Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas From Cluj

Hey everyone! Thanks for the awesome emails mom and dad! That's cool that hearing me talk about my experiences brings back all those memories for you of your mission dad! Oh and not to sound rude or incensitive, but you've got nothing to worry about with me, I wasn't crying at the end during our skyp call. It was so awesome to be able to see everone, and Ember and Tristan are soooo cute!! I was just so extremely thankful that I could see all of your faces! It was the perfect Christmas present. I actually haven't really been homesick. I did feel a little down on Christmas morning, but it's hard to keep feeling that way when you go caroling and get your faces stuffed with sarmali and baked goodies! I've really felt the homey family Christmas-y feeling here with the other missionaries and the branch members. And when I get my presents from you all back home, It will be like having Chrismas all over again!
So I just read an email from Adam, he told me about the baptism he had in November, but didn't say he had another one in January! Apparently his mission allows him to email other missionaries, but mine does not, so I guess if you get have the Vosses let him know that he'll have to wait for some snail mail from me that would be nice. Oh and I was going to send you some pictures this week, but I forgot to bring my stuff to upload pictures from my camera onto the computer. We have to go to internet cafe's to do email. So I will have to send you picures next week. So you asked about the living situation with the missionaries, Elder Clonts and I live in an apartment block on the kinda eastern/central part of Cluj, and Elder Johnson and Elder Brunner live on the other side of the city, and the Lameraux's - the senior missionary couple here - live in the same block right below us. Oh and as for the whole mailing situaution, I asked the other Elders and they said they've never had mail sent directly to their apartment, so they don't know if it's any faster than sending it to the mission office, so just have Anna and Sarah send their packages to the mission office, that'll be fine. As long as there's no perishables in there, it should be good.
So yeah, like I said over skype, not too much missionary work has been done, because everybody's so busy with the holidays. We've had about 4 lessons total this week. Actually, yesterday we had a lesson with a friend of a member and her daughter that was really cool. So there's this guy in the branch named Dorel, he's about 29 or so and looks and acts just like Mr. Bean, haha, he's a pretty funny guy, super friendly. He made a bunch of food a couple nights before, and invited all the missionaries to his house for lunch after church yesterday. He also Invited a friend of his named Mihala (I think) and her son Denis to church for the Christmas program, and then to his house for lunch. After lunch we had a lesson with her and talked about Christ and His atonement, and also the restoration of the gospel. It was awesome having Dorel there, he was able to explain things to her really well. The Spirit was really strong during the whole lesson, and she said that she wanted to come closer to Christ. We gave her a BoM, and invited her to pray about it, now we're just waiting to find another time when we can all meet and have anther lesson. That was probably the best spiritual experience I've had this week.
That's really cool hearing about your experience teaching Relief Society mom! I'm just constantly amazed at how Christ works in our lives and how the Holy Ghost can have such an impact on people when they are open and receptive to its teachings. I've started reading Our Search for Happiness by M. Russell Ballard the past couple of days. I don't know if any of you have read it or not, but you should, it's really good! It explains what we believe in and the history of the restoration so well, it's a great missionary tool. (That's probably why it's one of the few books we're allowed to read).
Oh, and I got Grandpa Gary and Grandma Linea's Dear Elder in my email today, so people can send me stuff through Dear Elder, but just make sure they send it to my emial I guess...That's awesome that Heather's staying with you all Tuesday, I hope you all have an awesome time! Get caught up on your book club haha! Well today for P-day we are going to Pizza Hut for lunch, and then going ice skaying in Centru, so that will be fun! It's been snowing a ton all day today (ironically, it rained on Christmas day) so everything's covered in fresh powder thats absolutely beautiful!
My language comprehension is slowly starting in increase, although it can still be a little frustrating at times to be three or four sentences behind everyone during a lesson haha. That's where you just have to rely on the Spirit right? I'm not really too worried about it, just making sure that I'm working my hardest to stay on task, follow all the rules, and study up! Well, It was great reading all your emails, I look forward to them every week! I love you all so much! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
Love, Elder Myers

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