Monday, February 28, 2011

La Multi Ani Tata !

Hey every one, and Happy Birthday Dad! Sounds like you've all had a pretty awesome week! IT SNOWED?????????? I think the last time I remember it snowing in Chico was when I was like 9 or 10! That's so awesome! The shed looks good dad, you've made a lot of progress! I absolutely loved all the pictures you both sent me, it was fun seeing Jack and David, and man, Tristan is getting big! His features are definitely a lot more defined since the last picture I saw of him. And actually, Mom, that would be awesome if you could send me copies of those pictures. I still haven't gotten a flash drive yet, maybe later today i'll actually get one haha, That's really cool that Erik played guitar for you all; you should tell him to play more. 
So this week's been pretty crazy, and it went by super fast. Zone conference was fun, no one from my MTC district is in my zone, but there are some from the MTC group before and after mine, so it was really fun seeing them, and getting to know other missionaries as well. All the food for the conference was traditional Romanian food made by members of the branch there in Sibiu, and it was soooo good!!! We weren't able to meet with half the people we wanted to because of zone conference, but its all good, we'll make up for it this week! I can't believe that it's almost March, and there's only 2 whole weeks left in this transfer! We've got a lot of work to do. Tomorrow the zone leaders are coming from Sibiu for exchanges, and I'll be going back with one of them to spend Wednesday in Sibiu so that will be really cool! From what I saw of the city at zone conference, I really liked it, its a beautiful city, a little smaller than Cluj, and with it's own flavor.
So our lessons with Gyongyi are going well, she wasn't able to come to church on Sunday, but she promised she would next week. We're almost done teaching her the Plan of Salvation, and then we will be going over the commandments. Once we get through all of the commandments, she will be ready to be baptized! She has completely quit smoking and drinking coffee, something that is just a miracle! She told us that she simply has no desire whatsoever to smoke or drink coffee any more.

 Our other baptismal date, Ani is kind of starting to re-think getting baptized. In our last lesson with her, she asked if getting baptized meant that she would have to change religions, because she likes her church and doesn't want to change. The only thing she doesn't like about her church is that they don't do adult baptisms, and she really feels like she needs to be baptized. However, she told us that she feels the Holy Ghost when she reads the Book of Mormon, and knows that it is a true book from God, so we're going to focuse on that and try to get her to come to church so she can feel the Spirit there. She hasn't expressed much of a desire to change religions, but the more we learn about her and visit her, the more I see how much she needs the gospel in her life, and how much it will bless her, we just need to help her see that. So we're not giving up on her! 
Other than that, we now have an investigator that the sisters were teaching and he was going to get baptized last Saturday, but after the baptismal interview some crazy stuff happened, and long story short, the sisters are no longer working with him. and we found out that he just not quite ready yet. He seems like someone who's in a really dark place in life right now, and it seems like he recognizes that, and wants to get out of it, but is finding it really hard to give up the vices that hold him back right now. So Elder Vogelsberg and I will be working with him, and hopefully we can help him start a new life! 

Then there's some sad news too, we've been trying to set up lessons with Mihaela (mee-ha-yell-a), but she keeps telling us she's too busy to meet, or to come to church, and that she'll call us when she has time..........basically she's just dropped off the face of the earth. And Dorel, her ex-boyfriend who's a member, has not come to church in almost a month. We're going to visit him and see if we can help him in any way, but it was sad for me to see Mihaela  just give up on everything. She was progressing so well, and making great changes in her life, and now it's just like all that is gone. I'm starting to see how hard missionary work can really be. When you put so much time, energy and effort into helping someone come closer to God, and then they just stop being interested in the best thing that ever happened to them!! Oh well, I that's just a part of life I guess. If someone's not ready, then they're just simply not ready. hopefully she will remember that testimony she gained of the gospel at some point down the road, and continue the journey she started with me and Elder Clonts.
We also have a few other investigators that right now are just kind of sitting on the fence, and we're going to have to see how they committed they are. We will probably end up dropping some of them this week. But it's all good, because there are so many others that have potential still, and that I have a lot of hope for! The Militaru (mee-lee-ta-roo) family have all been coming to church and staying for all three hours for the past few weeks now, and we're just praying for a miracle that the father's heart will be softened so that he will let his family get baptized.
So, that's what's been up with Cluj-Napoca the last week, life's full of ups and downs, and loopedy-loops and you never know what's going to get thrown at you! I'm glad to hear that things are going well back at home, I'm excited to see the pictures of Eli's new room! And I'm glad that me email last week was able to give you a little boost mom! I loved your quote for this week. I've loved all of them so far haha! Until next week then, I love you all and thank you so much for being the amazing family that you are! I'm so blessed to have all of you.
Love, Elder Myers

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