Monday, February 28, 2011

La Multi Ani Tata !

Hey every one, and Happy Birthday Dad! Sounds like you've all had a pretty awesome week! IT SNOWED?????????? I think the last time I remember it snowing in Chico was when I was like 9 or 10! That's so awesome! The shed looks good dad, you've made a lot of progress! I absolutely loved all the pictures you both sent me, it was fun seeing Jack and David, and man, Tristan is getting big! His features are definitely a lot more defined since the last picture I saw of him. And actually, Mom, that would be awesome if you could send me copies of those pictures. I still haven't gotten a flash drive yet, maybe later today i'll actually get one haha, That's really cool that Erik played guitar for you all; you should tell him to play more. 
So this week's been pretty crazy, and it went by super fast. Zone conference was fun, no one from my MTC district is in my zone, but there are some from the MTC group before and after mine, so it was really fun seeing them, and getting to know other missionaries as well. All the food for the conference was traditional Romanian food made by members of the branch there in Sibiu, and it was soooo good!!! We weren't able to meet with half the people we wanted to because of zone conference, but its all good, we'll make up for it this week! I can't believe that it's almost March, and there's only 2 whole weeks left in this transfer! We've got a lot of work to do. Tomorrow the zone leaders are coming from Sibiu for exchanges, and I'll be going back with one of them to spend Wednesday in Sibiu so that will be really cool! From what I saw of the city at zone conference, I really liked it, its a beautiful city, a little smaller than Cluj, and with it's own flavor.
So our lessons with Gyongyi are going well, she wasn't able to come to church on Sunday, but she promised she would next week. We're almost done teaching her the Plan of Salvation, and then we will be going over the commandments. Once we get through all of the commandments, she will be ready to be baptized! She has completely quit smoking and drinking coffee, something that is just a miracle! She told us that she simply has no desire whatsoever to smoke or drink coffee any more.

 Our other baptismal date, Ani is kind of starting to re-think getting baptized. In our last lesson with her, she asked if getting baptized meant that she would have to change religions, because she likes her church and doesn't want to change. The only thing she doesn't like about her church is that they don't do adult baptisms, and she really feels like she needs to be baptized. However, she told us that she feels the Holy Ghost when she reads the Book of Mormon, and knows that it is a true book from God, so we're going to focuse on that and try to get her to come to church so she can feel the Spirit there. She hasn't expressed much of a desire to change religions, but the more we learn about her and visit her, the more I see how much she needs the gospel in her life, and how much it will bless her, we just need to help her see that. So we're not giving up on her! 
Other than that, we now have an investigator that the sisters were teaching and he was going to get baptized last Saturday, but after the baptismal interview some crazy stuff happened, and long story short, the sisters are no longer working with him. and we found out that he just not quite ready yet. He seems like someone who's in a really dark place in life right now, and it seems like he recognizes that, and wants to get out of it, but is finding it really hard to give up the vices that hold him back right now. So Elder Vogelsberg and I will be working with him, and hopefully we can help him start a new life! 

Then there's some sad news too, we've been trying to set up lessons with Mihaela (mee-ha-yell-a), but she keeps telling us she's too busy to meet, or to come to church, and that she'll call us when she has time..........basically she's just dropped off the face of the earth. And Dorel, her ex-boyfriend who's a member, has not come to church in almost a month. We're going to visit him and see if we can help him in any way, but it was sad for me to see Mihaela  just give up on everything. She was progressing so well, and making great changes in her life, and now it's just like all that is gone. I'm starting to see how hard missionary work can really be. When you put so much time, energy and effort into helping someone come closer to God, and then they just stop being interested in the best thing that ever happened to them!! Oh well, I that's just a part of life I guess. If someone's not ready, then they're just simply not ready. hopefully she will remember that testimony she gained of the gospel at some point down the road, and continue the journey she started with me and Elder Clonts.
We also have a few other investigators that right now are just kind of sitting on the fence, and we're going to have to see how they committed they are. We will probably end up dropping some of them this week. But it's all good, because there are so many others that have potential still, and that I have a lot of hope for! The Militaru (mee-lee-ta-roo) family have all been coming to church and staying for all three hours for the past few weeks now, and we're just praying for a miracle that the father's heart will be softened so that he will let his family get baptized.
So, that's what's been up with Cluj-Napoca the last week, life's full of ups and downs, and loopedy-loops and you never know what's going to get thrown at you! I'm glad to hear that things are going well back at home, I'm excited to see the pictures of Eli's new room! And I'm glad that me email last week was able to give you a little boost mom! I loved your quote for this week. I've loved all of them so far haha! Until next week then, I love you all and thank you so much for being the amazing family that you are! I'm so blessed to have all of you.
Love, Elder Myers

