Saturday, November 13, 2010

3rd Week in MTC

Dear Mom and Dad,
Its so wonderful to read your emails every week, I look forward to it so much!! There's so many things that I've been experiencing that I want to share with you, but I never have enough time to say everything. Yes, my departure date is Dec 14th, so I will be in Romania for Chrismas! It sounds beautiful in chico, the way you described the trees mom. It's been pretty cold here the last week, and snowing off and on. It actually snowed the week of Halloween, which was really cool! Things in my district are going well, we are all continuing to grow and learn more about the gospel, ourselves, and each other. It's really amazing to see the growth in myself and in the other missionaries in my district. Things with my companion Elder Bruner could be going better, nothing horrible, I'm just finding that we have personality differences that tends to try my patience sometimes. I'm trying my best to be Christ-like and patient, he's a great missionary and a good guy. This week an Elder from Romania came to the MTC, he will be serving in Italy! His classroom is on my same floor, so the night he came he stopped by and said hi to us all.
This Tuesday Elder Bednar spoke at the devotional! Three aposltes in three weeks! I never would have imagined that happening. It has been such a blessing to all of us to have three aposltes of the Lord speak to us and give us direction, guidance, and blessings. I think Elder Bednar was one of my favorites. He talked about how we need to teach doctrines instead of focusing on applications and principles. He spoke of home teaching as an example, saying that more often than not home teaching relys on silly gymics or incentives for members to get it done, when really if everyone truly understood the dotcrine behind home teaching - which is to be there to support and love those that you home teach, then everyone one would want to do it no matter what kind of incentives were involved. His whole talk was so insighteful and taught me a lot. Something else that just about every speaker who we've heard from has said, in the beginning of their talk, is that instead of taking notes and really listening to what they were saying, we should be focusing on what the Spirit is communicating to us and wright down any impressions we get, because that is where we are going to learn the most. I've been focusing on the Spirit so much here and it has definitely paid off! Things haven't been to hard for the most part. I've really been relying on the Lord and the Spirit and because of that, my yoke has been made easy, and my burden made light. Just as Jesus promised. Something that Elder Bednar said that really spoke to me is that problems don't change, people do.

Dad, thank you so much for your words of support. Whay you said about pushing through the hard times really gives me comfort. Although things haven't been terribly difficult for me, there are times when I will have moments of fear, claustrophobia, doubt, and just overwhelmed with the task that's ahead of me. But i'm finding more and more that when I just give my whole self to God's will, things are made easier for me. Before I got set apart I expected to have kind of a hard time not being able to play or write any music, or really have any alone time and get homesick, but none of those things have really bothered me. I've been able to just focus on being a missionary and put my whole heart and soul into it. I do miss all of you a lot, and I miss being back home, but I know this is where I'm supposed to be, and because of that I've been able to just work, work, and work.
I'm really sorry to hear about President Brown's wife. I will be sure to keep her and the Browns in my prayers.
A few days ago I recieved a care package from Sister Landerman, that was so nice! Give her a big thank you and a hug for me. Oh yeah, and so although I "can" print out pictures, they're only in black and white and a part of the emails you've sent. There isn't a photo printer here that will print off emails. And I'm sorry I haven't sent any photo's yet, I'll send some as soon as possible!!
Thank you so much for the emails, I love reading them. The best part about p-day!! I love you all so much, and I'm so thankfull that I have such a wonderful family. I keep you all in my prayers always. Can't wait to here back from you! Oh, and I'll send a tape asap as well. Well gotta go, clock's a tickin! I love you!
-Elder Myers

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