Monday, February 7, 2011

Ciao ciao!

Buna Ziua familia mea si toti alti care citesc acesti scrisori!  Lol I think I said that right....I hope so anyways. Wowowowowow sounds like there's a lot going on over there! Oh. My. Goodness. Eli whats happenning to you??????? hahahah oh my gosh I could not stop laughing when I read about the changes Eli is making to his room! Way to go man, you take masculine to the highest level possible haha! wow you've got to send me me pictures of the new room. I cannot believe you're going from Hanna Montanna and Perywinkle to black, white and gunmetal grey that's just crazy. Your most definitely a teenager now lol! And good luck with all those tests and the surgery, I'll deffinitely be keeping you in my prayers.
I really liked the quote mom, where did YOU find a quote by Duke Ellington? He's like a blues legend! To be perfectly honest you're one of the last people I would expect to have a quote from him haha! That's really cool that Rich and Jodi are moving into 5th ward, sounds like that ward has been having some wonderfull things happening to it! And Fred and Suzie are sending me ----- dollars a month? Wow, I hope you told them that is really not necessary at all.....I really appreciate it though, and I imagine that you already told them something like that but they insisted anyways. I know how this whole family is with being unwaveringly charitable. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family! I did buy the new socks and a new wallet but already had cash withdrawn so I just haven't taken any more out of my account yet, that's why the balance is still the same. Oh yeah, and Dad you asked about the living situations. I'm pretty sure all the apartments are 2 missionaries only. I remember hearing from my MTC teachers that once or twice they were in an apartment with 4 missionaries, but I'm pretty sure they don't do that anymore. And I can understand why. I can imagine how chaotic that could get, couping up four 19-21 year olds in a dinky little apartment.
So its starting to warm up, today its actually above 0 C, yay! All the snow is starting to melt. It's kind of ridiculous that I'm now considering 40 degree (F) weather warm haha. I'm getting excited for spring to come too, so I know how you feel Mom! Although from what I hear the spring here comes a little later than in California. It's interesting, from what I saw of the countryside on the train ride down to Bucharest for transfers, Romania really does look and feel a lot like a Northern California, just with more extreme weather. And weird funky European cars and architecture.
It was a strange feeling coming back into Cluj from Bucharest with my new district, in a way it felt like I was coming home. I absolutely love it here, the branch is so awesome, and my investigators are all really cool people too. It's going to be a little sad when the time comes for me to leave. So the language has been getting better for me. I've been talking on the phone way more than last transfer, and that's been good language practice for me. Elder Vogelsberg and I switch off every other day who has the phone. I've also gotten a little more comfortable talking in general and interacting with Romanians, and I'm starting to understand what people are saying a little easier. So, it seems like slow progress, but I know that every week I'm getting better at the language.
So my new district is really cool, Elder Vogelsberg now live on the east side of town. Elder Clonts and I used to live on the west side, and that's now where the sister missionaries live. We've been getting along really well. Elder Vogelsberg is a hard worker and I can tell that he's been able to find a really good balance of being serious when necessary, having fun whenever possible, but above all being obedient and allways working hard. He's a great example of what a missionary should be like. He just got done with being a branch president in Orhe, Moldova. He said he absolutely loved it there, and that's his favorite city that he's served in. He said the branch is really really small, like only 5 or 6 people, but that the members there are some of the strongest members in the country.
It's been pretty crazy sorting through all the new investigators. On Thursday we met with the sisters to draw out the area borders, and to work out who's going to be teaching which investigators. Right now we have around 10 investigators to teach! So far we've had lessons with three of them. A lot of them used to be Elder Johnson and Elder Brunner's investigators, so neither of us have ever met them before. Last night we had a lesson with a Hungarian lady named Gyongyie (don't really know how to pronounce that, we just call her Gigi) (jee-jee, man sometimes I just wish English was more phonetic) She is married and has two little kids, and she speaks like 4 languages! She learned English from school, and then she learned German, French, and Spanish from watching TV. And then of course she speaks Hungarian and Romanian. So actually I gess that's like 6 haha! Its so crazy. She has a baptismal date set for March 26! Right now we're helping her quit smoking and drinking coffee which is really hard for her. She is someone who is in dire need of the healing power of Christ's atonement, and I can just see the gospel blessing her and her family so much and bringing her peace and comfort, as long as she forgives herself and opens herself to it.
There's also a family of 7 that are all really awesome. They're all practically members - they all have testimonies of the truthfulness of the church, the Book of Mormon, and want to get baptized really bad only the dad won't let them for some reason...we're meeting with them this week so we will find out what the deal is with them. Other than that, we visited Vasile Cioban last week, and have tons of people to set up lessons with. We gave Mihaela and Denis to the sisters, so I'm not teaching them anymore, but its all good. The sister missionaries are awesome and I have complete confidence that they could both be baptized this transfer!
Elder Vogelsberg and I have had some fun getting lost around the city the past few days, haha. He's never been here before, and I don't know the east side of the city at all, so its been intersting haha. Kind of like an urban Philmont actually, just relying on a map to get around from place to place, I've actually kind of enjoyed it haha. Wowser bowser, well that's a long email! Hope you all enjoy it, its about time for me to go write my weekly email to the mission president. I'm sorry I haven't sen any more pictures yet...I'll be sure to send some next week of my new district! Thank you so much for your prayers, love and constant support, I love you all so much. Salut from Cluj-Napoca!
-Elder Myers

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