Monday, January 9, 2012

New Transfer

Elder Myers in Pitesti, Romania, Dec. 2011

Well, transfer week is over and I everyone's getting settled in. Serving with Elder Laherty right now is proving to be the biggest blessing ever. He's a really energetic, easy going, funny guy, but also his attitude and committment to the work, and the experience he's gained on his mission has proved to be exactly what I need right now. He's someone who knows how to work hard, but to have fun doing it and not being too hard on himself.

As we've been talking more about our experiences on our missions I've realized that we've had a lot of similar experiences, and he has lots of great ideas of things we can do to help the members here. We both feel really good about this transfer. Elder Staheli's new companion, Elder Bateman is an absolutely awesome missionary as well. He's in his 14th transfer and it shows. He's got such an amazing attitude about being here in Pitești, and is really fun to be around. 

City Plaza   Pitesti, Romania

Yesterday was probably the best service I've seen here in Pitești! We held a fast and testimony meeting, and there was not a single moment of silence during the testimony meeting. All of the time was taken up by members bearing their testimonies of how they have come to know that the true gospel was restored. Usually fast Sundays are full of long silences and no one really gets up to bear their testimony. Also, the less active member who we've been meeting with and teaching English came to church with his wife and two kids, and stayed for the first two hours. He bore his testimony, and it was the first time I've seen someone get up in front of the congregation and show the true fruits of repentence. He was humbled and strong in his conviction of the truthfulness of the gospel as he asked forgiveness from the members for mistakes he's made in the past and as he stood and witnessed to them all that from then on he and his family would put God first in their lives.

There was another less active sister and her 15 year old daughter that we have weekly lessons with that came to church too! The Pitești branch seems to be going through a rebirth right now, and you can feel the renewed hope in the members and especially in the branch presidency. If this branch keeps up its momentum, and if us missionaries do everything we can, this branch will grow very quickly.

In fact, on Friday the four of us missionaries along with President Georgescu and his 1st councelor Brother Bâldea and Marius met up at the new church to clean it up and finish organizing everything. Afterwards, Brother Bâldea had a friend of his who he had been talking to about the church for a while stop by and get to know us. His name is L---, looks like he's in his late 30's, married with kids and doing well for himself. He was very friendly, and told us that Brother Bâldea had told him about us missionaries, and he was very interested in learning more about our church. We exchanged phone numbers and set up to meet with him the next Thursday!

Things are looking good for this branch. I remember when I first got into Pitești and just thinking, "Oh great, here we go again." I was not looking forward at all to serving in another branch that seemed to be falling apart. Now I've been learning to love and appreciate the people who are here. This branch has some very acceptional and chosen leaders and potential leaders that are such a huge blessing to the members of the church here. Sure it's got its problems and setbacks, but what place doesn't? I've come to decide that there really is no "good branch" or "bad branch" to serve in, just different ones and I'm learning how to really appreciate all the blessings that can be found by serving in Pitești.  I actually hope I have the opportunity of serving a fourth transfer here after this one. Wherever you go, being a missionary is going to be a hard thing. I'm understanding now better and better that your attitude really is the deciding factor of your experience. When last transfer ended I decided that I was done being a "victim of circumstance" and that I was going to make the best out of every day that I have and try to enjoy all of my time here. It's not worth it to reach the end of my mission, look back and realize that my experience could have been so much better.

Thank you for your words of advice. I knew there was a reason that you are my parents. ; ) You always help me realize the good that I've done and am doing here. As far as the whole faith thing and what direction to focus it, you really gave me some good perspective mom. You're absolutely right. There's no sense in praying for something specific if you don't know that it is what God wants for you. Better to always be asking Heavenly Father to guide you in all that you do, and to be able to perceive the guidance when it comes. Then you will be more prepared for the specific problems when they come.

When I think about it, it's the same principle when we teach investigators. We're told to teach to their needs and not worry so much about whether we cover all the lesson material. The first time you meet with someone, you know nothing about them, so it's impossible to teach to their needs; so, you have to take some time and get to know them, then the Spirit guides you in knowing what specific things you can teach them to help them bless and enrich their lives.

I love you all soooooooooooo much! I hope you have a good phone call with Heather mom, tell her "hi" and that I love her. Good luck with seminary, and congratulations Eli for the new calling! I'm sure you'll be an awesome Teacher's Quorum President. Have a wonderful week everyone!
          Elder Myers 

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