Monday, December 20, 2010

Shane's Phone Call!

Missionaries are only allowed to call home on Christmas Day, Mother's Day, and while in transit to a foreign country, so phone calls are precious and memorable events during their two year service. Tuesday the 14th Shane called us from the Seattle airport during a three hour layover (which turned into a four hour layover).  Mort took the time off work, and Allyson cam over with Ember and Tristan. It was great to hear his voice and get immediate responses to our questions. We had the phone on speaker mode, so everyone shared in the conversation. Ember and Tristan added their gurgles, coos, and happy noises in the background,  which Shane really enjoyed. He was excited to be on his way to Romania, and glad to be back out in the real world again. I had been missing him quite a bit the previous few days, and talking to him was my cure.  His itinerary included a ten hour flight to from Seattle to Holland, a three hour layover there, and then a flight to Bucharest, Romania. We settled in to wait for word of his arrival there.

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