Thursday, February 3, 2011

Transfer Week !

So this Wednesday is transfers, and I will be staying in Cluj! My new companion's name is Elder Vogelsberg, I don't really know anything about him but Elder Clonts knows him and said he's pretty cool! A lot of changes are being made this next transfer. Everyone who is in Cluj right now is being trasnferred out except for me, and I'm getting moved to the other side of the city so its going to be almost a complete white wash here! Cluj will also now have sister missionaries, which it really needs, and the zone leaders will no longer be in Cluj. They're being moved to Sibiu because its more in the middle of our zone. My zone includes Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, and Brasov. Soooo this next transfer will be exciting! There will be a lot of work to do, taking on investigators that I've never met before but I'm excited for it. Tuesday night we're all going down to Bucharest for transfer day, there I'll get my Visa and meet my new companion.
So this week has been pretty good, but suuuuper cold!! I don't think it's gotten above 0 C! Crazy crazy crazy. Thanks for giving me the bank statement. About a third of my socks now have holes in them already so I have to buy some new ones. I also lost my hat a couple weeks ago and still need some gloves, so I have to get those things as well. That's so awesome that you and Heather have these great phone calls mom! I got an e-mail from her last week that was really nice, she said she's finally started getting the mail I sent her! I loved the pictures of Ember and Tristan! They're so precious. Pretty soon I also want to get a hardrive to put photos on as well. (I think I said that last week though). I asked Elder Clonts if he knew Renzo, and he said he wasn't sure. He asked if it was Lorenze Gasparini? Anyway, his whole family lived in Verona, Italy for two years because his dad got an accounting job there.  
So as far as investigators go, Aurelia and Salvatore still haven't had any luck finding new apartments, apparently the market is really bad right now, and so there's not too much available. Mihaela and Denis are doing really well, there's been a lot of drama between her and Dorel (Mr. Bean) but she's got the beginnings of a really strong testimony and is doing it completely for herself. We're getting pretty close to being done teaching her everything - which the new sister missionaries will probably finish up - and we really want her to be able to set a baptismal date soon. Vasile Cioban has been doing great, he's so awesome. He would be baptized already if it weren't for his wife who is decidedly Pentacostal. Recently he's been having more luck in sharing things about the church with her, she read A Proclamation to the World, and was impressed by it. He also wants to do missonary work and made himself a goal that he would pray to find someone he can share the gospel with! How awesome is that? When he's baptized he's going to make such a strong member. Ionut is doing pretty good too. He's always got tons of questions, and sometimes its hard to get committments out of him to read, pray, or right now especially come to church. He's really intelligent and wants to be sure of everything before he makes any kind of commitment. I guess I can't really blame him, everybody learns in their own way.
I really liked the quote you sent me mom, and it was very well timed I must say. In the President's weekly email he talked about changes that are going to be made in the weekly schedule like now having district meetings Tuesday mornings after personal study, and he's set a new standard for everyone to talk to 10 people outside of normal planned contacting. He's really been stressing everyone on being 100% obedient and making sure that everyone is working hard to accomplish our goal of having 200 baptisms for the year. This was a goal that was set for 2010, but was not reached, and now the goal is extended to have the 200 baptisms by June.
Thank you for all the love and support I feel through your emails every week. And happy birthday mom!!!! I look forward to filling you in next week on all the new things that will happen with transfers! I love you all!
Elder Myers

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