Tuesday, June 26, 2012


That's actually how  Romanians spell "ciao." Man what a week it's been! It barely feels like it was a week. Spending two whole days in Bucuresti kind of threw my inner clock off and made it hard to get everything done we had planned for the week. My new companion, Elder Harrison, is awesome! He's from Brigham City Utah, is in the same MTC group as Elder Cox, and this is his 3rd transfer as a zone leader. He's a fantastic missionary, speaks Romanian like a champ, is a hard worker, but also knows how to have fun with the work. Oh yeah, and he plays the guitar! Usually when you get a new companion the first week can be a little awkward as you try to get to know each other and get a feel for each others' styles, but it hasn't been like that at all with Elder Harrison. 

The new boboaca (bo - bwa - ca) is really cool too. Her name is Sora Cook, she's from Sandy Utah, and looks like she could easily be Sora Remsburg's sister! And yes, after her first day of church she definitely had the what-did-I-get-myself-into look. But she's going to do great, she already knows the language really well for having barely come into the country. I can tell this is going to be a super fun transfer! Oh yeah, before I forget, I just got an email from Heather, thanks for forwarding her letter! I was going to tell you last week that I had sent it to you because I didn't know if she would still be in Rexburg or not. Apparently she is. Oh well, is she still planning on staying with you all for her seven week break? And thanks for the college update, I just found out that we will be having interviews with President on July 5th so I can talk to him about it then. 

This week we were still able to get some things done, even though our week was cut a little short. We met up with T---i at the church and had a lesson with him! It was focused on the Book of Mormon being a source of guidance and help in raising a family. He's a married father of two kids, and his kids mean everything to him. He's such an awesome dad! I'm not really sure how much of what we were trying to get across he understood, but we're still keeping in touch and he actually said that he wants to meet up again this Friday or so. Hopefuly he will be willing to meet at the church again. It's proving a little hard to break out of the just "friends" sphere to teach him the gospel in a formal setting. After the lesson we had with him, he gave us a ride back to our street in his restored vintage sky blue '62 VW bug! It was so cool! He had to pick his kids up from ping pong practice, which was really close to where we live so he offered to give us a ride. He also is planning a p-day for all of us to go to the country-side and have a picknick and play some frysbee! He's  incredibly nice. 

M---l didn't come to church, and he hasn't been answering his phone, but that probably just means he's been in Hungary. He travels quite a bit for work. We also haven't been able to meet up with C--- or the V---'s yet but we have a lesson scheduled for this evening with C---. We've had a lot of hours full of contacting people on the streets while trying to find inactive members or with other objectives in mind, like finding an affordable newspaper to place an add for our English courses, going to different colleges to either advertise there for English, or to see if we would be able to give a presentation on the Church in a Religion class. So far no luck. Most of the schools are closed for summer, and I don't really know if the universities here do summer courses. 

Thanks for everything, really. I can't wait to get my birthday package! Hopefully I will be able to get it before next transfer. If not, then it will be just like having two birthdays! That's so crazy that Brandon Balderston just left for his mission! Wow! That is really cool. Well, I love you all and hope you have a wonder full well-weathered week! I heard that it's supposed to cool down into the 70's for us too. It's been mid to high 90's all week which with the humidity here makes it feel like over 100! Till next week!

Elder Myers

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