Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shane's Handwritten Letter

Dear Mom and Dad,                                                                      11/18/10

     Ok so here is everything that I either forgot to say , or didn't have time to say in my e-mail. So my schedule is pretty full....of classtime. An average day I wake up at 6:15, breakfast at 7:30, then class from 8-12:00, lunch for 45 min., then gym from 1:10-2:30, then class again till 5:00, dinner for 45min., then class until 9:00. So lots and lots of class time! Tuesdays nights there is a devotional where a general authority speaks and then my district holds a testimony meeting about the talk. I think Tuesday night are one of my favorite parts of the week! The Spirit is so strong during those testimony meetings!

     Thursdays are P-days, so we go to the temple in the morning, then we have time to do laundry and write letters until 5:00 when we have dinner, then we have class the rest of the night. Sundays are really nice because I get a break from all the classes and get a chance to just relax a bit more. Sundays evenings we have a fireside where someone who works at the MTC gives a talk. I love the first 15 minutes before the firesides and devotionals start because the whole MTC sings those powerful hymns (that's 2000 people, mostly young men). It's very awe-inspiring. I also love it when the MTC choir sings at the devotionals.

     Aunt Coralie e-mailed me today and I'm really looking forward to having her take me to the airport! I hope you enjoy the tape and pictures. I'll try to get more pictures sent so you can post them on the blog. I think I might just send one of my SD cards with all my MTC pictures before I get to Romania. I miss you all and love you so much!
                           Elder Myers

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