Monday, January 16, 2012

Hey All !

Well it's finally starting to get colder. So far this has been a really warm winter compared to last year. During the day it will usually be anywhere from 5-10 C and now a cold front is just moving in. As I walked to internet this morning the temperature was around -2 or -3 C and from what I've heard it's supposed to snow this week. Finally!!!

I'm glad my SD card came in the mail. I've actually been wondering when it would arrive, and I don't remember ever telling you when I sent it. I'm glad you enjoyed the song. You were right that I wrote it in Romanian and then translated it to English. It was kind of weird doing that. I have the lyrics done from the second song I wrote and I'm working on the music. I can translate those lyrics too and send them to you.

Thanks for the pictures, man Taylor's beard......haha! I just got an email from him today, it was really good hearing from him. And Jodi had another baby!! Wow! I'm sure you had told me she was pregnant, but I had just forgotten about it until now. He looks like his brothers. I'm sorry to hear about your big mix up with the staples and the gun dad. Stuff like that always really gets me, but in hindsight it's just one more thing to laugh about. It gave me a pretty good laugh when I read it!

I'm am most satisfied to say that this week has been my busiest week in Pitesti! We have been working a lot with less active members, and it's beginning to pay off. All of the less active members we've been working with came to church this Sunday! They are: The V-----family, a mom and her 14 year old daughter. The father is an international chauffeur and is only home for a few weeks out of the year. Then there is the branch president's wife, Sora (sister) G-----, and Fratele (brother) S------We've been working really closely with Fratele S----, teaching him English and having lessons with him. I have never seen someone who is so devoted to his family. He would give up his life for any one of his kids or his wife without a second thought, and he makes so many sacrifices to make sure that they have the things they need. And now he's doing everything he can to bring God back to the center of his life and let me tell you Heavenly Father has been pouring down the blessings to him and his family.

The last week he worked almost 7 days straight driving the taxi, and has only been home 2 or three times. He goes out to work, works all day and most of the night, and then gets a few hours of sleep in the car, and then goes right back to driving. On top of that he makes time to meet with us to study English and to have gospel discussions. The effect that our discussions has on him is miraculous. When he first comes in he is exhausted, coughing,  but by the time he leaves after our lesson his whole demeaner is changed. He has more energy, he smiles and laughs, and is at peace as he goes back out into the world. I've also noticed that any time he talks with his wife on the phone it has the same effect on him.

As for investigators, we had a lesson with Fratele B---'s friend, D--- on Thursday. It went really really well! D--- is a truly prepared person. He pretty much told us his life story, and how for the past 4 years he's been going through a process of changing himself. He's been improving everything about himself. His diet, his family relationships, and his outlook on life. As a part of this process he seems to be searching for God as well. For the past two months Fratele B--- has been sharing things about the church with him. He already has a Book of Mormon, and he's read from some Liahona issues as well. He's very open and humble and committed to reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. He even said the prayer at the end of the lesson! He also said that if he recieves an answer from God that this is His true church then he will be baptized. He is married and lives with his inlaws, and he's not really sure how they will react to the church. However, he really wants them to be included, and told us that he wants his family to take the same passes along with him. We are scheduled to have another lesson with him on Thursday and we're thinking about asking him if he would be willing to bring his wife.

The branch is doing well. We're going to be having some changes here in Pitesti pretty soon. A member of the district presidency came and spoke at church yesterday and announced that we will be receiving a new branch presidency. Also, one of the members here, R--- is getting married to a return sister missionary at the end of this month. She came up this weekend, and apparently she's staying until the wedding and then after far as I know they're going to live here in Pitesti. She had served in Pitesti, and actually just got home about six months ago. I think they're planning to be sealed in the Kiev Temple.

Last week we also had interviews with President Hill, and as usual they went really really well. I love President and Sora Hill so much, they are perfect for this mission. They're the kind of people who always make you feel good about yourself. Whenever I have an interview with President Hill I always go out feeling encouraged, loved, and supported. So, things are going pretty good. Elder Laherty and I are working hard, but I'm also glad to say that he's one of the funnest companions I've had so far. He's someone who really knows how to work hard, but also to enjoy himself. I think we both help keep each other laughing and smiling through the day. That's all for this week. Sorry I haven't sent any pitures in a while, I promise I'll send somthing next week.  I love you all, and hope you have a great week!


Elder Myers

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