Monday, August 20, 2012

Hey All !!!

Thanks for the entertaining letter! It was fun trying to pick out where Dad was quoting Mom and where Dad was just adding his little tidbits. Thanks for the corrections on the application stuff. I finished the rest of the essay questions this week, so I'll email them you today.

Lets see in answer to questions... At the branch party for the songs, I was playing the guitar, and me Elder Harrison and Edi (the branch mission leader) sang. Actually, if you go onto my Facebook profile, you should be able to find Edi or Eduard Morauszky (not 100% sure on the spelling there.) I'm playing on a guitar that we got from the office to use for our lessons and the songs are by this Romanian Christian artist that Edi really likes. 

You asked about how big the branch is, there are about 20-30 people who come weekly. My first few weeks it was more 30-40 but there are several members gone because of summer vacations and stuff like that. That's crazy that school's already starting up this week! Here in Romania it doesn't start until September! Oh and also I remember from last week you asked me when I want to start the guitar lessons, I say as soon as possible! Also, I am not registered to vote, so we'll see what we can do about that. I really want to be able to vote when I get home. I don't really know what party I want to join though. I've honestly never thought about it that much. I've never been that much into politics. 

R--- is doing well. Friday was his birthday and us and the sisters met up with him at the church, ordered some pizza and had cake and ice cream with him! Then right after that we had a lesson on him that was really good and Spirit-filled. He didn't make it to church yesterday though, which is a bummer. He owns his own agricultural company or something like that and is always really busy with work. We actually haven't had any lessons with M--- or G--- because of their work schedules as well. A little frustrating, but not much we can do about it. I forgot to tell you though, do you remember Gigi, the mom of the twin brother and sister I taught with Elder Vogelsberg in Cluj? SHE GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!! It happened a week ago from last Saturday. I was so excited when I read about it in President's weekly email! 

Last week we had our exchange with the Timisoara DL companionship, and this week we'll be doing an exchange with Oradea. Elder Tefft got transfered there as the district leader last transfer so I'm super excited to do an exchange with him! 

You asked about what we've been doing to help people SYL more, and I can't really say that we've done anything that special. One of our zone goals is for every week of the transfer to focus on a smaller rule that people easily tend to forget or break and do our best to keep it and strengthen our testimony of it and the first week of the transfer we focused on speaking Romanian. Other than that, We've just been making sure that we're speaking Romanian outside the apartment all the time and especially on exchanges. It's definitely improving a lot though across the zone and the whole mission. 

That's about it for now. I thought it was cool how you mentioned the relief society lesson on the Sabath, because the lesson was the same here for priesthood and RS! I'm amazed at how the church is organized and united across the entire world! The lesson made me realize how lazy I was on Sundays and how much more productive I could have been, and how awesome it would have been to dedicate the whole day to serving others. Something to look forward to when I get home. 

I love you all and have a wonderful week!

Elder Myers

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