Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy July!

In two days it's Independence Day! We have plans of celebrating it with an all-American BBQ! Today for p-day the whole zone went out to Lipova. The zone has changed a ton and now only me and one other missionary have been there. It was a lot of fun, but really hot, I got a good amount of sun.
That's a bummer mom and dad, that you didn't get to go to trek, but it sounds like it was better that way for Eli. My mouth dropped open when you told me about the letter from me I had written to him when I was on trek, I had completely forgotten about that! I don't remember much of what I had written, but I do remember saying that I would probably be on my mission when he read it. Wow, that's really incredible. I'm glad he appreciated it and that it helped him. I remember trek being one of the most spiritually powerful experiences I had as a teenager.

Things are going pretty well with me and Elder Harrison. He's actually in his 9th or 10th transfer. When I had said he was in his 3rd I was referring to his 3rd as a zone leader. It's actually pretty average for someone his age in the mission to be a zone leader they are usually chosen anywhere from their 9th or 10th transfer up to their 14th or 15th.
We were able to meet with T--- once again over a juice and this time we were able to learn more about him and his religious views. He never has been a super religious person, and his family started going to this one church here in Arad because they were good friends with the pastor or priest there, but recently there's been a really big scandal where T--- found out that a man was steeling a lot of money from the church, so his whole view on churches and religion is kind of shaken up and its a subject he tries to avoid as much as possible. Which is really understandable. I was glad to be able to learn about that so that at least now I understand why he's not very interested in the church.

We weren't able to get as much done as we had hoped this week because Elder Harrison and I were both sick Wednesday and Thursday, and a little into Friday. No worries though, I'm feeling much better, just with a little left over digestive issues. Elder Harrison is doing well too, although he's on a strict potatoes, bananas and rice diet on doctors orders. He's been having degistive problems for a few weeks now, and he's pretty sure he got some intestinal worms from drinking unfiltered water. But he's a trooper about it, and you'll never hear him complain a bit. He just keeps on working hard! So, we haven't been able to meet up with very many people this week, but it's all good. I'd rather be healthy than have lessons.

This week President and Sister Hill are coming to Arad for our interviews with President! It feels like I just barely had interviews with him! I'm looking forward to it though, I always walk out of an interview with President Hill feeling really good. He is one of the most loving people I have ever met.
Happy fourth of July everyone, hope you all have a fun time celebrating! I'm looking forward to this week, and everything that will come with it! Thank you all for your love and support, and thanks for forwarding that letter to Heather! Until next week!

Elder Myers

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