Quote of the Week

"It is faith, and not reason, which impels men to action...Intelligence is content to point out the road, but never drives us along it."

                                                                                --  Dr. Alexis Carrel

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hello, Hello

So this is what missionaries do on P-day?

Hey everyone, last week of February coming right up! Time continues to fly as a missionary. Oh my gosh so I had actually forgotten to tell you, that I did get your package at transfers!! So thank you so much for the Peppermint Bark (sooooooooooo good. as allways!), and I really like the tie and slippers too! So don't worry about sending packages mom, they'll get here eventually! And actually I haven't really had any allergy problems at all, so I've hardly used any allergy medicine. Let's see if I'm still saying that when spring comes around though...but actually I am starting to run a little low on my vitamins. And actually, I feel a little silly asking for this, but could you send back that Hymns Made Easy book? Turns out I've been playing the keyboard almost every Sunday for church and they have a Hymns Made Easy book, but I think the one I have has a lot more selection than this one. I've been practicing regular hymns too when I've got the time and I'm starting to get a little better at those. Man, I'm sorry to hear about all the colds mom, that sounds like no fun. :( I'm glad that Eli's getting better too. And Dad when are you gonna send some pictures of the shed man? I've held up my part of the deal with the pictures-- don't slack off on me now haha! Well sounds like things are going well back home.

It started snowing again this week, and its supposed to snow the whole week through from what I've heard. Hopefully it will be the last cold week and once March comes around it will start warming up a bit. I heard from Heather and Grandma and Grandpa Gary that it's been raining a lot in the Bay Area! Oh yeah and thanks for sending the Valentines Day call to Heather for me mom!
So I don't have much time to talk this week, I had a lot of emails to read! I'm gonna buy a flash drive or something ASAP so that I can put pictures and emails on it and print them out later. But really quick, the pictures are from today, we heard of this salt mine just outside of town that you can go down into and it has a HUGE cavern where they have like mini golfing, bowling, a ferris wheel, and a theatre! So we went there before email, and it was soooo cool! there's a bunch of passages you can just explore, and its like being in a cave, but everything around you is pure solid salt! And the cavern is absolutely huge! At least a couple hundred feet high! And we rode on the ferris wheel, and explored around, there's even a little natural underground lake in there that you can take a little boat out onto! It was one of the coolest places I've ever been! It Kind of reminded me of Shasta Caverns, only its all salt, and it's like a little amusement park! They have these really nice elevators you take to get down to the cavern floor and everything, it was crazy.

                                                            Salt Mine/Amusement Park

As far as investigators go, we're still working with Gigi. She's so awesome and absolutely set on being baptized! She came to church for the first time this week and she really liked it! Every time we go over there for lessons she takes notes on everything we say, it's so awesome! Unfortunately we haven't been able to meet with our miracle family the past week, and they didn't come to church, but we're not giving up on thiem! The past week was just sooooo busy. We have so many investigators and we continue to find more! We went villa knocking one day and had a lesson with this Hungarian lady. A couple days later she called us and told us how she's been reading the Book of Mormon, and she feels the Holy Ghost when she reads it and knows that it's a holy book, and really wants to meet with us again, so cool! Cluj is just like a miracle city! We're hoping to have 2 or 3 investigators commit to a baptismal date this next week. The only thing is we have zone conference in Sibiu on Wednesday and Thursday so we're having a hard time fitting everyone in that we want to have lessons with.
Well that's about it for this week, I have to email President Lundberg and skedaddle, but I love you all and hope you have a great week!!
Love, Elder Myers

Happy Valentine's Day !

Sorry for the lack of blog activity in the last two weeks. It took that long for our usually-speedy computer technicians to figure out how to fix things...and things still aren't perfect, but the good news is this week you get two-for-one. Enjoy!

