Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Shane's district celebrated Sora Henrie's birthday in Arad
Sora Schuld, Elder Nilsson, Elder Myers

Well, it was really really good to be able to talk to all of you on Mother's Day! It was like a breath of fresh new air and a taste of what's to come after 5 months, but I didn't leave the conversation wishing I had more time or wishing I was just back home. If anything it only made me realize even more how fast these next months will pass, and that my time of serving the Lord 24/7 is limited. That's actually a sad thought. I have a feeling that my last weeks in Romania, when they come, will be bittersweet. I've come to love this country and it's people with all my heart.

 I'm excited to find out who the referral is from Brian! So he's got 84 days left, that's sounds like only about 2 transfers! That's pretty exciting. Adam's going to be getting home in a few weeks too I think. 

So really quick, here are  some specifics I would like you to search for in guitar lessons.  I want to focus on learning how to read sheet and lead music for mainly jazz guitar. If you just tell the teachers that, they should know what I need. I can't remember if there was another question you wanted answered...I'm going to call President Hill and get permission to email the lady at Durham High about the transcripts as soon as I can. Thanks you so much again for doing all of this for me...I really really appreciate it. I know that doing college stuff isn't the funnest thing to do. 

Today I mainly want to tell you about my day yesterday; everything that happened before I talked to you. I was a spiritually enriching and strengthening day that taught me a lot about serving others. On Saturday evening us missionaries and other members of the branch started a special fast with E--- (the branch mission leader) for his wife, who has been meeting with the sister missionaries for the past couple weeks and is searching for answers about the church and the Book of Mormon, and also about God in general. E--- asked us if we would all fast with him for his wife to receive a testimony of Jesus Christ and his Atonement and to develop a closer relationship with God. All afternoon on Sunday E--- took us with him to go visit his grandmother and Sister Florita (floor - eets - ah) who is sick with cancer and has not been able to come to church because of the effects of the chemotherapy, and then we also stopped by the Sofroni family for their daughter's birthday. It was very touching to see E--- serving and caring for the sick and afflicted, and the elderly members of his family. 

Elder Nilsson and Elder Myers with the Sofroni ( show - fro - knee ) family in Arad, Romania

We had the opportunity of giving the sacrament to his grandma and Sister Florita, and Sister Florita asked for a blessing of health. I did the anointing and E--- did the sealing and gave a powerful blessing that promised strength and endurance to overcome her sickness. The Holy Ghost was there with us and with those that we visited, enveloping us with His peace and comfort. It was especially touching being at Sister Florita's house. I felt as if I could almost see the angels surrounding her and constantly ministering to her. She is an incredibly strong woman with a powerful faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a humbling experience being with her for that hour. We closed our fast at 6:00, so pretty much right before I talked to all of you. E--- was just glowing the whole day. I wish you could have been there to experience it as well. That day was a powerful testimony to me of the power of fasting, and the whole time I was reminded of the part in King Benjamin's address (I think) when he talks about fasting (or maybe it's somewhere else in the Book of Mormon, I don't remember exactly) and he talks about how your fast is not complete if you do not also serve those who are suffering and in need. 

That's about it, tonight we're driving down to Oradea to do exchanges there. I will probably be staying there until Wednesday and working with Elder Cox (different Elder Cox from the one that I served with in Brasov). He is now the new district leader in Oradea. We're already into our 2nd week of the transfer, and things are just moving right along! We found out that zone conference will be here in Arad on the 31st and the 1st so me and Elder Nilsson will have to start preparing for that this week. Once again, it was great seeing you all, and I hope you have a wonderful week! 

Elder Myers

P.S. Pictures!

1. three generations of missionaries!
2. Last transfer's district. It was Sora Henrie's birthday! She's the one sitting in front of the cake, and the other sister missionary is Sora Schuld. 
3. Us with the Sofroni (show - fro - knee) family

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