Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi everyone!
I hope that your thanksgiving is going well! Thanks for those pictures of Ember and Tristan, they're soooo cute!!! And I loved the card as well, I have it sitting on my desk in my dorm room. And the packages, I and my district very much enjoyed those cookies, thank you! And yes, I did get the package with the new debit card, sorry I didn't let you know sooner. There's always so many things I want to put into these e-mails, I always seem to forget something.
 Good luck with the nursery calling Mom, sounds like you've got your work cut out for you! I'm glad that it is such a good experience for you. I'm glad you enjoyed the tape! Feel free to add onto it and send it on back then I can send you another one!
This day is kind of a strange Thanksgiving experience, not being at home, but I wouldn't rather be anywhere else. This morning I was thinking about how you all are getting together with the Cooleys, and I was missing home a little bit. But later this morning we had a devotional and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spoke! It was so amazing, such a spiritual experience. He brought his grandkids, and had them all sing a song to the entire MTC and said that for anybody who was feeling at all homesick, then don't be. He said that he and his family were there for us to have a family experience, and that we are all in this together. I was so amazed at the selflessness of him and his family members, that he would share his family with everyone at the MTC so that no one was left out in having a very personal and spiritual Thanksgiving. Elder Holland's talk was so amazing, I could tell that the entire time he spoke, he was being led completely by the Spirit. The scriptures and messages he shared about Christ and his Atonement, and our purpose as missionaries really touched me, and made me feel so elated and good about being a missionary!! Later today we will participate in a Humanitarian service project, and then there is a Fireside tonight, I'm very much looking forward to all of it!
That's so awesome that Heather is going to come up and spend a couple days with you! Im jealous!!!! I know that you will all have a great time together, and I will enjoy hearing all about it. So to everyone at home, have a wonderfull Thanksgiving, I'm sure dinner with the Cooleys will be a blast haha! And I'm glad to here that the Turkey bowl continues on, I always looked forward to that. Last night one of the elders was sent a pin the feather on the turkey game that he used to play every Thanksgiving with his home ward, where you write something that you're thankful for on a paper feather, and try to stick it on a turkey while blindfolded. It was pretty fun, and our own little family Thanksgiving game. My district has really become my family here at the MTC. We've all grown so incredibly close in the past 5 weeks, it's something quite amazing. It's going to be hard parting from everyone when we get to Romania.
Well thank you again for the packages and cards and etc. I really appreciate everything so much! Next week the new Romanian district comes into the MTC, and I'm excited to meet them all. We should also be getting our travel plans next week, so here we go! I love you all so very much, and look forward to hearing from you next week!
Love, Elder Myers
P.S. "I love you" in Romanian is "te iubesc." Ciao!

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