Shane and his first companion, Elder Clonts

Hey there everyone! Ce mai faceti? Happy Valentines Day to all you Americans! It's great to hear that Eli's doing better and that the surgery was a success. Sounds like it has painfull after affects though....I remember the times I got strep throat, and I think having a soar throat is one of the worst pains. I hope he recovers quickly! Ok dad, I'm gonna answer you before I forget haha. I've gotten ice cream once last transfer, and it was really good! It's pretty much like American ice cream, only it's sold in smaller quantities, and it's pretty expensive. At least compared to the rest of the food. I think cooking is one of the things I've actually enjoyed the most out here. I've cooked more on my mission so far than I have most of my life haha! And it really makes me appreciate the fact that you do it every single day for us all mom! I've learned how to make one of the traditional Romanian dishes called ardei in pluti, which means stuffed peppers. It's kind of like sarmale where you have a seasoned pork and rice mixture, only instead of wrapping it in pickled cabbage you stuff bell peppers with it and make a soup with a tomato broth. Usually I don't really like peppers that much, but this is sooo good!! I've also made pizza, schnitzel, spaggetti (really good spaggetti, I learned from Elder Clonts how to make this really good ragu sauce), and Elder Vogelsberg made up this soup that was really good, so yeah I've been cooking a lot. By the time I get home I'll be able to make everybody a bunch of Romanian food! Which is really really good. I love the food here! 

So yeah, when we went down to Bucharest it was just for transfers. Zone conference is next week. And I don't really know what the difference between an express train and a locale train is, Dad...I'm gessing that the express goes a lot farther and the locale you have to switch lines somewhere along the way. If that's the case, it was express. It was pretty cool riding the train, we were able to get first class tickets too which was nice! Oh and thanks for the Mad Lib letters haha they were hilarious! It was fun trying to guess who had said which words. I'm pretty sure that assassins and cyborg dragons was from Jared....and the avunculesque TV was from Allyson haha.

