Monday, January 2, 2012

La Multi Ani!

Happy New Year everyone!! I'm not really sure where to start today. It was so good seeing everyone on Skype, and talking with you face to face. The timing on that was such a blessing for me. I don't think there has ever been a time on my mission when I felt a greater need to talk to people who knew me and loved me the way you do. It feels like forever ago. This has probably been the longest week of my mission, and a real rollercoaster ride. I've done a lot of reflecting and self examination and have figured out some things I need to do differently.

Things are better now with the other elders, and especially my companion. This last week has probably been the best one I've had as far as our relationship goes. On Thursday I talked to President Hill, and he gave me some great advice about being a more effective leader.

I really appreciated everything you both said in your emails mom and dad, and this next transfer will be a fresh start. Elder Martin and Elder Ekins are both being transfered out, Elder Martin is going to be district leader in Timisoara and Elder Ekins is going to be serving in Bucharest, and will still be in my zone. My new companion will be Elder Laherty!! He was one of my roommates in the MTC, and is a really fun guy, I'm really looking forward to serving with him. Elder Staheli's new companion will be Elder Bateman, who is an awesome missionary as well. 

Now I'm starting a new year, a new transfer, a new district, the branch has a new building, and a renewed faith and hope for the future. Speaking of the branch, yesterday's service was one of the best I've been to in Pitesti. There weren't very many people there, but those that were there were filled with a love, energy and hope of a new beginning. The branch presidency has a renewed urgency to get things moving and make the branch grow. 

On New Year's Eve we spent the day visiting members, and we talked with Brother Baldea, one of the councelors, President Georgescu, and Brother L---, an older man in the branch. Brother Baldea told us that there are a few families that he has been talking with about the church and told us that after the holidays he will give us their phone numbers and addresses to start having discussions with them! And Brother L----, who never really lets anyone visit him, let us right in when we knocked on his door. Lately he's seemed to be in a bit of a dark place in his life, and our visit seemed to just make his day. He was more talkative and cheerful than I've ever seen him! And now that the holidays are over we have several potential investigators that we will be able to start meeting with and hopefully get things moving for this branch. The Pitesti branch has a lot of potential, it just needs more quality members who will help support it. On Sunday Brother Baldea took a few minutes at the end of sacrament meeting and talked about how we need more than "members" but we need to be converting disciples. People who are committed to a life of serving God and fellow man, and I couldn't agree more. 

Thank you for sharing the story about Renzo, dad. It really helped give me some perspective. There's always been a part of me that has felt like there has to be some magical connection or miracle that happens for me to really effect someone's life, but that's not necessarily true. Your story of teaching Renzo and helping him later on after your mission helped me understand better the scripture that says by small and simple means great things come to pass.

Thanks for telling me about Jeanette's sister too, mom. I have to be constantly reminding myself of that to remember that nothing I do here will go to waste. Sometimes I just find it hard to know how to direct my faith. Should I have faith in finding someone that will accept the gospel, or should I have faith in knowing that in the end what I do here will serve a purpose, whatever that purpose may be? I guess when I put it that way the answer's pretty clear. I have always told myself and other missionaries around me that we need to always focus on the eternal perspective of things. It's kind of silly for me not to be taking my own advice.    

Well that's about it for my time. I love you all so incredibly much. That's too bad that Heather was sick when she came. At least she was in good hands. Have a wonderful week!

Elder Myers

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