Monday, August 27, 2012


Hey everyone! So first of all..........Amanda Richins is getting married?!?!?! And in Idaho? I'm assuming that's where she's been going to school...which means that she's already graduated from high school and going to mind just blew. Sometimes I have moments when I realize that I've really been gone for almost two years. All of my memories of people from back home are stuck in my mind as being two years ago, so when I hear about stuff like Amanda getting married it sends my head for a spin.
Well. Thanks for editing all the essay questions! It will feel so good to have everything done with this application! Don't worry about posting up the responses on the application site, I'll do it.
I really liked the drawing for that book your making mom. Whatever happened to that one you were working on getting published? That's pretty cool dad that you get to travel around the country for work meetings and stuff, Dad. Coming out here has really made me want to travel a lot more. When I think about how I've never even been to the other side of America...and that's my homeland! Of course America is really big but still.

You asked about the schooling here and youth and stuff, and actually school doesn't start up here until the first or second week of September. As for youth in the branch, there's not any that are fully active, and there's not really a seminary program. P--- is one of the youth in the branch we've been working a lot with. He's the one we've been giving guitar lessons. It's really hard for the youth here because they don't have anyone else their age at church. We do have institute though. The branch has a several YSA aged members but again, right now only one of them is fully active.

This week went really well. I went on an exchange with Elder Tefft, who is serving in Oradea right now. I brought him back to Arad and Elder Harrison stayed in Oradea with Elder Tefft's companion Elder Sneed. Our exchange went really well! This is my first time really serving around Elder Tefft since the MTC and it was a super fun exchange! We had a lot of catching up to do, talking about people we've served with, experiences we've had and things we've learned. I learned a ton from Elder Tefft. He's a really well rounded missionary and the kind of person who is always himself no matter where he is or who he's talking to, and he's also very direct and honest when expressing his own opinions which is something I have a lot of respect for. It was also refreshing to be able to be with someone who has a more similar upbringing as me. He's from upstate New York and went to a branch that has about 70 or 80 active members. He said that New York is a pretty liberal state as far as politics go, and a lot of his closest friends were either non-members or inactive. Don't get me wrong, I've loved every single one of my companions who were from Utah, but there's something different about them than anything I'm used to. I don't know how to explain it, but there's a tangible difference between someone who has grown up completely surrounded by the church in every aspect, and someone who grew up with only a few other LDS kids in his entire high school.

As for investigators, we haven't been able to meet with R---, M---, or G---. Everybody's just super busy. R--'s been out of the country for the past week or so for work. However, we've started teaching an English student named Ciprian (cheep - ree - on), and the other day we were knocking on doors in our neighborhood when a very nice older couple let us in. This week we've got zone conference here in Arad, and it will be combined with the Cluj zone which includes Cluj, Sibiu, and Deva. Elder Harrison and I are in the process of preparing our presentation, and we also have to take care of all the food and getting everything ready, so this week will be pretty busy. We also have to go down to Timisoara tomorrow morning to attend their district meeting. One of our responsibilities as zone leaders is to attend a district meeting at each of the other districts in the zone to see how they're run.

Thanks for all the pictures, stories and love!

Elder Myers

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