So this week's been pretty crazy. The weather's been pretty ridiculous, it got pretty cold again, and a couple days ago there were really strong winds, like we get sometimes in the spring or fall in Durham, which is pretty unusual for Cluj from what I've heard. Its supposed to start warming up again this week though. As far as missionary work goes, we've had some ups and downs. We've had a couple lessons with Gyongyhi, our investigator with a baptismal date. Her progress is kind of slow and our lessons are long, but she has a really strong desire to follow God's path and to be baptized which is great! She hasn't been to church yet, but she promised us she would come next Sunday. We've met with a couple other investigators that were on our list from the Elders before us but that we had never met before. There's Nelu, who is the husband of a member, and then Luis who is from Cameroon and going to school here. He had told the old Elders that he wants to be baptized if he finds everything to be true!
Then Saturday came along, and that was probably the most eventful day of the week. It started out ok, and just got worse and worse. Our first lesson didn't go at all the way we wanted it to, and then we had two other lessons planned that fell through. For one of these lessons, which was with Luis, we went all the way out to an area of the city we'd never been too and was close to the city limits. When we arrived at the correct address, no one was home, and the neighbor told us that the police had came a couple days ago, and that he didn't think that Luis lived there anymore! And we couldn't get a hold of Luis. Then in the same block, some random lady started argueing with us about how the Book of Mormon isn't better than the Bible, and how we worship Mormon and all this stuff that is completely wrong. Oh yeah, and this was the super super windy day too, and I hate wind. At this point Elder Vogelsberg was really frustrated and annoyed. Though strangely enough, I really wasn't that phased by any of it...I was just kind of watching my companion steadily get more and more upset and wondering what the heck was going on around me haha. So after the lady left we just sat down on some stairs outside a block and both said a prayer, then got up, and looked around for a block to knock. Elder Vogelsberg saw an orange one, and orange is his favorite color so we went in there. We got in, said another prayer, and started knocking on some doors. 
At first no luck, pretty much normal block knocking with a lot of doors slammed in your face, a couple people who tell you to come back later, and some brochures handed out. Until we knocked on Ciprian's door. He opened the door, and said that he had heard about Mormons because he has colleagues who work in Salt Lake City but didn't really know much about us or the Book of Mormon. He said he's always interested in studying different religions, and is looking for the right one to join. So he lets us in and we start talking a little and after a couple of minutes we hear his wife saying something in another room. She comes in to where we were sitting, and just becomes imediately really excited! She told us how there are so many different churches, so many different paths, and she doesn't know which one is the right one, and she really wants to follow God and be on the right path. Then she said how sorry she was because she had to go to work, and she was like "I wish that I didn't have work today, I shouldn't even really go right now, this is so much more important, but I have to go to work, I have to make money to live! Is there any chance you could come back tommorrow??" Needless to say, we said YES!!  So then we had a lesson with the husband Ciprian and it went really well, the opening prayer made him cry, and the Spirit was strong the whole time. We didn't even have to ask him to read the BoM and pray about it, after he read the promise at the end of the introduction he was just like "yeah, I'll do that. I'll read this and ask God if it's true" GOLDEN!!!! 
So then the next day we had a second lesson with them that went really well. It was with Ciprian, his wife Viorica and their 16 year old son Razvan. At first it was the Viorica pretty much chewing out her son for smoking and drinking and telling him how he should be like us (really awkward), but eventually things settled down and we had a good lesson. Ciprian explained the story of Joseph Smith perfectly to his family, and Razvan was answering most of the questions we would ask, and Viorica made the whole family promise that they would come to church on Sunday, and they're coming to English class on Tuesday! So they are our miracle family right now, and both me and Elder Vogelsberg feel like they're just ripe and prepared to accept the gospel into their lives. I'm so excited to see that family progress!! 
So that's been my week. Pretty crazy, and this next week we've got our work cut out for us. We've got so many investigators we're finding it hard to fit them all in! It's absolutely crazy. Cluj is a miracle city! Also, Salvatore was in the hospital the past week because his asthma got really bad, but he's out now, doing much better, and if all goes according to plan within the next few weeks they will be living separately, and Aurelia will get baptized! So far this has been an awesome transfer, and I hope it continues to be that way! 
So thanks all for your letters, I really enjoyed yours Allyson, it was good to hear from my amazing big sister! I hope you all have a wonderfull Valentines, give Heather a Valentine's Day call for me mom, if you've got the 
time. : ) I love you all so much! Enjoy the pictures, I promise I'll have more new ones next week. Sorry if some of them are repeats, I couldn't remember exactly which ones I sent before. The one in the theatre was from the week of transfers on Tuesday we went to this Chinese New Year celebration in Cluj (there's a member in the branch who is from Texas, but is Vietnamese). That was super awesome! and then there's a picture of me and Elder Clonts at the gara, and.... the big Catholic church in Centru, and a snow covered street full of Villas!  Enjoy!

Love, Elder Myers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ciao ciao!

