Friday, February 25, 2011

Hello, Hello

So this is what missionaries do on P-day?

Hey everyone, last week of February coming right up! Time continues to fly as a missionary. Oh my gosh so I had actually forgotten to tell you, that I did get your package at transfers!! So thank you so much for the Peppermint Bark (sooooooooooo good. as allways!), and I really like the tie and slippers too! So don't worry about sending packages mom, they'll get here eventually! And actually I haven't really had any allergy problems at all, so I've hardly used any allergy medicine. Let's see if I'm still saying that when spring comes around though...but actually I am starting to run a little low on my vitamins. And actually, I feel a little silly asking for this, but could you send back that Hymns Made Easy book? Turns out I've been playing the keyboard almost every Sunday for church and they have a Hymns Made Easy book, but I think the one I have has a lot more selection than this one. I've been practicing regular hymns too when I've got the time and I'm starting to get a little better at those. Man, I'm sorry to hear about all the colds mom, that sounds like no fun. :( I'm glad that Eli's getting better too. And Dad when are you gonna send some pictures of the shed man? I've held up my part of the deal with the pictures-- don't slack off on me now haha! Well sounds like things are going well back home.

It started snowing again this week, and its supposed to snow the whole week through from what I've heard. Hopefully it will be the last cold week and once March comes around it will start warming up a bit. I heard from Heather and Grandma and Grandpa Gary that it's been raining a lot in the Bay Area! Oh yeah and thanks for sending the Valentines Day call to Heather for me mom!
So I don't have much time to talk this week, I had a lot of emails to read! I'm gonna buy a flash drive or something ASAP so that I can put pictures and emails on it and print them out later. But really quick, the pictures are from today, we heard of this salt mine just outside of town that you can go down into and it has a HUGE cavern where they have like mini golfing, bowling, a ferris wheel, and a theatre! So we went there before email, and it was soooo cool! there's a bunch of passages you can just explore, and its like being in a cave, but everything around you is pure solid salt! And the cavern is absolutely huge! At least a couple hundred feet high! And we rode on the ferris wheel, and explored around, there's even a little natural underground lake in there that you can take a little boat out onto! It was one of the coolest places I've ever been! It Kind of reminded me of Shasta Caverns, only its all salt, and it's like a little amusement park! They have these really nice elevators you take to get down to the cavern floor and everything, it was crazy.

                                                            Salt Mine/Amusement Park

As far as investigators go, we're still working with Gigi. She's so awesome and absolutely set on being baptized! She came to church for the first time this week and she really liked it! Every time we go over there for lessons she takes notes on everything we say, it's so awesome! Unfortunately we haven't been able to meet with our miracle family the past week, and they didn't come to church, but we're not giving up on thiem! The past week was just sooooo busy. We have so many investigators and we continue to find more! We went villa knocking one day and had a lesson with this Hungarian lady. A couple days later she called us and told us how she's been reading the Book of Mormon, and she feels the Holy Ghost when she reads it and knows that it's a holy book, and really wants to meet with us again, so cool! Cluj is just like a miracle city! We're hoping to have 2 or 3 investigators commit to a baptismal date this next week. The only thing is we have zone conference in Sibiu on Wednesday and Thursday so we're having a hard time fitting everyone in that we want to have lessons with.
Well that's about it for this week, I have to email President Lundberg and skedaddle, but I love you all and hope you have a great week!!
Love, Elder Myers

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