Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy April!

Boy, you really had me going there with the whole triplits thing -- for the amount of time it took me to read the next part of the sentence!!! I let out this big gasp when I read the word triplits and then started laughing when I read April fools! Sounds like you all had a really nice weekend! Over hear Easter isn't for another two weeks or so because of the way the whole Orthodox easter thing. Over here the Catholic Palm Sunday was yesterday and next week the Orthodox Passion Week starts. I always found it interesting that the two religions celebrated the same holiday on different weeks. And it's something that they each take a lot of pride in as well.
Since Orthodoxism is the predominant religion here, the LDS Church just holds Easter on the same Sunday as the Orthodox church. I'm excited for it! Over here Easter is a big deal and people go all out. The branch is starting to plan a big Easter dinner where there will be a ton of saormale! And then after Easter Sunday you greet everyone by saying "Hristos a inviat" ("Christ has risen" or "was resurrected"). I think I remember telling you about that last year.

So thanks for looking up all the college stuff Mom. Actually when I had said BYU I was thinking of Provo, not Idaho. I do remember Allyson talking about how competitive the program is there, but I feel like it would be a good challenge for me and would offer more opportunities as far as career options go. Also, pretty much anywhere else that I go in California that has a comparable program would probably be just as competitive.  That's what research is for right?
I also remember in high school my auto shop and welding teacher and our career advisor telling us about vocational schools where you go to a school specialized in training for a specific job. The idea sounded pretty good, it's just a matter of finding something that I would want to do/could do. I realize that hardly anyone has their "ideal job," and that I could probably get pretty good at almost whetever I end up doing. I also realize that I don't have to make a decision now and that whatever decision I do make can be changed down the road. But right now I feel like if I had schooling that would hone and fine tune the natural talents that I have for music I would be able find opportunities or make opportunities to make a living off of it. We'll see.
About this week, it has been busy!! We had Zone Leader Council in Buchurest on Thursday which including travel time took up all of Wednesday night through Friday morning. Around that we've been doing as many member/ less active/ recent convert visits as possible, calling up and trying to visit with investigators and potential investigators, and we also had to help the previous senior couple, the McFaddens, move out and the new senior couple, the Walquists, move in! On Wednesday morning we helped the McFaddens with a service project they did for a friend of theirs named Marcel! He's about their age, a successful engineer, speaks English, has a son living in San Francisco, and is a really cool, nice guy! We helped him plant a lawn in his backyard and it went really well. He plays tennis, and so does Elder Nilsson and he lent us a racket and said that anytime we want to play, we just need to call him up and he'll talk to some guys he knows who runs tennis courts in town and hook us up! We're hoping that he will open up to the gospel. He would make an amazing addition to the branch here!

It's been really great getting to know more of the members here, and there are some wonderful people in the Arad branch! On Saturday evening we had an activity where we had members meet up at the church and us missionaries held a half our lesson on missionary work, and then for the next hour or so we all split up and made visits to members who are less active. Then we all met back at the church and shared each of our experiences. It seemed like over all it was a positive experience for the members, although the branch president said that it would be a better idea if we just set up visits and went on splits with members throughout the week rather than having a Saturday activity for that. We'll see how things will go in the future.
It's kind of weird, I've been noticing how I've become more and more comfortable with being around and meeting people I've never seen before and getting to know them. Over the course of my mission so far it's something Ive come to really enjoy in a large part. I still wouldn't say I'm some super outgoing people person, but working with people is becoming something less awkward and more enjoyable for me.

We don't have much in the way of investigators right now other than N---. however, we have a fairly long list of potential investigators we're trying to contact and with all the member work we're doing we should be getting a fair amount of referrals by the end of the transfer. One thing's for sure, Elder Nilsson and I stay busy. Between all our work in the branch, the district and being responsible for the zone, it's a lot to handle. It has been going well though.

Yesterday and this morning we were able to watch the Saturday Conference Sessions, and it was sooo good!! I love conference and I can't wait to watch the rest of it! Last week we went over to the home of Fratele Moldovan, the guitar teacher, and it was so awesome! In just an hour and a half I learned a ton from him and things started making sense in my head that I always had questions about or never really knew or understood about playing the guitar. He's an incredible player, and not only does he play the guitar, he also makes them, repairs them, and makes and repairs amplifiers and any type of accessory that is assocciated with the two. It definitely was one of my best p-days ever!

Well I'm running short on time. I can't think of anything else, plus this internet cafe smells strongly of cigarette smoke and it's giving me a headache. Have a wonderful week, and I'm glad you were able have Grandpa Gary, Grandma Linea and Aunt Chrissy over! Tell them all hi for me and tell Aunt Crissy thank you for the email she sent.
I love you!

Elder Myers

P.S. I know I promised pictures, but we've been so busy I've forgotten to take any!

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