Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Hey all!!

I enjoyed reading your emails and seeing all the photos!! I loved the ones of Carissa and Taylor. That's so cool that Sean had come up! I was recently thinking about him and wondering if he was back from his mission or not. I couldn't remember exactly when he left.

Shane's friends, Taylor and Carissa Bradley, just days before Carissa left for her mission in Brazil.
The Myers family bids Carissa farewell.

Thanks for all the college info! I've spent some more time on BYU's website and pretty much found out most of what you told me, except for the details about the school of music itself. I've been thinking about the auditions and I'm not really sure how prepared I will be for the auditions. I've thought about seeing if I can take some private lessons from someone in the couple months that I'll be home before the semester starts. I'm fairly confident that I will be accepted into BYU as well, but I have been thinking about back up options. I don't know how much more you looked into CSULA as far as prices go, things like that, but I would probably just continue in the music program at Chico State or like you said, just finish all my generals at Butte and work....I don't know. I know the application deadline for CSULA is June 4th or something like that. Don't worry about that though. If I don't get into BYU I'll still have some time when I get home to figure out what my next step will be.

 As far as college credits go, I honestly have no idea how many I took. I could look it up on the website because I remember all the courses I took, I just don't remember how many credits it was. I'm pretty sure I had at least 24 credits because I took two full-time semesters and 12 credits/semester is the minimum for being a full time student. And also for the AP scores, BYU counts scores of 3 and more, and I got 3's and 4's on all of my AP tests. Also, about my SAT scores, I don't remember what I got but there is a folder in my bedroom desk where I put all my important documents and it should be in there. It should be in the left hand side big drawer. If not then the right side. Haha, I'm kind of surprised that I still remember that.

Whew, ok, well in answer to other questions, the zone p-days are planned and coordinated by me and Elder Nilsson, and as for choosing what to do, we just called everyone in the zone and asked what ideas they had. There were a few people who had been to Lipova before, so they suggested that. We're probably going to have another zone p-day this next transfer as well. Speaking of which, Elder Nilsson and I are staying together in Arad! Which is good because I still have a lot of things to learn about being an effective zone leader.

Sora Schuld is staying, and Sora Henrie is going down to Bucuresti and Sora Remsberg is replacing her here in Arad. I've never met Sora Remsberg, but Elder Nilsson does and Sora Shuld said they were companions in the MTC, so she's super excited about that! I'm really really excited to be staying in Arad. We still have a lot of work to do. We haven't been able to meet up with C---again, he didn't come to English or church and he doesn't pick up when we call him. Not really sure whats up there. It's possible he's just really busy with work. A--- left Arad yesterday and he will be heading back home to LA within the next couple of weeks. Right now he's staying with his grandparents in Oradea. Some exciting news though!! M--- (brother Sofroni's friend, the one I met in Bacau) came to church!! So did Mc---, the guy whose lawn we planted back when the McFaddens were still here. The fast and testimony meeting was soo good and some of the testimonies shared made Mc-- cry! M--- seemed to enjoy it as well and even stayed all 3 hours. We also had two less active youth come to church, P--- and C---. There were a lot of people at church, and the Spirit was strong.

Ok, one more thing before I forget. Mother's Day. So it's this Sunday, and I get to Skype with all of you!!!!!! Here's the thing, I don't know what time your church is so I'm not really sure when you want me calling. However, since this is transfer week and everything's kind of hectic, President Hill has allowed us an extra 20 minutes of internet time on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday so we can work out all our Mothers Day plans. Also he said that the call doesn't have to be on Sunday. It can also be on Saturday or Monday, for example. I think Elder Nilsson is planning on Skyping his family Sunday night (our time). His family has church at 9:00am Utah time, so he's going to talk to them after their church. I'm flexible. Basically, tell me what time you want to Skype, and I can get it all arranged. I have a couple different options. The senior couple here the Walquists have Skype, the internet cafe here as Skype, or Marcel probably has skype and another guy named Gabi who is a friend of the church. So get back to me on this by Saturday and I'll get it all figured out. Thanks sooooo much, I'm really excited to see all of you!!

Elder Myers

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