Buna Ziua familia mea si toti alti care citesc acesti scrisori!  Lol I think I said that right....I hope so anyways. Wowowowowow sounds like there's a lot going on over there! Oh. My. Goodness. Eli whats happenning to you??????? hahahah oh my gosh I could not stop laughing when I read about the changes Eli is making to his room! Way to go man, you take masculine to the highest level possible haha! wow you've got to send me me pictures of the new room. I cannot believe you're going from Hanna Montanna and Perywinkle to black, white and gunmetal grey that's just crazy. Your most definitely a teenager now lol! And good luck with all those tests and the surgery, I'll deffinitely be keeping you in my prayers.
I really liked the quote mom, where did YOU find a quote by Duke Ellington? He's like a blues legend! To be perfectly honest you're one of the last people I would expect to have a quote from him haha! That's really cool that Rich and Jodi are moving into 5th ward, sounds like that ward has been having some wonderfull things happening to it! And Fred and Suzie are sending me ----- dollars a month? Wow, I hope you told them that is really not necessary at all.....I really appreciate it though, and I imagine that you already told them something like that but they insisted anyways. I know how this whole family is with being unwaveringly charitable. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family! I did buy the new socks and a new wallet but already had cash withdrawn so I just haven't taken any more out of my account yet, that's why the balance is still the same. Oh yeah, and Dad you asked about the living situations. I'm pretty sure all the apartments are 2 missionaries only. I remember hearing from my MTC teachers that once or twice they were in an apartment with 4 missionaries, but I'm pretty sure they don't do that anymore. And I can understand why. I can imagine how chaotic that could get, couping up four 19-21 year olds in a dinky little apartment.
So its starting to warm up, today its actually above 0 C, yay! All the snow is starting to melt. It's kind of ridiculous that I'm now considering 40 degree (F) weather warm haha. I'm getting excited for spring to come too, so I know how you feel Mom! Although from what I hear the spring here comes a little later than in California. It's interesting, from what I saw of the countryside on the train ride down to Bucharest for transfers, Romania really does look and feel a lot like a Northern California, just with more extreme weather. And weird funky European cars and architecture.
It was a strange feeling coming back into Cluj from Bucharest with my new district, in a way it felt like I was coming home. I absolutely love it here, the branch is so awesome, and my investigators are all really cool people too. It's going to be a little sad when the time comes for me to leave. So the language has been getting better for me. I've been talking on the phone way more than last transfer, and that's been good language practice for me. Elder Vogelsberg and I switch off every other day who has the phone. I've also gotten a little more comfortable talking in general and interacting with Romanians, and I'm starting to understand what people are saying a little easier. So, it seems like slow progress, but I know that every week I'm getting better at the language.
So my new district is really cool, Elder Vogelsberg now live on the east side of town. Elder Clonts and I used to live on the west side, and that's now where the sister missionaries live. We've been getting along really well. Elder Vogelsberg is a hard worker and I can tell that he's been able to find a really good balance of being serious when necessary, having fun whenever possible, but above all being obedient and allways working hard. He's a great example of what a missionary should be like. He just got done with being a branch president in Orhe, Moldova. He said he absolutely loved it there, and that's his favorite city that he's served in. He said the branch is really really small, like only 5 or 6 people, but that the members there are some of the strongest members in the country.
It's been pretty crazy sorting through all the new investigators. On Thursday we met with the sisters to draw out the area borders, and to work out who's going to be teaching which investigators. Right now we have around 10 investigators to teach! So far we've had lessons with three of them. A lot of them used to be Elder Johnson and Elder Brunner's investigators, so neither of us have ever met them before. Last night we had a lesson with a Hungarian lady named Gyongyie (don't really know how to pronounce that, we just call her Gigi) (jee-jee, man sometimes I just wish English was more phonetic) She is married and has two little kids, and she speaks like 4 languages! She learned English from school, and then she learned German, French, and Spanish from watching TV. And then of course she speaks Hungarian and Romanian. So actually I gess that's like 6 haha! Its so crazy. She has a baptismal date set for March 26! Right now we're helping her quit smoking and drinking coffee which is really hard for her. She is someone who is in dire need of the healing power of Christ's atonement, and I can just see the gospel blessing her and her family so much and bringing her peace and comfort, as long as she forgives herself and opens herself to it.
There's also a family of 7 that are all really awesome. They're all practically members - they all have testimonies of the truthfulness of the church, the Book of Mormon, and want to get baptized really bad only the dad won't let them for some reason...we're meeting with them this week so we will find out what the deal is with them. Other than that, we visited Vasile Cioban last week, and have tons of people to set up lessons with. We gave Mihaela and Denis to the sisters, so I'm not teaching them anymore, but its all good. The sister missionaries are awesome and I have complete confidence that they could both be baptized this transfer!
Elder Vogelsberg and I have had some fun getting lost around the city the past few days, haha. He's never been here before, and I don't know the east side of the city at all, so its been intersting haha. Kind of like an urban Philmont actually, just relying on a map to get around from place to place, I've actually kind of enjoyed it haha. Wowser bowser, well that's a long email! Hope you all enjoy it, its about time for me to go write my weekly email to the mission president. I'm sorry I haven't sen any more pictures yet...I'll be sure to send some next week of my new district! Thank you so much for your prayers, love and constant support, I love you all so much. Salut from Cluj-Napoca!
-Elder Myers

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Quote of the Week:

"I simply took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues."
                                ---Duke Ellington

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Transfer Week !

