Monday, December 20, 2010

Email From Romania

Shane's flight was due to arrive in Bucharest at about 3:30 pm on the 15th. None of us were sure how or when word would come to us regarding his arrival and assignment. We just knew he was in good hands and all must have went well or we would have heard something. Each  mission is supervised by a Mission President and his wife. They sort of become the mother and father of the missionaries while they are away from home. They teach, train, advise and watch over them as well as give them their assignments. Saturday afternoon we were thrilled to receive the following e-mail from the Mission President's wife:

Dear Families,

I'm sorry this is so late in coming.  We've had a crazy week, and I didn't get all of your email addresses from your missionaries before they left town.  However, I want you all to know that your missionaries arrived in Bucahrest safely and all are in good spirits.  They've each been given their first companion and are hard at work.  I saw several of them last night at their Christmas party/devotional/dinner, and will see the others within the next few days at theirs.  We are thrilled to have them here with us.

Plan on hearing from your missionary on Mondays, which is our preparation day.  A few of them will be off schedule this coming week because of traveling to the city where their Christmas party and training will be held.  If you don't hear from them Monday, you should hear from them for sure by Tuesday.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful missionaries with us and the people of Romania and Moldova.  Have a Merry Christmas.

Sora Lundberg

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