Thursday, December 2, 2010


Buna ziua familia mea!
Ce mai faceti? This week has flown by! It was so awesome hearing about everything that happened on thanksgiving. I'm glad that you all had such a good time with Heather! In her last letter she told me that she had a really good time, and loved seeing all of you. And all the missionary experiences that are happening in the 5th ward? Wow, that's just amazing, I don't remember there ever being that many investigator's coming into the ward! Oh, and sorry I didn't really tell you anthying for what to get me for christmas haha. I kinda forgot...but hey, basically anything you do get me I will absolutely love, so it doesn't really matter. 
Man, ok, so what's happened this week? Elder Bruner and I continue to have really awesome teaching experiences. Our method is that we have a few goals set to accomplish, like commit them to read the BoM and pray about it, or come to churhc, our last lesson we made a soft committment to baptism, which was really cool! But yeah, so we have these goals in mind, then we pray for the Holy Ghost to guide our lesson, and not really plan anything as far as 'oh, you say this and I'll say that,' or, 'we'll start with this doctrine and scripture and then move into this,' but we just let our whole lesson be centered around the investigater's needs, letting the Spirit prompt us things to say, and scriptures to share. Every time we've tought that way, we end up accomplishing all our goals, and covering all the material that we thought would be important for them to hear. It's SO amazing to see the Holy Ghost work through me and my companion like that.
The new district came in yesterday, 3 elders and 1 sister. It was really fun talking to them and seeing their half scared overwhelmed expressions. It made me think about my first day here at the MTC, and just how much progress I've made since that first day! It's also kinda given me a confidence boost for the language, which I think my whole district will need before we head out to Romania! Oh, and also, another thing about teaching, all our lessons the past couple weeks have been all Romanian. My first lesson I was pretty nervous about the whole thing and while I was teaching I found myself focusing more on the language and less on the investigator's needs. One of my teachers pointed that out when he asked, 'how do you think you did as far as applying the gospel to their lives?' and I though 'uuuuhhhhhh I didn't. I was too worried about the language -- haha! That was a really good learning experience for me and since then, I have been making sure that I really focus on the investigator and his/her needs, and showing them how the gospel can bless their lives, and let me tell you, THE GIFT OF TONGUES IS REAL. I know that I never spoke anything near perfect Romanian, but I know that I taught with the Spirit, and that the Lord allowed me to convey such a profound gospel truth in a language that I barely knew, and in a way that touched the hearts of my "investigator's. In my last lesson, we were teaching this guy who didn't believe in God because he couldn't see God's influence in his life. My companion shared an analogy of how God's hand in our lives is like gravity. We don't necessarily see it, but we see it's affects. While Elder Bruner was sharing this, I felt impressed to share my experience of when we were in that huge crash in Idaho, where Allyson wasnt wearing a seatbelt, and I remember seeing the roof dented in around Mom's head, and how not a single one of us had even a broken bone. It was such a powerful spiritual experience, and I could tell that it had a strong impact on the guy we were teaching. All of this I was saying in Romanian, and didn't know half the vocab I needed to explain a car crash and used a lot of hand motions haha, but still, the Spirit was there and testified of the truth of God.
Last of all WE GOT OUR TRAVEL PLANS YERSTERDAY!!!!!!!! We report to the travel office at 5:00 am Dec 14, fly from SL to Seatle to Amsterdam to Bucharest!!!! I told Coralie, so hopefully she will be able to pick me up! Oh man, I cannot WAIT to get out there and start teaching the gospel to Romania! Well my time is just about up, hope you enjoyed everything! Va Iubesc!
Love, Elder Myers
P.S. I got an e-mail from Nate Mckeever, and I can't email him back. Could someone get his address for me? Oh, and if you can get it, I would like to know Erik's mailing address as well. Merci, ciao!

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