So this Wednesday is transfers, and I will be staying in Cluj! My new companion's name is Elder Vogelsberg, I don't really know anything about him but Elder Clonts knows him and said he's pretty cool! A lot of changes are being made this next transfer. Everyone who is in Cluj right now is being trasnferred out except for me, and I'm getting moved to the other side of the city so its going to be almost a complete white wash here! Cluj will also now have sister missionaries, which it really needs, and the zone leaders will no longer be in Cluj. They're being moved to Sibiu because its more in the middle of our zone. My zone includes Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, and Brasov. Soooo this next transfer will be exciting! There will be a lot of work to do, taking on investigators that I've never met before but I'm excited for it. Tuesday night we're all going down to Bucharest for transfer day, there I'll get my Visa and meet my new companion.
So this week has been pretty good, but suuuuper cold!! I don't think it's gotten above 0 C! Crazy crazy crazy. Thanks for giving me the bank statement. About a third of my socks now have holes in them already so I have to buy some new ones. I also lost my hat a couple weeks ago and still need some gloves, so I have to get those things as well. That's so awesome that you and Heather have these great phone calls mom! I got an e-mail from her last week that was really nice, she said she's finally started getting the mail I sent her! I loved the pictures of Ember and Tristan! They're so precious. Pretty soon I also want to get a hardrive to put photos on as well. (I think I said that last week though). I asked Elder Clonts if he knew Renzo, and he said he wasn't sure. He asked if it was Lorenze Gasparini? Anyway, his whole family lived in Verona, Italy for two years because his dad got an accounting job there.  
So as far as investigators go, Aurelia and Salvatore still haven't had any luck finding new apartments, apparently the market is really bad right now, and so there's not too much available. Mihaela and Denis are doing really well, there's been a lot of drama between her and Dorel (Mr. Bean) but she's got the beginnings of a really strong testimony and is doing it completely for herself. We're getting pretty close to being done teaching her everything - which the new sister missionaries will probably finish up - and we really want her to be able to set a baptismal date soon. Vasile Cioban has been doing great, he's so awesome. He would be baptized already if it weren't for his wife who is decidedly Pentacostal. Recently he's been having more luck in sharing things about the church with her, she read A Proclamation to the World, and was impressed by it. He also wants to do missonary work and made himself a goal that he would pray to find someone he can share the gospel with! How awesome is that? When he's baptized he's going to make such a strong member. Ionut is doing pretty good too. He's always got tons of questions, and sometimes its hard to get committments out of him to read, pray, or right now especially come to church. He's really intelligent and wants to be sure of everything before he makes any kind of commitment. I guess I can't really blame him, everybody learns in their own way.
I really liked the quote you sent me mom, and it was very well timed I must say. In the President's weekly email he talked about changes that are going to be made in the weekly schedule like now having district meetings Tuesday mornings after personal study, and he's set a new standard for everyone to talk to 10 people outside of normal planned contacting. He's really been stressing everyone on being 100% obedient and making sure that everyone is working hard to accomplish our goal of having 200 baptisms for the year. This was a goal that was set for 2010, but was not reached, and now the goal is extended to have the 200 baptisms by June.
Thank you for all the love and support I feel through your emails every week. And happy birthday mom!!!! I look forward to filling you in next week on all the new things that will happen with transfers! I love you all!
Elder Myers

Quote of the Week:

       Shane's preparation day is Monday, and that's the day every week when he gets to check his email and send us one. We want to make sure he has something from us waiting in his "inbox" every week, so every Sunday Mort and I write to him. We have to make sure we send it before 10:30 PM our time because then it's 6:30 AM in Romania and Shane is waking up and beginning his Monday.

       Anyway, I love quotes so every week I send him one that I think might inspire him, help him, or just get him thinking. I thought it would be fun to post the quotes her every week to share with all of you. Here are some from the last few weeks:

"Faith is a sounder guide than reason. Reason can only go so far,
         but faith has no limits."
                                                           ---Blaise Pascal

"Become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid."
                                             ---Lady Bird Johnson (wife of Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson)

"Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor
         to discover  it."

"Resistance causes pain and lethargy. It is when we practice acceptance that
                        new possibilities appear."

A Letter From the Mission President

Near the end of January we received a letter and photo from Shane's Mission President. I thought some of you might like to read it, so I'm posting it here. I think the photos is taken at the Mission President's home in Bucharest.