorite thing to do. 

As far as Alex goes, I asked Brother Moldovan about him at church and he said that he had left Romania and was back in LA. So, that's the end of that chapter with Alex, but I will definitely keep in contact with him when I get home, and hopefully remain friends and become better friends. 

We went to another funeral this week. This time it was for Ghita's (gee (as in geek) - tsa)  mom. She had been sick with some kind of tumor it sounds like and passed away Tuesday night. Ghita is a recent convert that we've been teaching for a while, and he asked us to come to the funeral. This one was an Orthodox service and all in Romanian so we could understand everything this time. It was very similar to the last one we went to. It made me very grateful for the Plan of Salvation and knowing that families are meant to be eternal. 

This week we will find out about transfers, and then bam, before you know it the week will be done! Sounds like good progress is being made on all the college stuff. In connection to housing stuff, I'm not sure exactly what I want. I think I would prefer something off campus, and there are a few missionaries here that I would love rooming with and will be going to BYU at the same time. I'll have to talk to them and start seeing what kind of details we can work out. Thank you so much for getting all of this taken care of for me! When I first started doing the college research stuff, it started to distract me from my work here, so I'm so incredibly grateful that I don't really have to worry about much because you're doing practically everything. Thank you!!! I love you all, and I'm glad that the MRI results weren't too bad on mom's ankle. Have a wonderful week, and know that I'm keeping all of you in my prayers. 

Elder Myers

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