Saturday, November 6, 2010

2nd Week in MTC

Dear Mom, Dad, and anyone else who ends up reading this email,

Thank you so much for the emails! It's so incredibly wonderful to read about everything that's going on back home. I had no idea that my decision to serve a mission would bless my family so much! It gives me a lot of comfort and makes me even more motivated to be the best missionary I can possibly be. So Chad's in already? I was wondering when he would be, I'll keep my eye out for him! And yes, I can print out the pictures you sent me. They're so cute!! Man, I can't believe how big those two are going to be when I get back. This week has gone by really fast, and I can't believe how much I've experienced and learned already! Yes, Bucharest is pronounced Bucuresht. The language is so beautiful, I will be sending you some tapes of me speaking Romanian. One of our teachers is native, so its awesome to be able to hear her speak the language.
So remember how I said Elder Richard G. Scott spoke last week? Well this week Elder M. Russell Ballard spoke!!! I can't believe that I've been able to see two apostles of the Lord speak in the past two weeks! Their messages have been such a comfort, motivation, and inspiration for me. Things in my district are going well, we all get along really well. I truly believe that we were all placed in the same district for a reason. After Elder Ballard's talk on Tuesday my district held a testimony meeting and the Spirit was so strong! We all have such strong testimonies and it is so incredible to witness other missionaries growth and experiences. They have literally become my new family here, and it will be hard to separate once we're in Romania. Yes, all 11 missionaries are going to Romania. There is another district about the same size that is leaving on Monday for Romania, they have helped us a lot with the language. There are currently about 80 missionaries in the Bucharest Romania Mission, so the two districts here at the MTC will make up a quarter of the missionaries in Romania!! So incredible. I can't wait to get out there.
I got a letter from Grandpa Gary and Grandma Linea today, it was really nice. I'm so glad to know that all of my family members, immediate and extended have so much love and support for me and my decision to serve a mission. I can't imagine what it would be like being here without every one's prayers going out to me and other missionaries. It's really such a huge blessing. Missionaries literally live off of prayers and tithing! I never really knew what that meant before now. So thank you all for the pictures and letters, I will be sure to send some pictures of my own. I've been meaning to do it, but my days are so busy that I never think of it until it's too late! 
I wish that every member of the church could experience the MTC, even if its just a couple days. The amount of spiritual and personal growth I've experienced in just the past two weeks has been so incredible! Mom, what you said about how you've started to pray morning and night and how you've been feeling the Spirit so much really touched me. It almost made me start crying here in the laundry room! And Dad, I'm sure you'll find a movie buddy to replace me ha ha! Eli, good luck with the braces thing man. It'll hurt for a few weeks, but you'll get used to it. I miss you all so much! give a hug and kiss to Ember and Tristan for me! Oh and Mom and Ally, I just want to say thank you so so so so so so so so so much for all the love and support you've given to Heather. I could never ask for a better family. I hope Erik's new living situation is going well for him. Well I can't wait to here back from everyone. I love you all so much!
Love, Elder Myers

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